Just a HAND means what exacty? His real name/ID not required but professional profile, what exactly he did on F-35???? Please share the link of portal where you asked.
You can ask well-qualified engineers of Northrop-Grumann & Boeing too who lost ATF & JSF competition, then what should we do, support LM guys or NG, Boeing guys?

That's why i always tell,
look at technology directly instead of who said what.
You asked in general or w.r.t. India? I already said about WEST Vs INDIA-
Don't get confused & dont confuse others. Clearing doubts is also an art.
Ask precise questions in terms of PCM. Obviously, all types of UAVs dont require to be agile fighter, but
we're talking specifically about Wingman UCAV profile which i explained multiple times incl. previous reply to you.
The person whom you asked didn't talk about aerodynamics like shadow area, intake low pressure, compressor stall, TWR>1 (Thrust to Weight Ratio) required for high AoA dogfight.
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And most cruise missiles have been shot down in all current conflicts.
In our future conflicts it would depend how China & Pakistan would be prepared to defend against our subsonic cruise missiles, UAVs/UCAVs & jets. And how we'll be prepared to defend against their assets.
> Again, don't confuse others. How much exactly is your LARGER PAYLOAD & composed of which weapons exactly? Give breakup, like I already explained with table that Light stealth jet, manned or unammed, also needs some minimum payload. So just like the world made Light, Medium, Heavy class manned jets, they'll definitely make UCAVs in different size/weight also. Just wait & watch in coming decades.
The followig kind of advertisements are misleading, wont work. These UCAVs will have run away soon after firing their 2 AAMs.

View attachment 24980
But the right UCAV above with side intakes is an example of contnious airflow in high AoA also. It just needs some more IWB capacity for 6 total AAMs at least.
Using accurate networked target info from various assets like chess pawns, as part of networked warfare, is 1 thing &
making manned jet & Wingman UCAV dependent for sensors/weapons is another thing, making them helpless & handicapped when remote link/asset is down.
irrespective of size, UCAV Wingman is supposed to fly & fight along with & like manned leader jet. They'll be facing agile 4.5gen, 5.5gen jets.