United Kingdom - Domestic Politics, News & Updates

View: https://twitter.com/AndrewGold_ok/status/1879977816038731999?s=19

This is sickening! @recusant_raja reveals NAMES in the Labour Party who were hiding the grooming gangs in order to secure VOTES from imams in the communities.

Full video here on X.

Reply with what most shocked you - and spread it far and wide, because the people named here absolutely won't like that.


0:00 Raja Miah Highlights
1:30 Raja Miah’s Incredible Work
4:30 Failure of DBS Checks & Mosques Led By Offenders
7:00 Postal Votes & Labour’s Involvement
8:30 Islamic Cartels Collecting Postal Votes
10:30 Islamification of the UK 14:30 The Grooming Gangs
17:30 Labour: ‘Daddy’ is one of Ours
20:30 Oldham’s Shisha Bar Grooming Gangs
22:50 Labour Threatened to Sue Raja
25:30 Magistrate Asking Raja For Help
27:30 The Labour Leader Who Laughed at Raja
30:00 Bare…Faced…Lies!
32:30 The Police Missed 9 Times!
34:00 What About White Gangs
36:00 Mayor Andy Burnham Shoulda Known Better
38:10 What Maggie Oliver Had to Do!
40:30 Operation Hexagon!
45:10 How We Fight the Cover-Up
46:30 Dangerous People After Raja
49:00 Should We Have Compulsory Voting
53:00 Does Raja Feel Any Hope?
55:10 Mothin Ali & The Palestine Flags
57:30 Labour Making Muslims Feel Fear
1:00:30 A Heretic Raja Admires:

We're witnessing something historic & unprecedented in a country on whose empire the sun wasn't to set in a 1000 years & whose ships were supposed to rule the waves, barely a century ago.

The process of the Brits cuckolding their entire nation en masse.

All I can say is Alhamdulillah!
Brilliant :ghelyon:

View: https://twitter.com/FT/status/1892965871661752455?s=19

View: https://twitter.com/jai_menon/status/1893180544441294964?s=19

This is a perfect example of the tried and tested tactic of Britain trying to play the vulnerable innocent in the unfolding Euro-Atlantic drama. What is happening now, the degrading of the European mainland into a chaotic security vacuum, is exactly the result that Britain wishes, in fact.

It is the natural consequence of its "Brexit strategy" which started with the call for a referendum in 2013 by David Cameron (what specifically prompted him to call for one?). Britain began the campaign to extract itself from the EU at about the same time that the Ukraine "battering ram" campaign against Russia started in earnest with the Maidan coup.

By 2016, both were well in play, and Brexit happened. Now, back to its pre-war status as a lone ranger on the European side of the Atlantic, Britain was free to play its age old game of empires. That was the strategic bet its establishment made.

And the goal was clear, to get ensure that Russia and Germany never get cosy and integrated - because that would mean a strong, stable Eurasian landmass in which Britain had no real leadership position. That was unacceptable, so no Nordstream, no peace between the two strong continental European powers.

The Americans were subtly, and almost certainly the result of a clear strategem, led into this conflict - not that there was a fundamental disagreement on weakening Russia. I don't think they signed on for chaos in Europe though.

The only spanner in the works was Trump, in 2016. Enter Christopher Steele, "former" MI6, and Russiagate, etc. One day, this story will be fleshed out by people with better access to information.

The problem is that the strategic gambit has failed, or to put it differently, the victory is a pyrhhic one at best. Instead of a long-term division on the Eurasian mainland, you may well see a totally opposite outcome although it does not look that way at the moment at all.

I suspect those parts of the British establishment which run these things have begun to realise this. Hence the vulnerable innocence play. What you will see in action however, is effort to get closer to "our European partners", more effort to bring Turkey into the discussion on future solutions, and quiet outreach to China.

To an observer of UK foreign policy since some time, every word written there rings true. Truly , there's no nation or people as vile, crooked & deceitful as the English.

They're single handedly responsible for nearly a dozen hot spots across the globe.

But karma is catching up. They deserve every bit coming their way & more. Unfortunately most of us will not be around to experience schadenfreude.

View: https://twitter.com/FT/status/1892965871661752455?s=19

View: https://twitter.com/jai_menon/status/1893180544441294964?s=19

To an observer of UK foreign policy since some time, every word written there rings true. Truly , there's no nation or people as vile, crooked & deceitful as the English.

They're single handedly responsible for nearly a dozen hot spots across the globe.

But karma is catching up. They deserve every bit coming their way & more. Unfortunately most of us will not be around to experience schadenfreude.


View: https://twitter.com/KesariDhwaj/status/1893170049994858998?s=19

- The 05 key European nations have 1,250 tanks and 633 artillery pieces (155mm caliber) between them.
- US along has ~4,500 tanks with about 50% held in reserve. And their arty holding is 850 SP guns and ~1,500 mix of HIMARS and MLRS.

