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This are the type of videos shitna used to make for propaganda purposes earlier. People there hardly believe any of such videos now as they use vpn
Best of luck understanding female prespective. Its a rabbit hole nobody came out who ventured in.Female perspective is necessary for easy life.
Makes dealing with them easier and you know how to make necessary adjustments and compromise without jeopardizing yourself.
Any spaces where the goal is critical analysis and dispassionate truth seeking will as a rule not have many women, if any at all barring the extreme outliers unless you mandate their inclusion for diversity's sake. This is a feature & not a bug as their presence tends to lead to those - men especially - who otherwise would speak freely want to self-censor, seek agreement through compromise or even worse simp for them which is counter-productive. They also tend to be most susceptible to 'mind viruses', so it is rare for them to go against whatever is perceived to be against the grain currently which is again not conducive to objective discussions because they will eventually shame you into making sure you respect certain 'orthodoxies' that are politically correct whenever they get offended which is very often. There are men who do this too and are insufferable NPCs but it is much more pervasive among women.You know DFB is kind of a manosphere.
We have no female representation here.
Essentially we can get away with saying a lot fo things that we would otherwise dare not speak against a women face to face.
Take it from their perspective, no one likes to be infantalized. Everyone would like themselves to be capable and worth something which other can repsect.
This very pursuit of self worth leads women to chase a career and subscribe to feminist ideologies that provide them the narrative and means.
Areyy saar are you not married?Best of luck understanding female prespective. Its a rabbit hole nobody came out who ventured in.
Get married. You will have to re learn from scratchAreyy saar are you not married?
I thought you were married?
If women actually hated impositions and restrictions, then Is-lam wouldn't have been the biggest religion on this planet.
Believe it or not, women love that shit. All that toxic masculinity, hating conservatives is for those who keep bending down. These same women won't take a second throwing off their wardrobe and wearing a single uniform entire life to please them. And they will justify by saying its a choice!
The so called Hindutva is going the same path as degenerate conservatives in west.
Feminists don't want those "tough" jobs. They want the jobs of the top 1-5% of men. In executive positions. But they don't posses the amount of accountability one would expect from a professional at that position.And in both male and female should accept and respect the physiological difference in their built decided by God and do the job per se as males have higher muscle mass they should do those tough jobs whereas females have better fine movement controll thus they should prefer those jobs.
View: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomenOver30/comments/1goctrw/i_have_no_desire_to_have_sex_with_my_husband/
If the above post is true than I guess 2024 presidential election will destroy a lot of houses
Was any of Trumps Rape cases proven true?
The OP in the post said that here husband is a caring man and he is first to volunteer in social roles and speaks against racism and hemophobia. He had previously voted for Hilary and Biden but voted Trump this time.Absolute state of Americunts, destroying marriage over Das Politeeks
Given they have absolutely fuck all else, no religion, no tribe, nothing this is what they fill the void with.
View: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomenOver30/comments/1goctrw/i_have_no_desire_to_have_sex_with_my_husband/
If the above post is true than I guess 2024 presidential election will destroy a lot of houses
Was any of Trumps Rape cases proven true?
The OP in the post said that here husband is a caring man and he is first to volunteer in social roles and speaks against racism and hemophobia. He had previously voted for Hilary and Biden but voted Trump this time.
It seems Like the two party system is really not working for the Muricans.
Maybe the guy didn't agree with all of trumps policy but he did vote for the one he deemed necessary and kamla didn't reflect that.
Besides I don't think Donald Trumps rape accusation were proven true.
It is not a whitey thing only. Its a libbu thing.It's not two party system, it's because modern wh*tey has no god, no religion and no tribalism at all
The absence of these things leaves a void which is filled with left-right-left ideological scams...
There is literally no reason for burning marriages or having panga with blood relations over muh politeeks
It is not a whitey thing only. Its a libbu thing.
I am a victim of same - i havent spoken to a cousin sis of mine whos 10+ years younger, who went all apeshit libbu on family whatsapp group at time of the whole CAA stuff and went all ' mudi must rejine, mudi bad, mudi discriminating against moozies in immigration, mudi must sent back all illegal kanglus, not just moozies, the hindus too, waaaaaaaah' and got some badhaawaa by one of my uncles, who is like the bro with the chip on his shoulder and total pucca 100% commie harami rich doctor guy coz he will lap up anything anti mudi. After a couple of days of her shitposting, i pretty much went all Gopal pathaa on her, pointing out that WE are bong hindus and our own grandpa family, who's name is the group chat are all facking bangladeshi refugees way back when at independence coz he is from Bikrompur and what she says would've gotten OUR OWN grandpa deported.
This made the commie kaku come outta his commiedom ( coz dad > commie gandugiri) and chastised her. Which caused her to double down on ' ebeel hindoo supremacist, misogynist, blahblah' bakwaas, all the while forgetting that her own facking father ( my auntie's hubby) is the purohit-moshai of the family and whole moholla, coz he does jap-paath like every facking day and keeps like 90 upwaas through the year and is our go-to guy for bhaifota,annaprashan, etc. coz man can just sit in the corner and lead you on with mantras....anyways u get the pic. So now he came down on her like a ton of bricks too.
