US: News & Discussions


Trump administration's relationship with Europeans just got better. Unintentionally or otherwise they're pushing Europe to be independent.

And we all know what an independent Europe looks like. Time for pre WW-2 Europe to emerge again so we get to see inter tribal warfare. And civil war thanks to the peacefuls.


Tesla getting hammered in China. This is precisely what we're looking forward to. Hopefully Chinese EV OEMs will not only permanently damage Tesla but do so to all the Western , Japanese & Korean ICE & EV OEMs in the next 2-3 years , in China & the rest of the world.

By & large this has been accomplished in China where Chinese Automobile Companies dominate . Time for you to do so to the rest of the world. @rockdog

Tesla getting hammered in China. This is precisely what we're looking forward to. Hopefully Chinese EV OEMs will not only permanently damage Tesla but do so to all the Western , Japanese & Korean ICE & EV OEMs in the next 2-3 years , in China & the rest of the world.

By & large this has been accomplished in China where Chinese Automobile Companies dominate . Time for you to do so to the rest of the world. @rockdog
Saala party Badal liye kya?

Tesla getting hammered in China. This is precisely what we're looking forward to. Hopefully Chinese EV OEMs will not only permanently damage Tesla but do so to all the Western , Japanese & Korean ICE & EV OEMs in the next 2-3 years , in China & the rest of the world.

By & large this has been accomplished in China where Chinese Automobile Companies dominate . Time for you to do so to the rest of the world. @rockdog
The more China damages western economy & their marquee brands the more likely chances of the west sanctioning China with harsh tariffs , the more the chances of war , Taiwan or not.

In any case if we have to move to the high table a reset is due. The last reset was in the 1990s with the collapse of the USSR & the USSR & the US got to be super powers coz the previous super powers UK & France were dethroned courtesy WW-2.

That's the only way we get to be a major power.
The more China damages western economy & their marquee brands the more likely chances of the west sanctioning China with harsh tariffs , the more the chances of war , Taiwan or not.

In any case if we have to move to the high table a reset is due. The last reset was in the 1990s with the collapse of the USSR & the USSR & the US got to be super powers coz the previous super powers UK & France were dethroned courtesy WW-2.

That's the only way we get to be a major power.
Not only that it allows non western companies to grow too. Competition is always good. India is always going to be give tepid response to Chinese as well US cars barring few exceptions. Indians like Maximum Value, Maximum bling features, Max Economy at Minimum price.

Only manufacturers in India shall; have bandwidth to play and permute with above factors to give offerings.

If HD and Tesla believe arm twisting Indian Govt will bring Indian customers lined up for their products. The answer is no. Both shall need to develop products only for Indian Market with India taste and suiting Indian pockets. All that requires establishing a new manufacturing line. And for that to be viable you need it to be in a developing country and not in developed country. Even establishing in South east Asian nation does not guarantee always success - ask Honda.


Trump administration's relationship with Europeans just got better. Unintentionally or otherwise they're pushing Europe to be independent.

And we all know what an independent Europe looks like. Time for pre WW-2 Europe to emerge again so we get to see inter tribal warfare. And civil war thanks to the peacefuls.


Vasooli Bhai Trump doesnt have time for these Eurofags tantrums...especially after Zelensky's gustakh at the Oval Office. Apne Baap se istarah saluk ki sazaa toh bhugatna hoga beta...there is no way around.

Independent Europe is more like khayali pulao..they either have to be the neo-colony of America or of China.. or eat up their ego and accept Russia is their daddy next door and never mess with them in future.

Phas gaya tera Europe chakravayu mein..
Marco Rubio, Musk clashed over State Department staff cuts.
Telsa chief accused Senator Rubio of not firing enough people.
Donald Trump defended Rubio, said 'he's doing a great job'.
Trump reminded the Elon that he is only advisor.

It seems the honeymoon between the orange man & the boer is coming to an end. As expected by many people they will be on the collision course.

State department is the place where real demoncrat, deep state.. anti Indian filth lives ..
If Small rubio is not letting Musk clean the place this means small rubio was chosen by deep state themselves for shielding the weaponised state department against deep state enemies abroad including Modi govt…

This is not a good news for India this will ultimately result in mixed signals to Modi Govt in India which will ultimately bring Modi to same confrontational path as Modi and Demoncrats regime
Aisa koi saga nhi jisko Al-America ne thaga nhi.. bahut uchal rahe the ye Euro chaman chomu log.. ab karle ladhai..
all this cribbing by euros is for show, they too secretly want this war to be over, once that happens, they will continue their muh self-reliance song and dance for a while, then quietly make deals with trump. This is exactly what happened in trump's first term except for war.

Euro weapons are a joke, they need us collaborations to even produce them in meaningful numbers, even then they're way too expensive , there is a reason why ukraine never used nlaws and panzerfaust-3 is a large number.
Vasooli Bhai Trump doesnt have time for these Eurofags tantrums...especially after Zelensky's gustakh at the Oval Office. Apne Baap se istarah saluk ki sazaa toh bhugatna hoga beta...there is no way around.

Independent Europe is more like khayali pulao..they either have to be the neo-colony of America or of China.. or eat up their ego and accept Russia is their daddy next door and never mess with them in future.

Phas gaya tera Europe chakravayu mein..
Those who think EU will coalesce into some sort of mega power due to economy + demographics+ tech are living in video game world.

