Indian Special Forces

There is something seriously wrong with that guy's (abindonboy) brain, the way he harps on only the negative(when there could be reasons for it). without a thought just points towards his own faulty mental wiring.
He is not pointing to army's faults, rather asking for personal help for his own sanity.
When there are thousands of people blindly supporting even the most stupid things , i think one man harping only about negatives is not that bad .

His harping is not about the army-men but its procurement system and state of affairs . General public and Service aspirants feed on info from X when you only spread that all is well and no one talks about what's wrong the future Officers and bureaucrats will also think everything is fine and there is no need to change , the people crying about stuff are just bitching .

You know what the army can do to shut his mouth , modernize and prove him stupid takes wrong .
go get a job, buddy. Not everybody has the kind of time you seem to have.. that guy's, & now your, comments have been out of line many a times.
I am not saying that he is not right about a lot of things.
& what do you mean by "you people" ? In your own words people are gonna talk, am just another lay person on this forum, notpart of anybody, neither you nor them.
I can assure you much more nuance goes into army equipment, tactics, then most of you here can even envisage.. there is a reason that you just a chairborne warrior.
I have one sweatheart, I used to have a collection of these books which I keep refering too, that was my passtime read and hobby back in school years and early college. I’m sorry I got free time back when you are supposed to have it

Tell me which of my comments have been out of line, let's have a conversation.

And 'chairborne warrior,’ huh? That’s cute. You talk like you’re briefing the joint chiefs—meanwhile, I’m over here just trying to have a conversation. And what’s with the attitude? You don’t like what I’m saying, fine, but don’t act like you’re running black ops from your mom’s basement. You’re just another guy tappin’ on a keyboard like the rest of us, so why don’t you dial it down a notch before I do it for ya?
I have one sweatheart, I used to have a collection of these books which I keep refering too, that was my passtime read and hobby back in school years and early college. I’m sorry I got free time back when you are supposed to have it

Tell me which of my comments have been out of line, let's have a conversation.

And 'chairborne warrior,’ huh? That’s cute. You talk like you’re briefing the joint chiefs—meanwhile, I’m over here just trying to have a conversation. And what’s with the attitude? You don’t like what I’m saying, fine, but don’t act like you’re running black ops from your mom’s basement. You’re just another guy tappin’ on a keyboard like the rest of us, so why don’t you dial it down a notch before I do it for ya?
Is it that time of the year again ?
interesting, dont see why many of the Tavors dont get phased out by M4s completely considering that most guys form Para SF in interviews say they loved M4s or AKs, not many mentioning bullpups as their first choice. Are they just adat se majboor by this point ?
But why tf did they get green phos tubes instead of latest white ones. You can't get fused thermals ones, fine! Why do they keep taking steps backwards?! LIKE WHYYYY - 15 lakh deke bhi Purana maal
I have one sweatheart, I used to have a collection of these books which I keep refering too, that was my passtime read and hobby back in school years and early college. I’m sorry I got free time back when you are supposed to have it

Tell me which of my comments have been out of line, let's have a conversation.

And 'chairborne warrior,’ huh? That’s cute. You talk like you’re briefing the joint chiefs—meanwhile, I’m over here just trying to have a conversation. And what’s with the attitude? You don’t like what I’m saying, fine, but don’t act like you’re running black ops from your mom’s basement. You’re just another guy tappin’ on a keyboard like the rest of us, so why don’t you dial it down a notch before I do it for ya?
I am lurking on defence forums since the last 16 years, hardly ever make a comment, because I understand that I too am a chairborne warrior.
The state of our forces is concerning, I agree.. but the way some people baselessly rant here regarding everything army is disconcerting.
Interactions with forces officers have always given me a feeling that they are grounded people, well trained in their trade, & that our capabilities might be much more than we let on in public.
Again, not to say we don't lack, we have mile & miles to go.. It is just that the truth is neither here nor there, it is grey.
Army k paas to akkal nahi.. aapke paas hai na, toh lagao.
There is something seriously wrong with that guy's (abindonboy) brain, the way he harps on only the negative(when there could be reasons for it). without a thought just points towards his own faulty mental wiring.
He is not pointing to army's faults, rather asking for personal help for his own sanity.
So gonna pretend to be a psychologist now?

