US: News & Discussions

Good comment by the Chinese individual, but I am probably stating the obvious, that if those ignorant idiots ranting on social media had heard of Bose, or Raman, Saha, Narlikar, Ramachandran, Bhatnagar, Ramanujan et al, would they be ranting so crudely and ignorantly in the first place? How did they get there, by being well informed about the plurality and complexity of India, of its many faceted achievements?
Retaliating against those ignorant morons is understandable, but remarks like America wouldn't be where it is without Indian excellence, are uncalled for and unhelpful. A low key response like Indians are contributing and law abiding, is more appropriate. JMT.

Alhamdulilah 🤲

Shamsuddin sounds like a subcontinental name...

The guy looks like a crossbreed of Arab/Yemeni and black though.

It means "Sword of the Deen" janab can be from any Green
Lips are definitely nijjer but above mouth level could pass for Arab or Subcon

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