5 fingers are different, Everybody can't examine beyond certain point, hence many companies get defunct, sold out. Many engineers also get fired.
> Adversaries are also developing all these tech, so how would we target their UAVs, that's the way we should think. Then we'll realize how enemy would attack our UAVs & we would require to protect them.
> UAVs are of differnt types but
we on AMCA thread are specifically talking about Wingman UCAV fighter. A UCAV which cannot stay & fight along manned fighter can't be called a "wingman". So it needs to have same/identical profile.
> Western economy, industry, affordability, geography, geopolitics, coalation, global agenda, global bases & setup are different.
We've none of those. Westen economies are much richer than ours. Their citizens use cars like we use bikes. Their village houses could be better than our middle income group houses. Our citizens purchase overbudgeted foreign made daily items by which they earn & fund their R&D.
Hence what they can think as expendable, we can't.
The WEST could be misleading the world on unprecedented scale by wrong depictions of CCAs. And it is perfectly fair bcoz espionage & hence misinformation war has always been there. Military can disclose very obvious things but not which others would normally take time to catch up.
> In future of
improved SAMs, AAMs, IADS, that expendability would be = majority assured loss.

it would be like a huge Charity or donation

You also said earlier that after 10-20yrs today's A-MCA might just be MCA as per then tech standards, right?
When F-22, F-117, B-2 were made, there were some people deadly against them. In every nation, on every project, there are always people on For/Against sides.
> By removing pilot, we reduce human loss, but threat to aircraft doesn't decrease.
if you remove components like some sensor, EW antennas, countermeasures, weapons, or reduce considerably, then the threat level increases further & survivability decreases. UAVs become dependant on each other & hence handicapped.
So, Low cost = less features = more vulnerable. They will be like big cruise missiles waiting to be shot down. Same like a soldier with poor level of armor & weapons.
Defence is a costly matter & fighter jet is like racing car/bike. If we mix regular car/bike with them, we can't expect same performance obviously. It is like mixing stallions & donkeys.
The best Wingman UCAV is obviously unmanned version of manned fighter. Unmanned AMCA would be very good Wingman UCAV.
Light/Medium/Heavy, none carry any luxury items, every single component has utility for flight & fight.
In future,
all UCAV are also supposed to be stealthy. A cruise missile can also be stealthy with big range.
min size of manned jet & UCAV is governed by min payload, which whould be at least 2 BVR-AAMs + (2 CCMs or 4 VSR-CCMs) in worst case.
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If not AMCA-UCAV then consider smallest jet fighter like LCA we have. Now imagine its UCAV version with stealth geometry, IWB, V-tail or tail-less. That's your ALCA-UCAV Wingman.
Removing pilot would also remove pilot associated things like cockpit instruments, OBOGS, ECS, etc, what else?
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Why always we wait for world to do something 1st?
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