
Got it
I have changed my flag to India, now back and forth. Thanks.
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Reactions: SKC
@haldilal @hit&run and others, what’s the criteria for Senior Member?
The trophy system is being tested. The criteria is a certain number of posts. For a test run, few members were given those positions if one may say so. The banners were created and appropriate coding was done. Currently, these trophies are on hold for various upgrade plans.
Is there a reason we don’t have a banner on the home page of the forum like DFI? @SKC
@SKC @hit&run this guys is trying to register but cant i cross checked too on my own tried to created a dfi account but faced the same problem

He faced the same with computer system too
his email is same as in the screenshot

search doesn't provide satisfactory results, search was for India uk relation, and it omitted "uk"

Search results for query:​

  1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: uk
Congratulations and Kudos to Admins for resolving the registration issue. 17 more have just became members, including Kuntal Biswas.
Please reach out to people online again and encourage them to register here.
Is there a way to add 🤮and 🤡 in reactions. There two are very much required.

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