Indian Economy

High taxes, Distribute freebies instead of using that tax money for infra, education, industrialisation etc

Except that these aren't even the reasons why they have slowdown in some segments.

Distributing more 'freebies' on the lines of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi would have actually helped revive some demand and the FMCG cos would cry a bit less. Instead, they are sitting on a giant pile of cash (which they cannot even spend because the gormint lacks the state capacity to undertake big capital infusion pushes).

Heck, govt spending (as a % of GDP) was actually contracting as recently as a few months back!

I really wish they handed out the 'freebies' you are bashing them for. A bunch of states handing out some chump change (ladli behna etc) in the run up to the elections does not really move the needle by much.

Tight monpol + tight fispol in an era when we needed fast growth to move ahead....

But then again, the abuses are directed at a rubber stamp (who likely does not even have enough authority over her babus) and not at leaderji so he keeps getting away with it.

Sad thing is, I can't even criticise BJP for this as Congress will also do the same maybe even worse.

They would be way way way worse than this. ABV did not leave behind the kind of fiscal discipline the incumbent has managed to amass and yet, Maino and co managed to unleash the kind of economic terrorism which fucked the entire banking sector with their buddies at the NAC (who were actual commies and anti-nationals) drafting a new 'rights' bill every other day.

Clown prince would wreak havoc with our fiscal health.
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Unknowingly we are spreading unneccessary hate and misinformation against GST and Nirmala Tai via these jokes and memed.

The Popcorns are not currently out of GST, just the re-alignment of GST slabs happened. Similarly, for sale of Secondhand cars, it was already under 12% GST slab and now moved to 18% slab. Also, the tax would on the profit only not on the whole amount for which the car is getting sold.​
Bajapa need to push their reforms along with state government.

Things like Farm laws, labor code, PM Mitra, updated SEZ were in back burners. Centre themselves need to step up and they also streamline the GST which they promised years ago. Paying 28% for cars is crime.
Those who like to keep claiming that 'rapes are underreported' as a rationalisation for the numbers they encounter will still say this if those numbers were 10x what they happen to be. There is no reason to believe underreporting happens only here and not anywhere else in the world unless you've hopelessly succumbed to certain stereotypical narratives which are only meant to used as a reason to claim that there is a need for some 'heathen civilizing'.
rapes are underreported everywhere on the planet and the distribution data is roughly between 70-95% being unreported in various countries according to their own data sets.
However, rape per capita data in humanity varies by a factor of 70x : countries like Japan,UAE, Singapore etc bat at 70x better per capita than almost all western nations. Even nations like India yeild 15-20x better than the median western average.

Any do takke ka math fuddu like me will be able to confirm that if you claim ' MUH UNDERREPORTING' to be the cause, then you are math idiot, coz reporting factor being 0.3x-0.05x (a gap of 6x) cannot be the explanation for yeild gap of 70x or 20x.
Math no worky.
rapes are underreported everywhere on the planet and the distribution data is roughly between 70-95% being unreported in various countries according to their own data sets.
However, rape per capita data in humanity varies by a factor of 70x : countries like Japan,UAE, Singapore etc bat at 70x better per capita than almost all western nations. Even nations like India yeild 15-20x better than the median western average.

Any do takke ka math fuddu like me will be able to confirm that if you claim ' MUH UNDERREPORTING' to be the cause, then you are math idiot, coz reporting factor being 0.3x-0.05x (a gap of 6x) cannot be the explanation for yeild gap of 70x or 20x.
Math no worky.

In India 84% rape cases are fake where Accused got acquittal.

98% dowry cases are fake as per Supreme Kotha.

70% divorce happened or initiated due to women and end getting heavy alimony.

I don't know what obsession people get here discussing about unreported crime against women??? It's infact over reported.

What kind of disease men are suffering now days?? Is women has become everything in the life?? No parents, no relatives or friends. It seems women and dog well-being has become new religion of humanity.

Come on. Come out from this shit hole.


economy is in complete freefall. This low IQ government still thinks Q2 was a temp blip. We are heading straight for 5% growth. At this point, it is completely clear Modi has 0 idea on how to run an economy. This is the 11th year of his rule, and our GDP has yet to even double, with the rupee continuing to depreciate. $5 trillion will be pushed back to 2028/29

I have heard this from you for the 2nd year in a row.
well this year turned out to be true, unless 5.4% growth is your idea of vishwaguru. the worst has yet to come. this sharp fall in capex will show itself in the upcoming quarters.

View attachment 19452
WTF are they doing with the money ? They are depressing consumption with taxes, collecting that money and not even spending it on infra, health and schooling.
WTF are they doing with the money ? They are depressing consumption with taxes, collecting that money and not even spending it on infra, health and schooling.

Not just that. They are also sitting on their ass on PLI, and not speeding up new ones. Just look at this page. Both vietnam and thailand are receiving new electronics FDI every other day. Even India's population is not a good enough incentive. Foxconn is the only big investor here, whereas most taiwan, japan company you might not have heard of, are building large facilities there. Read the thailand one. There is very strong government support done. In addition, they are continuously building clean and green industrial parks on a PPP basis, which are vastly superior to 99% of Indian IPs (with the exception of Mahindra world or MET city). What happened to the component PLI? It has been "coming soon" for more than 1 year now.

^ over 40000 crore investment in just PCB factories alone this year. The problem with India is that none of the politicians or bureaucrats have any sense of urgency.
well this year turned out to be true, unless 5.4% growth is your idea of vishwaguru. the worst has yet to come. this sharp fall in capex will show itself in the upcoming quarters.

View attachment 19452

i have been trying for a week now to find out where this 75000 crore shortfall is from, any specific clues?

for example , 8000 crore of that 75000 crore shortfall is from telangana

Ya'll Maharashtra's Newest Industrial Estate, Latur MIDC.


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