AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft

We are working on big brother of cats warrior.
And larger ghatak drone.
Which will be between low cost cca's and expensive unamnned amca.

So we have that covered.
We have lowest end ccs( Abhimanyu from new space for navy), low end ccs( cats warrior), medium end( big brother of cats), high end ccs ( ghatak), top end ccs(unamanned amca)
On AMCA thread, lets talk only about Wingamn UCAVs category, which can fly & fight along AMCA.
Rest types can be discussed in UAV or CATS threads.
If future Wingman can fight & defeat 5.5gen & 4.5gen jets in most cases then fine otherwise waste of time, effort, money.
As examples -
NGAD CCA'll be expected to defeat MLUed F-22 & F-35 & certainly F-15/16/18.
Chinese UCAV like "Dark Sword" will be expected to defeat previous gen jets.
Same thing with Russian & European ones.
Mate how do you find time to write these during Full time job at the ripe age of 40 with a family? I am jealous of you autistic uncle
> IT professionals have work-from-home facility & in 40s everybody is not into continious production work, but managerial & semi-tech or conceptual work.
> I've a huge repository of pics, diagrams, etc so i don't have to search from scratch.
> I've been on many forums since years so i dont have to write too much either. many things are copy-paste with little edit.
> I complete office tasks, then continue to draft steadily.
> I watch news but not cricket, politics, Netflix, etc which most people do.
> My typing speed is fairly good.
> If you are jealous that's your personal problem but if you're calling elders as autistic, then you're the one with disorder. What if kids younger than you abuse you?
@SKC @Blademaster @Suryavanshi , other mods/admins, i request this member to be banned. He's abusing me on messages also.
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> IT professionals have work-from-home facility & in 40s everybody is not into continious production work, but managerial & semi-tech or conceptual work.
> I've a huge repository of pics, diagrams, etc so i don't have to search from scratch.
> I've been on many forums since years so i dont have to write too much either. many things are copy-paste with little edit.
> My typing speed is fairly good.
> If you are jealous that's your personal problem but if you're calling elders as autistic, then you're the one with disorder. What if kids younger than you abuse you?

@SKC @Blademaster @Suryavanshi , other mods/admins, i request this member to be banned. He's abusing me on messages also.
I second this suggestion. He's using the same MO as last time. Provoke a confrontation here & then fuel it on DMs.

He's a repeat offender & has made zero contributions to this forum unless provoking random people on the net & deriving perverse pleasure out of it is the ONLY reason he's here.

Requesting the administrators to do the needful.

Is this a joke ? I recall Ninda Turtle issuing a public statement exactly this time in 2021 asking relevant agencies to conclude their negotiations in a year.

It's been 4 years since his public statement & 3 years since the negotiations were to have been concluded.

Now they're actually taking another full year before the decision is made post which they'd take another year or year & a half to ink the agreement which means work on the proposed TF won't start out before mid to late 2027 or early 2028.

Add 12 years to certify the TF & we're in 2040. That's around the time we get to fit in the TF into the AMCA Mk-2 for trials. 5 years in trials & the FA should hopefully receive its FOC .

Add 2-3 more years for serial production to commence which is more like 2050 by which time 7 th Gen FAs from China & the US will be receiving their FOCs.

There seems to be no sense of urgency or appreciation of the magnitude of the problem the IAF faces , consequently jeopardizing the security of the nation . Total apathy ! Absolutely pathetic state of affairs !!
End of which year- 2025? 2030?

Being optimistic, let's assume Safran agree a 110kN engine deal before end 2025. Will GOI agree to fund the deal and when will they agree?
Its part of series of sweet nothing statements that are issued Biennially. as part of government tradition.
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I watched most of their videos. All generic choreographed talks.
Nobody asked precise questions like discussed on any forums.
Infographic something, static model something eles, slide something else.:noidea:
Some people are fine with anything on IOC jet, whether it will have EOTS or external pod, 4 or 6 AAMs, custom AGMs or not, ladder & IFRP increasing RCS, nobody worries :fyeah::gtfo:
But AI & other 6gen tech will be there :confusedd:🤔
Just a HAND means what exacty? His real name/ID not required but professional profile, what exactly he did on F-35???? Please share the link of portal where you asked.
You can ask well-qualified engineers of Northrop-Grumann & Boeing too who lost ATF & JSF competition, then what should we do, support LM guys or NG, Boeing guys? :LOL: That's why i always tell, look at technology directly instead of who said what.
You asked in general or w.r.t. India?
I already said about WEST Vs INDIA-


Don't get confused & dont confuse others. Clearing doubts is also an art. Ask precise questions in terms of PCM. Obviously, all types of UAVs dont require to be agile fighter, but we're talking specifically about Wingman UCAV profile which i explained multiple times incl. previous reply to you.
The person whom you asked didn't talk about aerodynamics like shadow area, intake low pressure, compressor stall, TWR>1 (Thrust to Weight Ratio) required for high AoA dogfight.
View attachment 24979
And most cruise missiles have been shot down in all current conflicts.
In our future conflicts it would depend how China & Pakistan would be prepared to defend against our subsonic cruise missiles, UAVs/UCAVs & jets. And how we'll be prepared to defend against their assets.

