Chit Chat

Prachand was built for our own purposes, A129 Mangusta selected by Turks for their own purposes
Good that we come to an agreement, this concession is acceptable positions from the previous "Prachand gigachad" statement.

No need to bangle break over phoren platform xyz gigachad meme
Turk heli is gigachad by virtue of being used by its own forces and indigenous content
We can come back and Kang later once we have inducted them in large numbers as well as 95% indigenous content.
Until than our desi maal will get the cuckshed treatment. Why put so much brain in defending an item our own export force do not accept properly?
JF 17 is also export success and so Sitara, hence must be better than LCA which has not been ordered sufficiently.
Saar do you go to an easy sleep knowing that no amount of JF 17 block 3 is superior to tejas mark 1 even if our squadron no is dwindling.
Probably living in the alternate universe where 1 hindu gigachad Tejas mk 1 baniya will shoot down 10 JF 17 block 3 momin.

How long are we suppose to cope saar
Good that we come to an agreement, this concession is acceptable positions from the previous "Prachand gigachad" statement.

Turk heli is gigachad by virtue of being used by its own forces and indigenous content
We can come back and Kang later once we have inducted them in large numbers as well as 95% indigenous content.
Until than our desi maal will get the cuckshed treatment. Why put so much brain in defending an item our own export force do not accept properly?

Nobody is "kanging" over Prachand lmao :bplease:

People are upset over the audacity of that Turkcel to compare his Italian screwdrivered maal to our own domestic design and produced product

And you know very well the reason why the Imported Forces do not accept it, same as they never accepted the Tejas, the Arjun tank, the whAp and i really don't know much more else.

Imported Forces perhaps want another 6 Apaches which can't even fly in Ladakh
Imported Forces want Rafale AND F16/Gripen over Tejas
Imported Forces wanted T90 over Arjun in the past
Imported Forces want Stryker over WhAp
Imported Forces wanted AK203 over INSAS improvements, now they want SIG716 over AK203 because ofc the Amerishart kickbacks are better

If i tag vishnugupt here that nibbiar will probably give you a whole ass list of things Import UN Genrols have scuttled for some imported maal.

Anyway stop overdosing on blackpills, you might turn into a liberal coolie
Saar do you go to an easy sleep knowing that no amount of JF 17 block 3 is superior to tejas mark 1 even if our squadron no is dwindling.
Probably living in the alternate universe where 1 hindu gigachad Tejas mk 1 baniya will shoot down 10 JF 17 block 3 momin.

How long are we suppose to cope saar

Yes saar, let us weep, break our bangles and despair in shadow of the Ola's mard -e- chowmein 3000 black JF-17s

I wouldn't have started blacpilling unless cope Churan was distributed.
Come on this is paki behavior of not acknowledging reality. Won't help us.

AcKnOwLeDgiNG ReALiTy se kya hoga? Blackpilling hi? as if we are some top UPSC passout baboo[n]s or some uniformed Marshall Race Afsar or some top Khadi-jacket wearing mantri to change anything?

Do you expect unnecessary udta teer blackpilling will bring peace?


We may not have as much "ammo" as the NATO Cockroach mulq or the Factory of the World mulq to fire in e-lafdas, but we need not take it in the ass every time, all the time from some mlecch fuckers.

Even on that plebbit post assorted NAFO plebbitors are roasting the Turkroach over the screwdrivered Italian maal nature of their "Turkish" helicopter and here you are blackpilling
AcKnOwLeDgiNG ReALiTy se kya hoga? Blackpilling hi? as if we are some top UPSC passout baboo[n]s or some uniformed Marshall Race Afsar or some top Khadi-jacket wearing mantri to change anything?

Do you expect unnecessary udta teer blackpilling will bring peace?

View attachment 15221

We may not have as much "ammo" as the NATO Cockroach mulq or the Factory of the World mulq to fire in e-lafdas, but we need not take it in the ass every time, all the time from some mlecch fuckers.

Even on that plebbit post assorted NAFO plebbitors are roasting the Turkroach over the screwdrivered Italian maal nature of their "Turkish" helicopter and here you are blackpilling
Good saar if I wanted to do blekpilling I would have done it in Prachand thread.
But this is chit chat thread and we can do our ghar ka dirty laundry.

Rest does not matter what mellech do and don't do we must grind in silence or get crushed under our own incompetence both should be an acceptable outcome.

" the best I can do is destroy my enemies "
Bhosdapillers better go on X to rant their illogical frustration. They can find their brethen there.

It is by God's Grace we have one functioning Gormint run Division that works properly and produced more than 400+ Helicopters Indigenously Designed Developed and Manufactured. By using same Bhosdapiller logic, Gripen wouldn't be Swedish as it's full of imported parts isn't it?

