"Sub-optimal" is a generinc word.
What exactly is sub-optimal?
Every Naval jet is inferior & sub-optimal to its AF couner-part bcoz of heavier LG & structure, bigger folding wing.
The most optimal plane would be simplest cylindrical one with simple wing, like MiG-21.

If AMCA cannot be modified then how was F-35 A/B/C modified from X-35?
How was Rafale modified?
Most 5gen & 6gen jets have identical fuselage shape due to planform shaping & IWB - F-22, F-35, FCAS, GCAP, AMCA, Kaan, J-20, J-35. The dimensions, aspect ratios & angles are slightly different.
If ADA says modifying AMCA for IN would be sub-optimal then do they have any preliminary optimal stealth naval design to produce confidence among citizens?
TEDBF is highly sub-optimal design from 5/6gen PoV.
If a cleansheet design has not been initiated then some day it has to start. When will that day come? "Better to be late than never, but how much late? Too much late actually becomes never" 

Hence there is no ISO standard or formula for optimal combat jet design.
It depends on era to era, what kind of tech/aspect is prevailing, primary, more priority.
It depends on what kind of jet is being made.
It also depends on decision of makers. For example J-20 is heavily criticized for its canards, etc but if Chinese scientists want it & consider it as priority then what can anybody do?
Su-57 is criticized for exposed blocker & levcons from RCS PoV.
F-22 has lowest RCS but still can be said to be sub-optimal bcoz it didn't have EOTS, IRST, HMDS, etc & ow getting MLU. F-22 was optimised from YF-22 which was redesign in just 3-4 months from initially proposed design.
F-35 has been heavily criticized as it couldnt supercruise, didn't have TVC, bad gunfighter, now getting ECU & other MLU. F-35 was optimised from X-35.
The very word UPGRADE means something was sub-optimal.
F-35-B's lift fan is very delicate thing & accidents have been happening. The fan connsumes precious space for fuel, etc. We don't need VTOL jet.