Analysing this config, the MTOW of Su-30MKI is 38.8 tons, empty weight is 18.4 tons, max fuel is 9.64 tons, so total external load is 38.8-(18.4+9.64) = 10.76 tons.
Astr-1,2 AAMs weigh 154 Kg, so 16 BVR-AAMs = 2,464 Kg
R-73 IR-CCM weighs 105 Kg, so 6 CCMs = 630 Kg
So 22 total AAMs weigh 3.1 tons, 7.6 tons still below MTOW.
But such a jet will always have to operate outside the NEZ (No Escape Zone) of enemy missile. The enemy jet also have to be kept far. Loss of a jet in this config means many AAMs also lost w/o firing.
The military have their own version of videogame like simulations, similar to what we see on DCS for example. Many times by use of good tactics BVR-AAMs miss their targets. So just to kill 1 tactical intelligent target many repeated attempts/AAMs could be required. This creates the debate of how many AAMs could be carried on a jet of any class.
MISSILE TRUCK concept is being talked about globally, which can fire AAMs in passive mode getting target coordinates via data-link.
We are already outnumbered by China. I hope we won't face saturation attack.
Although some people say that more than 8 AAMs is not required for heavy jet but Su-30MKI & many other Su-3X around world have been seen with full load of 12 AAMs but single pylon rack.
We are deveoping dual rack launcher for AAMs for Tejas M1A & Mk2 MWF, we seem to be developing dual rack launcher for SAAW bombs on MKI too.
So i was wondering if
Super Sukhoi upgrade can include
dual rack launcher for AAMs also. I'm not saying that MKI needs 22 AAMs but how much we should load it to face larger Chinese group & engage tactically w/o merge/dogfight, SURVIVE & RETURN TO BASE.
NOTE: I request members not to mention what IAF thinks, this is not IAF/DoD site

So don't worry even if you differ with them. This is just time pass. Relax & chill.