As for the 95% Indigenisation bullshit, they can't manufacture Engines, Silicon Chips, Display Cells, Electro Optics, Lenses and these 3 alone goes beyond 10% content.

Remember that much hyper muh Bayraktar Drones hyped only to find every part is imported ones.
Having given this much thought over the past 4 + years I've come to the following conclusions fwiw -

The Chinese will prosecute a war on both India & Taiwan principally because they're in a state of hubris , the kind the IJA was in the late 30s in spite of counsel asking them to abandon their plans of waging war on the US. Instead the IJA & it's supporters went after those advocating restraint assassinating , imprisoning disappearing & intimidating them . The CCP thinks like the IJA before it their time in the world has come & the west has entered a period of terminal decline which would have been true if the CCP followed Deng's dictum of hiding their strength & biding their time sticking to their earlier time table of retaking Taiwan in the late 2040s to coincide with the centenary of the PRC but that's another story.

There's another reason the CCP would initiate hostilities which is the state of trade relations with the west . With the Chinese economy in some trouble what with domestic consumption being flat in spite of stimulus packages , their entire economy being built around export & most importantly the dwindling prospects for foreign companies in China vis a vis the severe onslaught these companies are facing from the Chinese in their own home countries will neither go un noticed nor unpunished by the west . The arrival of Trump worsens an already bad scenario.

This in turn will severely dent the CCP within China who'd then turn to nationalism to boost their popularity & quell dissent at home . I anticipate this story to play out throughout Trump's term in office . This is also coincides with the successful modernization & theater ization plans towards the fag end of this decade.

As far as India goes , IMO they will try their luck in what they believe will be a short sharp war to gauge their war preparations before embarking on their campaign against Taiwan in some sort of trailer before the movie. This is where all the CCP's calculations could go horribly wrong.

The war against India will be waged in a two pronged manner - one would be on the LAC & the other would be usage of everything they've in their arsenal from cyber warfare , ISR thru space assets , PLARF , PLAAF etc targeting our logistical & industrial network say upto 100 -200 kms behind the LAC .

If Chinese objectives aren't met within say 2-3 months the CCP will get desperate. That's where I see things get out of hand as the war on the LAC will be a classic war of attrition whereas if our logistical network is primarily focused within the LAC itself inside the mountains which we seem to be undertaking apart from developing infrastructure we can frustrate the PLA's attempts at achieving their goals in quick time. The CCP will then start targeting our population & industrial centres deep within the mainland in a graduated manner not just to demoralize us but to destroy our centres of production aiding the war .

They can achieve this by full utilisation of their PLAAF but more than that thru their PLARF . Please do note that Delhi is not more than 500 kms from the LAC & this is true for most population & industrial centres in N & E India including the NE . Unfortunately our dhotis aren't factoring this part in their calculations.

You've to understand the psyche behind the reason the CCP would resort to such moves . It helps to note the consequences of failure for all the principal players involved in this conflict. Xi Jinping has made enemies out of all the factions within the CCP & their supporting arms be it the bureaucracy the government business etc . Even a stalemate will be perceived as a loss by these elements & the knives will be out for Xi . Since he exercises absolute power as in the time of Mao unlike the consultative leadership of Deng & all subsequent leaders post Deng up until Xi , all success would be to his credit . So would all failures. For a person of his stature failure even if it's a stalemate it'd be seen as a failure resulting in a bullet in his head & that of his coterie followed by burial in unmarked graves . Long story short , Modi or whoever is in his shoes fails , he loses the election & spends the rest of his time in & out of office in humiliation & ignominy unless of course he has a stroke like Chacha & the narrative immediately changes from what a xutia to poor chap the Chinese untrustworthy buggers betrayed him just like they did 60 years ago . If Xi loses , I've already detailed what follows.

The dhotis think our Nuclear Weapons will deter the Chinese from escalating , one reason you're seeing / have seen a flurry of tests of BMs & construction / planning of other such vectors. I fear the Chinese will call our bluff which in the absence of a conventional deterrence be it in the form of the IAF or an huge inventory of IRBMs / CMs will not only come back to haunt us but force the leadership then to actually undertake their threat. For in order to carry out our threat we'd have to target one HV location of theirs with say 1 NW in response to their conventional weapon onslaught. Do you see it happening ? If it does they'd retaliate disproportionately . Then what ?

As always there are no easy solutions today & 56" has only made a bad situation he's inherited w.r t defence worse . Lots of other factors going against us which are too many to list but trust you get the gist . Just my 2 cents.

I dont think your comparison with IJN is accurate. IJN never wanted war with USA, they only went to war with USA after USA cut off oil exports to Japan and they wanted to capture Phillipines, where the oil came from. They always treated it as a race - race to conquer Asia before America rebuilds from PH and comes back angry.
The Chinese are not like us, they do not underestimate their enemies they actually overestimate them, is why China always tries 'mass hoarde intimidation tactic' in all of their history.