- So, it is very amusing to see Europeans commentators, especially the Brits, take a self righteous stand on the Ukraine affair and try to admonish Trump for seeking peace in that god forsaken place.
- The Brits, and others want to fight the Russians to the last Ukrainian.
- Ukraine has been bombed back to the stone age, its young male populations has been decimated in the meat-grinder that the Russians have got around them, and its population is internally and internationally displaced.
- The whole British Army would be wiped out in the Ukrainian battlefield in a matter of months, if not weeks, but the perfidious Brits want the war to continue because, well, what goes my fathers?
- It is the stupid Ukrainians who are getting killed and dying to keep the Bear in check for the rest of the Europeans.
- And on top of it, they want the USA to keep the tap of money and weapons open perpetually.
- On their own, these Europeans can't put together a brigade, forget a division sized force to fight in Ukraine. (The Swiss will of course go on leave on the weekends).
- They think a trickle of 10 guns here, 15 tanks there will defeat the Russians!
Good on Trump to call this BS and seek an end to this stupid war which should'nt have been there to begin with.

He wants Europe to take on the Russians. Good luck to him & them !


Greater Dubai - not very long ago Dubai was a haven for tax emigres , fugitives from the law especially from the Indian sub continent , businessmen & businesses of dubious repute & so on . It still is somewhat the same even if those named above instead of leading ostentatious lives have now chosen anonymity or at any rate keep a low profile.

If you're wondering where did Greater Dubai gain its inspiration from , why , it's Little Britain who apart from indulging in all the above practices is also a world financial centre thanks to Maggie Thatcher & her policies which has seen continuation till date.

If you're wondering what would Little Britain do once their economy has slumped further , look no further , they'd actually start officially patronizing these elements not that they aren't doing so as of now though it's low key at the moment.

Greater Dubai - not very long ago Dubai was a haven for tax emigres , fugitives from the law especially from the Indian sub continent , businessmen & businesses of dubious repute & so on . It still is somewhat the same even if those named above instead of leading ostentatious lives have now chosen anonymity or at any rate keep a low profile.

If you're wondering where did Greater Dubai gain its inspiration from , why , it's Little Britain who apart from indulging in all the above practices is also a world financial centre thanks to Maggie Thatcher & her policies which has seen continuation till date.

If you're wondering what would Little Britain do once their economy has slumped further , look no further , they'd actually start officially patronizing these elements not that they aren't doing so as of now though it's low key at the moment.

Their economy runs on such robber-barons from 3rd world nations
So much so that there are richie rich communities of Russians, Azeris etc etc in Londonabad

Greater Dubai - not very long ago Dubai was a haven for tax emigres , fugitives from the law especially from the Indian sub continent , businessmen & businesses of dubious repute & so on . It still is somewhat the same even if those named above instead of leading ostentatious lives have now chosen anonymity or at any rate keep a low profile.

If you're wondering where did Greater Dubai gain its inspiration from , why , it's Little Britain who apart from indulging in all the above practices is also a world financial centre thanks to Maggie Thatcher & her policies which has seen continuation till date.

If you're wondering what would Little Britain do once their economy has slumped further , look no further , they'd actually start officially patronizing these elements not that they aren't doing so as of now though it's low key at the moment.
This is exactly how these brits run their economy - by providing shelter to the looters and the oligarchs of the world and making them spend.

Sabka hai, Russians, Azeris, assorted Africans, Gulf Sheikhs, Indians( e.g Vijay Maal Le Gaya ), Pakistanis and many more

It is how Londonabad continues to be

View attachment 26492

I knew you would post it here.

Greater Dubai - not very long ago Dubai was a haven for tax emigres , fugitives from the law especially from the Indian sub continent , businessmen & businesses of dubious repute & so on . It still is somewhat the same even if those named above instead of leading ostentatious lives have now chosen anonymity or at any rate keep a low profile.

If you're wondering where did Greater Dubai gain its inspiration from , why , it's Little Britain who apart from indulging in all the above practices is also a world financial centre thanks to Maggie Thatcher & her policies which has seen continuation till date.

If you're wondering what would Little Britain do once their economy has slumped further , look no further , they'd actually start officially patronizing these elements not that they aren't doing so as of now though it's low key at the moment.

There's a good documentary on this. It's an hour long video, but the general gist of it is how postwar Brittania after losing all its colonial wealth, stepped into the business of laundering money for the world's corrupt through their offshore tax havens.( like Cayman islands et.al) and then protecting them and their assets via their judicial system.

Their entire economy today is predicated on keeping up the value of the pound so as to attract more money.

Worth a watch.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmQK1n-iBFY&t=33s

Also, UAE afaik has started to mend its ways. We are their biggest trade/export partner and they know one of the easy ways to make nice with us and keep us happy is to deport these criminals, which they been doing since the past few years.

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