> Again, don't confuse others. How much exactly is your LARGER PAYLOAD & composed of which weapons exactly? Give breakup, like I already explained with table that Light stealth jet, manned or unammed, also needs some minimum payload. So just like the world made Light, Medium, Heavy class manned jets, they'll definitely make UCAVs in different size/weight also. Just wait & watch in coming decades.
The followig kind of advertisements are misleading, wont work. These UCAVs will have run away soon after firing their 2 AAMs.🤷‍♂️:facepalm4::ROFLMAO:☠️

View attachment 24980
But the right UCAV above with side intakes is an example of contnious airflow in high AoA also. It just needs some more IWB capacity for 6 total AAMs at least.

> Using accurate networked target info from various assets like chess pawns, as part of networked warfare, is 1 thing & making manned jet & Wingman UCAV dependent for sensors/weapons is another thing, making them helpless & handicapped when remote link/asset is down.

>Repeating- irrespective of size, UCAV Wingman is supposed to fly & fight along with & like manned leader jet. They'll be facing agile 4.5gen, 5.5gen jets.

Loyal wing man is great idea, HAL should be appreciated for taking this idea and implementing it.

4 of these loyal wing man’s can be attached to a bomber and along with fighter jets that can be deployed just before reaching the enemy air space.

These drones can wreck hovac if these are deployed in large numbers and the dog fights can be turned into our favor.

I am confident that HAL meets the time lines they have given.

People are forgetting one thing , HAL is the integrator. Most of the modules are done by private sector where there is no babudom.

The progress that is achieved also belong to Indian private sector.

The private sector are just at the beginning stage, once they establish I expect world class technologies developed from them.
Loyal wing man is great idea, HAL should be appreciated for taking this idea and implementing it.

4 of these loyal wing man’s can be attached to a bomber and along with fighter jets that can be deployed just before reaching the enemy air space.

These drones can wreck hovac if these are deployed in large numbers and the dog fights can be turned into our favor.

I am confident that HAL meets the time lines they have given.

People are forgetting one thing , HAL is the integrator. Most of the modules are done by private sector where there is no babudom.

The progress that is achieved also belong to Indian private sector.

The private sector are just at the beginning stage, once they establish I expect world class technologies developed from them.
I think IAF-ADA-HAL are agreed upon the loyal wingman concept given that the prototype display for CATS is right behind the AMCA mockup.


Loyal wing man is great idea, HAL should be appreciated for taking this idea and implementing it.

Dear Srinivas, hope you're doing well.
Do you understand basic aerodynamics. terms, concepts like TWR, aerodynamic shadow, compressor stall, profile of a fighter, basic components of aircraft, wing design, fuselage design, stealth geometry, irrespective of manned or unmanned? If not then feel free to ask.
> HAL is just a maker, not designer.
> AI Wingman is a great idea globally. But the current CATS Warrior & all identical UAVs globally are inappropriate design for a Wingman. Lets recall how badly J-36 has been criticized for top intake.
Only non-agile jets ike F-117, B-2, B-21 have intakes on top, not agile fighters. Wingman means a jet which flies along leader in group. So Wingman UCAV is supposed to fly with manned supersonic, supercruising fighter & hence be an agile unmanned fighter itself. It needs to have same or identical range, endurance, agility, TWR, etc. If a member cant stay in group then how can it be called group member?
We don't mix mileage cars/bikes with racing ones. We don't mix horses with donkeys.
Why not make manned versions of these UCAVs?
Manned fighter Vs UCAV, only difference is of pilot & components required by pilot. Removing pilot doesn't reduce threats to aircraft. 🚨 ⚠️
Do you think just 2 AAMs are sufficient?
If we fit 6 AAMs inside AMCA, a group of 6 AMCAs means 36 AAMs which is equal to 18 CATS Warriors. If we assign 3 CATS Warrior to 1 AMCA then the group has 6+2+2+2=12 AAMs, so ONE group of 6 AMCAs is equal to 3 groups of AMCA-CATS MUMT.
After 2 AAMs are depleted these UCAVs will be helpless.🚨☠️

4 of these loyal wing man’s can be attached to a bomber and along with fighter jets that can be deployed just before reaching the enemy air space.
These drones can wreck hovac if these are deployed in large numbers and the dog fights can be turned into our favor.
All UAV makers globally are thinking same thing that these UCAVs will wreak havoc. Both side of borders wil have UCAVs. What so different about us when we are lagging behind all of them?

I am confident that HAL meets the time lines they have given.
Did you watch news? ACM A.P. Singh said he has lost confidence in HAL & you wanna have confidence in HAL prematurely?

People are forgetting one thing , HAL is the integrator. Most of the modules are done by private sector where there is no babudom.
The progress that is achieved also belong to Indian private sector.
The private sector are just at the beginning stage, once they establish I expect world class technologies developed from them.
I as a tax paying citizen also have same expectations, but i hope till then we won't run into major war.

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