Chinese war with India has several difficulties China has to overcome - from logistics of crossing entire tibet to dealing with an america that will clearly help India and a russia that will help india covertly. Yes, they can still win, if they activate Pakistan, but under no cicrumstance can China focus on India and taiwan in the same war.
I dont think your comparison with IJN is accurate. IJN never wanted war with USA, they only went to war with USA after USA cut off oil exports to Japan and they wanted to capture Phillipines, where the oil came from. They always treated it as a race - race to conquer Asia before America rebuilds from PH and comes back angry.
The Chinese are not like us, they do not underestimate their enemies they actually overestimate them, is why China always tries 'mass hoarde intimidation tactic' in all of their history.

Chinese war with India has several difficulties China has to overcome - from logistics of crossing entire tibet to dealing with an america that will clearly help India and a russia that will help india covertly. Yes, they can still win, if they activate Pakistan, but under no cicrumstance can China focus on India and taiwan in the same war.
Did I mention the IJN there ? Point it out for me .
Good saar if I wanted to do blekpilling I would have done it in Prachand thread.
But this is chit chat thread and we can do our ghar ka dirty laundry.

Rest does not matter what mellech do and don't do we must grind in silence or get crushed under our own incompetence both should be an acceptable outcome.

" the best I can do is destroy my enemies "
Your entire argument is based on a wrong premise. The Prachand is not yet a mature product . It doesn't have a self protection suite or an EW suite nor have all the weapons to go into it been successfully mated with it . It yet to achieve its FOC.

Where's the comparison to the Atak -1 which has been in service with the Turks for a decade now if not more !

Ditto to an extent for the Mk-1a . No Air Force worth its salt is going to induct these birds in their forces unless we've had it in service in numbers for at least 5 years.
IJA isnt Imperial Japanese Army in your post ??
Did you mention IJA or IJN in your post # 524 ? Aren't you aware of what you've written ? Do you read your posts or mine thoroughly before commenting ?
I dont think your comparison with IJN is accurate. IJN never wanted war with USA
Did you mention IJA or IJN in your post # 524 ? Aren't you aware of what you've written ? Do you read your posts or mine thoroughly before commenting ?
Yes, i replaced IJA with more specific IJN. That is sophistry, since if you were talking about Japan, then my point stands. If you weren't then i apologize and perhaps you can state what you meant by IJA.
Yes, i replaced IJA with more specific IJN. That is sophistry, since if you were talking about Japan, then my point stands. If you weren't then i apologize and perhaps you can state what you meant by IJA.
Do you normally go about your life picking fights or indulging in gotcha all the time ? You must lead a pathetic life then
Do you normally go about your life picking fights or indulging in gotcha all the time ? You must lead a pathetic life then
do you normally act this butthurt about every minor clarification to your post and pick on word play to dodge the point or what ?
The gotcha moment came, coz instead of accepting my argument or criticizing it, you tried to do sophistry to get outta it. one gets what one deserves.
Never said "Their avionics are better"

"Even better probably" is about indigenous content hende why I quoted 95% indigenous content when asked for imperial evidence.
Ok But I still think that 95% content is not correct. Can you tell what indigeous 95% parts are? Can you list? As i said it is like Sukhio 30 mki. You make some parts under license and some you import. Airbus and Leonardo corporate a lot with turkey on heli programs. Thats why many export success.
Saar I think you created a strawman statement of me praising their avionics.

... snip...
You told turkey heli better. So i thought you are telling me that their avionics are better. Anyway Prachamd is better tool for us in himalayas war. Not many countries fight at high mountains like Himalaya. So not many countries will import. Only LCH problem: not many type weapons
do you normally act this butthurt about every minor clarification to your post and pick on word play to dodge the point or what ?
Am I acting butthurt or are you trying to be too clever by half having shot off your mouth & now trying to desperately cover up your tracks ?
The gotcha moment came, coz instead of accepting my argument or criticizing it, you tried to do sophistry to get outta it.
If I wrote about the IJA doesn't it logically imply I'd be aware of the IJN & its stance as well. Besides who died to leave you the invigilator here ?

one gets what one deserves.
You deserve a kick up your ass . That's what you deserve. Unfortunately chutiyas like you can't be dealt what you deserve over the net . Chal bhag abhi yahan se.
We may not have as much "ammo" as the NATO Cockroach mulq or the Factory of the World mulq to fire in e-lafdas, but we need not take it in the ass every time, all the time from some mlecch fuckers.

Even on that plebbit post assorted NAFO plebbitors are roasting the Turkroach over the screwdrivered Italian maal nature of their "Turkish" helicopter and here you are blackpilling

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