The defining quality of euro foreign policy and geopolitical awareness is pettiness, selfishness and shortsightedness.

There never will be a happy euro family like India because the germanics and slavs hate each other and they all have vastly different goals and objectives, causing geopolitical fractures in Europe.
For eg:
1. Portugal, Ireland, Spain, Norway and Iceland are practically the 'outer Euro nations' and they pretty much want nothing to do with continental politics, muh Russia, etc. All they want, is to be forgotten and ignored, which means they get to go about their trade concerns with minimal fuss.

2. The balkans just care to infight amongst one another and they are the true kashmiri dehatis of Europe: all they want is 'gib money' from rest of europe, to fund them while they do....literally nothing or infight.

3. The Baltics + poland+ Ukraine want to be the shield of Europe against Russia

4. Romania + Moldova basically just wanna be left alone, they realize very well that if push comes to shove, they will be bali-ka-bakraas against Russia, as Germany would defend the hell outta Poland for its own sake.

5. Italy is all focussed on itself and again, rarely wants to look outside of itself, which leves the 3 big ones who play at colonial powers in modern world : UK+Germany+France - their main focus is still trade but they will want to use eastern europe as 'doorstop' against Russia.

All this means, every single great power outside of Europe-be it Russia, China, USA or India-will play divide and rule, will prevent a EU super-nation from coalescing, simply because there's no free chair at the high table and nobody sitting there wants to share power.

If you think Indians are fractured, just go investigate Euro forums/pages on Fb etc - they are FAAAAAAAAAR more fractured to an insane dehati level : at least we dont have tamils and kannadigas hating on each other in the whole 'muh alexander was greek no macedonian no greek fuck u no fuck u' mode.

State department is the place where real demoncrat, deep state.. anti Indian filth lives ..
If Small rubio is not letting Musk clean the place this means small rubio was chosen by deep state themselves for shielding the weaponised state department against deep state enemies abroad including Modi govt…

This is not a good news for India this will ultimately result in mixed signals to Modi Govt in India which will ultimately bring Modi to same confrontational path as Modi and Demoncrats regime

Rubio is a long time pro-India guy, he is in pro-India republican caucus. Thats as solidly and openly pro-India as it gets in US politics.

You have said correctly - the state department is the nexus central of libbu-leftoid-khalistani-islamist-lgbtq nonsense cabaal of US foreign policy.
If US SD was a person, they'd have stage 3 cancer.
What Rubio wants to do, is go easy and do a slow overhaul, given how infested SD is with these cretins, lest we enter the whole axiom of 'the treatment killed the patient'.
Ie, if Rubio too an axe to every guy in SD who fit the above profile, there wont be a SD left. Man has to do priority pruning--->fill spots--->rinse and repeat.
Rubio is a long time pro-India guy, he is in pro-India republican caucus. Thats as solidly and openly pro-India as it gets in US politics.

You have said correctly - the state department is the nexus central of libbu-leftoid-khalistani-islamist-lgbtq nonsense cabaal of US foreign policy.
If US SD was a person, they'd have stage 3 cancer.
What Rubio wants to do, is go easy and do a slow overhaul, given how infested SD is with these cretins, lest we enter the whole axiom of 'the treatment killed the patient'.
Ie, if Rubio too an axe to every guy in SD who fit the above profile, there wont be a SD left. Man has to do priority pruning--->fill spots--->rinse and repeat.

This is the info which I got it seems there are more than 70 global directors in SD, each one has barely few US embassies under thr purview,
It seems during the peak of cold war diplomacy the number was barely in double digits,

And Elon provided the data to Rubio most of the SD directors were trying to appraise ppl on DEI and LGBTQ shit, they barely require close to 7-8 directors to take care of business,

Also most of the ppl recruited in SD seems like comes from activists from US colleges that how democrats has made the system it seems they found almost 90% ppl to be democrat leaning the space for others are far and few between.

US AID is a small minion for SD thr are many heads of these hydras and do remember Rubio was chosen without any resistance from demoncrats also Rubio is not India frndly they all are loyal to thr systems as long as this SD system doesn’t threatens Trump he will keep whatever leverage he can keep from SD filth.

The answer from Rubio was direct and in-front of Trump to Musk, basically dont come to this area and Trump agreed in meeting
X was down, as in nothing could be posted for some time.

Felon has said that it is a major group or even a country/block of countries that are behind & traced it to UKR.

Now, i am sure that some EU nations/UK are behind this, firing from stupid BanderaDunderHead Chulinsky's head.

Wonder what Trump will do as it is an attack on US digital assets.

What son of heaven didn't have the wisdom to point out & which you'd learn the hard way is this - while the west is certainly in decline , for them to be in a position of irreversible decline requires a war much like WW-1 swept empires like ze German , Austrian , Russian & Turkish Empires from the world stage into the dustbin of history followed by WW-2 where UK & France lost their pre eminent status as super powers of the world being replaced by the US & USSR with the nations which provoked the war - Germany & Japan turned into vassal states similarly It's for Zhongguo to attempt to topple the west from the pre eminent position it holds , achieve it's goal but in the process be smashed into 4-5 separate countries like it was said in the beginning of Romance Of The 3 Kingdoms - An Empire Long Divided Must Unite & Long United Must Divide . Thus it has always been , thus it will always be.

It's time for you to be divided . You've been united for far too long.

Alhamdulillah !

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