Which now made her play the ' i am ur only daughter good girl daddy and u hurt me and boo hoo', which pretty much was the del *.* of the whole affair and split the whole chat, whith about half the people not talking to her ( mostly coz of her obvious disrespect to me - i am 10 years+ older, i not only didnt call her names, she came out and actually called me a lundfakir bokachoda - which is like u just got urself killed in family group chat by half the uncles and aunties and half the other cousins.
So this phenomena, is the commie-libbu phenomena, It doesnt exist becaue of lack of tribalism, it exists DUE to tribalism of their own. They see the whole ' global liberal-leftie world order' as a feature, not a bug, kind of like a global religion.
Ultimately, the leftie world order is shaping itself like a religion too, having all the features you would expect of a religion, especially one in the abrahamic mould :
1. A common tenet of commandments : this is satisfied with the SJW, climate change, Lgbtq2s++,immigration, social services, abortion rights, etc. beliefs. These are commandments, not beliefs, since breaking rank with it, is given same treatment as breaking rank with ten commandments.
2. Blasphemy culture for #1 to keep the above group as sacred: not only are disbelievers in said tenets ruthlessly persecuted, their own become personna non grata for showing disbelief in any of the commandments
3. Pseudo religious mark wearing to socially signal their affiliation, as a religious group. What is the cross to the christoid and the skull cap to the moozie, is the cow-nose-ring for the leftie lady and skinny jeans+emaciated look for the dudes in the movement. This is the feature that is the weakest of the 3 in terms of emergence/presence but it is still there.
The average westerner isnt suciptable to this just due to broken family dynamics - which is a reservoir for it, but not a direct feeder. For, the western world was broken in the 60s and by the 80s the effects were there, yet, till the early mid 2000s ( i would say till the stockmarket crash of 2008), the west was actually liberal + conservative : where the liberal side wanted small govt too, just a tad larger than the cons, wanted the ideal of ' everyone leaves everyone alone', no favouritism, true meritocratic capitalist utopia of ' u have everything - house, car, wife, mistress, money,etc of the ' american dream minus christian dummy life'.
This all changed with the stockmarket crash of the 2000s. I know, because i came to the west before that and still remember the times:
Up to that point,the leftie and the liberal were allies against the neo-con bullshit war and vast scale money laundering going on due to the war, while being peeved off at gora dehatigiri vs brown people under guise of backlash for 9-11 and terrorism.
After the stockmarket crash and the immediate pain that followed, particularly in the US, the lefties got the upper hand because the libbus were on the same boat as the cons - bail out the banks and punish the bad guys and life rolls on- which the lefties started to feed to the masses as ' libbus are cons lite, they still side with the eebeel oppressor billionaire class' and started to tap into the classic 101 play of communists that happened in bengal back in the day too : wait for a sudden painful economic downturn to tap in the public pain and rage and turn it into jealousy towards the ebeel rich industrialists who are relatively pain free.
It sounds retarded to people when they hear it, but ' kill the golden goose coz you ran outta meat and is hungry' is a powerful motivator for most humans and it works in driving antipathy.
This was the transition point, this is when the liberal vs cons increasingly started to become lefties vs cons and by the time Bomb-baba's term was completed, the lefties had become the new orthodoxy to counterbalance the old orthodoxy, with the liberals pretty much going extinct or homeless to a large degree
As they say, those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat its mistakes. West is just repeating the same mistakes in a more trashy, condensed version as India did.
Because the west is the situation where the islamists & lefties exploit the naivete and goodwill of the liberals to infiltrate, then take over from within, leaving the liberal to die out or run for cover under the conservatives, which is the historical pattern-standard of ' islamists exploit idiot buddhists & jains to first infiltrate, then persecute them, forcing them to go extinct or flee to the fold of hinduism' scenario.
This is the commie virus/woke virus that has basically existed since the time of Buddha. I am not going to blame the man, for i really do think that he is one of the greatest minds of humanity, but he is ALSO the decisive turning point in humanity as far as ideology goes, as he is the first ' superstar messiah' of the planet, before whom, all the religious big names were mythology figures with godly powers, from different era, different times, lost in the mists of legend, be it moses or perseus or krishna, etc.
And though he had the right idea and came up with some very good observations, he also showed the template for how to gain followers and appeal to people by caring for them.
The woke virus/commie virus is basically a hack into the human psychology of ' lets improve society by thinking of its ills and getting rid of it, either collectively or as an autocrat' and by feeding into the western ego-based individualist system, it gets to entrench itself and entrench its belief system, without understanding the world as it is, itself.
This too, is a feature and not a bug of the leftie mindset : not understanding why the world works the way it does because they are beholden to marxist ideas as core ideology, who's observations of the world are actually wrong and largely influenced by marx's own socio-economic status and being judged as a deadbeat loser daddy in his own time by his own peers, given that he sat around unemployed on his fat arse writing books and waiting for rich friend Engel's charity to show up, while his family starved-half his children died of malnutrition by their teens. This was seen as absurdly untermensch in his time by his own societies, given that this man comes from Germany and in mid 1800s Germany, no man has an excuse to be unemployed, coz your sure-shot bet is find your way to the famed Ruhrland and be a coal miner. nevermind the guy then fled to London and STILL sat around his fatass writing books and starving- in london- the richest city in the world, the utopian dream, where pretty much every desi who ever went to in the 1800s and lived returned as a rich dude. Anyways, i digress but this is a hugely deep topic that former commies like me have pondered and pondered and can go on and on about forever.