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She is desi leftoid living the dream : already married to a yes-man who is punjabi guy ( if you ever wanna see the opposite stereotype of alpha punjabi males and beta bongboy cucks, her hubby vs her cousins group is the polar opposite- never even know there were even more bhadrolok punjabi hindu than bong bhadrolok possible but she found one) and now living in Londonistan, living the ' libbu dream' - which means paying rent up the wazoo, eating out, going travelling with her hubby and proudly adopting the new status symbol power couple of the gora leftie world - DINKs ( Double Income No Kids).We are on the same page, they have no god,relgion and tribe therefore they have the Leftie ideology filling the void and becoming their new "tribe" and religion.
Also agreed that the adherents of this religion are almost as fervent in belief as the greens
Hope your retarded cousin sees the light and is converted to the "right" side
Else she will be a blue-haired, childless, cat lady roastie for the rest of her life
She may end up blue haired lonely cat lady if her soyboy ever wakes up, but i dont think he will - he is your perfect feminist dreamboi : looks like mushtandaa, is decent looking like poorman's Dharam-inder, but when she says sex, first thing he does is finds the strapon.
She is the only artsi in the cousin-line as well ( all of us are either doctors, engineers, tech or chartered accountants, except for the eldest cuz, who is your standard power-woman married to a out of state politician and runs the house+is his secretary and one other cousin, who decided to take his inheritence from dad passing and not go to college but start tour-taxi business and is a hard working no bullshit blue collar desi business guy). She was the JNU type who is the only lauti daughter who went to some uber-libbu college in mumbai, where she grew up and got a degree in liberal arts & marketing.
Thats the career pathway for being leftie shill, because you get your head filled with leftie crap and get to learn tricks on how to appeal to people and peddle your shit thanks to marketing degree.