Indian Special Forces

What a waste of some good talent and experience. This is why it is always better to join NDA, because they rule the armed forces.
Bhai he wasn't interested as such. Denied staff postings - only wanted field exposure even after 40s. Left voluntarily ig

From 18:10. This para SF officer talks about a hostage rescue operation...
Guys, this so called "tank" should have court martialed soon after the operation.
This idiot and his fucked up team doesn't even know how to deal with an active hostage situation.
This idiot waited for 1 hour asking pakis terrorists to leave the kid they had taken hostage, then he send kid's mother to those pervert terrorists to convince them to leave the kid alone. And in frustration of being surrounded and didn't get the chance to fuck that kid's sister, terrorist cut the throat of the kid, that unfortunate mother had to witness the blood and body of the boy with cut open throat..!!!

WTF!!?? He and his unit/battalion don't deserve to be in Indian army, but they are our SPECIAL FORCES...!!!!

The insident happened like this..
A family was taken hostage by terrorists for 1 month, their demand was to have sex with the elder girl in the family and they were having that till father saved the girl by somehow sending her away.
Army para SF got Intel(probably through the girl) and came there, start Mike announcement to let know terrorists about army's arrival.
Then terrorists send 4 younger girls and 2 boys out and took father and younger boy as hostage (they did that because less number of hostages are easier to handle).
Army conducted room intervention and came to know that terrorists were in top floor,
Father escaped from terrorists and ran towards soldiers, soldiers got the father and he informed about the boy held by terrorists, All withdraw and came out of the house, despite knowing that the boy is held by terrorists... Waited 1 hour outside the house, para SF continues the Mike announcement from outside.. Send the kid's mother inside as she volunteered for it(probably got frustrated by the inaction of para SF soldiers and she realises that to save the life of the boy she needs to do something), she goes inside the house and she saw her kid's blood along with the body with throat slit.
was the family hindu or the terrorists own brotheraan ?
So let me tell you something which the officer did not clarify in the podcast.

This incident is from Mir Moholla, Hajin, 2019
Combined op of 13 and 31 RR

This family that was 'trapped' in the house was present with the terrorists for past two weeks. They were being fed and served well by that family. The locals even spotted that 11 year old boy playing football with those Paki tangos in their compound.

They were hardcore OGW's who were in contact with the Lashkar handlers in Pak.

While staying in that house one of the terrorist fell for the daughter (19) of the 60 year old father, so the father sent away his daughter to their relatives. So the tension builded up when the terrorists got to know about it.

So when the CASO started near the house the terrorists wanted the family to stay with them but they resisted.

When the forces tried to get the civies out from the house, the terrorists themselves sent away the mother and other ladies out but kept the father and son.

In the second room intervention attempt by 31 RR, they were fired upon being spotted and it failed.

In the 3rd attempt to rescue while the terr0rists engaged the army, the father escaped from the window like a coward leaving his son behind.

the terr0rists even shot a couple of rounds towards the father, but he ran away

Frustrated brave mujahids, ch0pped up the neck of the 11 yr old kid

The army teams probably thought that the father has escaped along with the kid so they backed off.

The mother of the kid repeatedly asked local SP and Coy cmdr to let her speak to the terrorists. As she knew the 'mujahids' well and they weren't bad people and that they will release the kid upon being requested.

So the army took her along with them inside the house and the terr0rists asked her to come and see her son. So she went near the room and saw the body of her son lying down. Upon seeing this she ran away and was taken down.

Using drones the army confirmed, the boy was dead.

and then the room was blew up using IED's

I think it was a completely logical decision by the officers to let her talk with them as the terrorists were the one's to let her go and she was happily staying with them for the past 2 weeks.

the 3rd rescue attempt was almost a complete success had the father not left behind his son.

The room layout was very simple, just a door for entry which connects it the staircase and a window (quite like the pic I have attached). One terrorist was probably guarding the door while one was guarding the window.

They had good stores of 7.62 ammo, grenades and even a fking Thuraya SAT phone.

We have seen operators risking their all to save civilians in Pampore,View attachment 16405 I don't know what makes you believe that they didn't do it here.

after the operation that mfking family did not even said a word against those Paki pigs. All they could do was accuse the army on indirectly killing their boy in interviews.

Seeing the family's loss, the local magistrate asked the police to drop off all charges against that family for helping terrorists with stay and food.

The police compensated them with money to build a new house and other freebies
But, but, but the civilian Field Marshals with their Param veer chakras in yapping on forums and criticizing the army at every step want the officer to be court martialed. Are you saying that the army knows more about this operation than some random DFB wala who heard about this encounter for the 1st time after this encounter. HOW DARE YOU ? You dare say that PARA SF arent the absolute dorks and idiots like what the brave and experienced keyboard warriors on this forum, make them out to be ?

@hkdas thund padd gayi kalejay may ? Any fucking shame left ? before even hearing the other part of the story, you're accusing someone of being A COWARD and a PUSSY ? You could have stopped at incompetent but you had to go for the coward tag, even though the same guy was involved in other operations which are much more daring ? Still want his court martial ?

