Turkiye: News, Discussions & Updates.

Ministry of National defense has announced that national aircraft carrier project , national submarine project and air defense destroyer project had steel cutting in the last days of 2024. Hence we may see first tf-2000 air defense destroyer being launched in 2027-2028, first submarine in 2028-2029 and aircraft carrier 7-8 years from now.

View: https://twitter.com/tcsavunma/status/1874772740651037096?t=C94LXJO12rkn8UUtY5zcjg&s=19

View: https://twitter.com/T_Nblty/status/1874745890315141152?t=iDMUby4ZSAYGqB9_LWYhFA&s=19
In the last 2 days, 2 istif class frigates which are f-516 and f-517 have been launched to sea. After installations, next year they will start sea tests.currently 7 istif class frigates being constructed and 1 istif class ship ,f-515 has been delivered.

View: https://twitter.com/halukgorgun/status/1878105997220118945?t=e9Szj1rO1jqbD4aoETV6cg&s=19

View: https://twitter.com/T_Nblty/status/1877750841995612671?t=8EXiz8KiPqGMWk_TGQ5lRQ&s=19

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wVv0j_X5tyM&pp=ygUQVGNnIGlzdGFuYnVsIHN0bQ%3D%3D
100 armoured vehicles with national BMC power engines have been delivered.
90 vuran vehicles and 10 kirpi II armoured vehicles.

View: https://twitter.com/T_Nblty/status/1877748376852140380?t=O1y4zRDUDXr6v2C6YLecyQ&s=19

View: https://twitter.com/SavunmaSanayii/status/1877739831427547172?t=JztvbEb5jTE8dbXaTmtp0w&s=19

Engines which are used in these 100 vehicles were delivered last year to BMC by bmc power engine company.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U5vC-29ubkU&pp=ygUOYm1jIHBvd2VyIHR1bmE%3D

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