There's Something wrong with your brain( could be a reason for it, probably past trauma), the way you Try to personally attack the character or sanity of anyone questioning YOUR KIND instead of trying to argue with any point, no wonder army are doomed with mentally incapable people in charge.
Go deal with whatever trauma you have then come back when you have attained basic sanity and learned how to argue like a normal human being.
I am lurking on defence forums since the last 16 years, hardly ever make a comment, because I understand that I too am a chairborne warrior.
The state of our forces is concerning, I agree.. but the way some people baselessly rant here regarding everything army is disconcerting.
Interactions with forces officers have always given me a feeling that they are grounded people, well trained in their trade, & that our capabilities might be much more than we let on in public.
Again, not to say we don't lack, we have mile & miles to go.. It is just that the truth is neither here nor there, it is grey.
Army k paas to akkal nahi.. aapke paas hai na, toh lagao.
Toh tu chill kar na bhai, yes there have been a lot of officers and I will also say jawans, sailors I have spoken to and felt they are highly grounded and competent and more often than not they have been young ones, the senior leadership is to blame.

Aur ek aur bat anytime a good guy gets a senior positon he's pulled down by the rest. Gen VK Singh, Col Hunny Bakshi, Brig SS Shekhawat....countless examples

And who pulled these guys down ? Very prominent figures and faces by name - Gen. Vinod Bhatia (of 6 Para who got his fame from Op Cactus), known for converting Airborne into SF, also was the first one to put fake charges on Col. Hunny Bakshi, it all started from there for him. Lt. Gen. Dalbir Singh Suhag tried to undermine Brig. S.S. Shekhawat.....these days I see another guy on insta - Brig Amit Chatterjee ek bari galti se uske comments padh liye the jo bachi buchi izzat SSB ke liye thi meri chali gyi

The point we all make here is, the majority of the army and MOD like any other organization here in this country is fucked. Dont be too proud to compare yourselves with Pakis and say hum inse toh behtar hi hain....Ya your asspirations are to become a superpower and your peanut size brains can only handel so much.

Kya bolun bhai mei ab. If you ask questions as a young officer, it's above your paygrade, if you are a jawan then toh chup hi raho, if you are a hobbiyest then doxx hojao. What the hell is wrong here ? Our army still follows the WW2 era traditions even British left.
Hellfire is a legit guy. His takes are problematic at times for sure but he's actually done stuff when he was in uniform. So he has my respect. The other 2 boomers not so much.
Nah, him doing anything in the past is immaterial if he can't think for a dime's worth rn
The kind of mental gymnastics he did in DFI was evident of him being cut off the same cloth as pahadi chuha
We don't know which NSG unit is deployed there, is that EOD team or SRG.
Without any room intervention why would NSG deploy SAG? Most probably these are bomb disposal team
Im just expressing what I’ve seen. A NSG operator is a NSG Operator. Elitist of elite Special Force of India. Its the top of what India can offer. There is nothing more elite than NSG in India. And here they are, without proper equipment and poor fitness. Looking closer to some terrorist organisations in equipment and otherwise.
What subgroup of NSG these guys belong to is frankly irreverent. Bomb disposal special force operator is definitely not supposed to look this bad.
Im just expressing what I’ve seen. A NSG operator is a NSG Operator. Elitist of elite Special Force of India. Its the top of what India can offer. There is nothing more elite than NSG in India. And here they are, without proper equipment and poor fitness. Looking closer to some terrorist organisations in equipment and otherwise.
What subgroup of NSG these guys belong to is frankly irreverent. Bomb disposal special force operator is definitely not supposed to look this bad.
They're the top nsg unit as far as we know i.e. 51 SAG

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