I've not said this earlier but barring a few knowledgeable people here, almost everyone on this forum talks on the same IQ spectrum as the people on the Paki defence forum ! Some time earlier on this very thread, there was a reddit post of a kashmiri boy explaining how RR uses local kashmiri population as human shields during room intervention ops with the only exception to this being PARA SF officers. The same genuises on this forum were criticising the PARA SF for being "GANDHINIAN" and not using local Kashmiri people as shields. Now you have a case in which the officer judged that it was best to not risk the life of his soldiers and probably use the mother of the child to get the militants to surrender and the same people are calling the officer INCOMPETENT, COWARD and what not ? Mfers, make up your mind.
Yeah, typical Fanboy reaction when they don't have any explanation to justify failures of their holly cow para SF.



@hkdas on his way to SSB to join the SF and teach the incompetent PARA SF how to be the best SF team on the planet.
Calm down.

Read the whole context of the situation first.
This is not some regular "family".

They were giving shelter to the yahoos for quite some time before they turned on them and took them hostage.

Why should a RR team put their men at unnecessary risk for an OGW family? How does that make sense?
"Bcoz the family is Indian saar. The family had gun over head saar. Its not like the muslim kashmiri population happily indulges in jihad saar. Why didnt the army unneccesarily risk losing men saar ? Why did the officer take his time to assess whether the boy was alive or dead saaar ? Why should the PARA SF officer assess whether to risk room intervention if boy is alive or simply blow up the room if the boy is dead saaar ? Ive watched Zero Dark Thirty on TV saar ? Para SF incompetent saar! Only American and SSG powerful and courageous saar !
Jo bhi differences ho opinion mein, but no one can ignore the fact that he fought good with those fkers in Taj. Kept the pride of Marcos
I remember in one of the podcast commodore rawat said during 26/11 when the pointsman (Praveen teotia) entered the room he was blacked out bcs of night vision and was shot but in the cctv footage they didn't even had helmets so why did he lie ??
watch from 8:26
I remember in one of the podcast commodore rawat said during 26/11 when the pointsman (Praveen teotia) entered the room he was blacked out bcs of night vision and was shot but in the cctv footage they didn't even had helmets so why did he lie ??
watch from 8:26

What he meant was as soon as he entered from a room well illuminated to a darker room, his vision was blacked. Even Praveen Teotia said it, that he wanted-4-5 minutes to adjust his eyes vision for the dark room.
What he meant was as soon as he entered from a room well illuminated to a darker room, his vision was blacked. Even Praveen Teotia said it, that he wanted-4-5 minutes to adjust his eyes vision for the dark room.
No no I was talking about night vision he said they had it , but in reality they didn't
I remember in one of the podcast commodore rawat said during 26/11 when the pointsman (Praveen teotia) entered the room he was blacked out bcs of night vision and was shot but in the cctv footage they didn't even had helmets so why did he lie ??
watch from 8:26

the commodore sahaab here is lying. Thanks in large to the CCTV footage because of which we can call out his, and in a broad scope, MARCOS's lies.

1) None of the MARCOS had night vision. Infact only 1 MARCO had a helmet during the entire room intervention.
2) Commodore sahab says the MARCOS weapon was MP5 but we can see in the CCTV video that only about 2-3 MARCOS had MP5. The rest, about 5-6 had AK's. Even Pravin Teotia had an AK.

Pravin Teotia's podcast with Raj Shamani was heartbreaking to watch. Not the suitable weapon for CQB, pathetic armor, no helmets, the light outside the conference room was switched on the entire time, the grenade not exploding and most importantly, Pravin's buddy i.e. the officer chickening out of the room and not going to retrieve Pravin again. I can cut him some slack for exiting once Pravin went down (might have been the SOP, who knows) but the guy didnt even try to retrieve Pravin. the footage shows he was just standing there and then he threw tear gas in the room. Didnt really understand this move. The terrorists could have just opened a window. On top of that, if he had planned another entry in the room, then as he didn't have any masks, wouldn't he also face the same gas some time later and hinder his operation ?

If you watch the CCTV footage after the podcast, one can assess that the operation might have been a "success" according to MARCOS such that that they did rescue many hostages and slowed down the terrorists but the room intervention was an utter failure.
the commodore sahaab here is lying. Thanks in large to the CCTV footage because of which we can call out his, and in a broad scope, MARCOS's lies.

1) None of the MARCOS had night vision. Infact only 1 MARCO had a helmet during the entire room intervention.
2) Commodore sahab says the MARCOS weapon was MP5 but we can see in the CCTV video that only about 2-3 MARCOS had MP5. The rest, about 5-6 had AK's. Even Pravin Teotia had an AK.

Pravin Teotia's podcast with Raj Shamani was heartbreaking to watch. Not the suitable weapon for CQB, pathetic armor, no helmets, the light outside the conference room was switched on the entire time, the grenade not exploding and most importantly, Pravin's buddy i.e. the officer chickening out of the room and not going to retrieve Pravin again. I can cut him some slack for exiting once Pravin went down (might have been the SOP, who knows) but the guy didnt even try to retrieve Pravin. the footage shows he was just standing there and then he threw tear gas in the room. Didnt really understand this move. The terrorists could have just opened a window. On top of that, if he had planned another entry in the room, then as he didn't have any masks, wouldn't he also face the same gas some time later and hinder his operation ?

If you watch the CCTV footage after the podcast, one can assess that the operation might have been a "success" according to MARCOS such that that they did rescue many hostages and slowed down the terrorists but the room intervention was an utter failure.
Yes, they had no helmets.

Even in this pic while Marco Praveen was being evacuated he can be seen wearing that same cheap BPJ as shown in video.

Blood ozing out from Ear's and nose

But his claims that he was left behind in that room by his buddy were shocking. Idk maybe true?

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