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Revenge Is The Purest Emotion ~ The Mahabharat
Jul 1, 2024
Good question….. not so good answer above.

In fact the Marathas were poorly organized, badly equipped with guns & artillery and badly lead after their defeat by Ahmad Shah Durrani at the Panipat 3.

The British knew thur paid agents all the Maratha disposition and weaknesses. They set the public against Marathas about “Chauth” (quarter of revenue as tribute). After the British defeated the Marathas, they went back on their terms and imposed 40% taxes and took over the management of the tiny Rajas except the internal affairs. This way the British deceived the public and in turn the rulers who were Marathas.


These are falsified British propaganda that a battle was fought at Plassey.

Yes, the armies faced each other, the British had no chance of winning as they were under strength. Their reinforcements did not arrive in time. That is where Clive played his master stroke. He bribed two generals of the opposing army and promised the kingship to one if they switched side. If there was any exchange that was donkeys loaded with money were despatched to the two generals for switching their loyalty. They switched, and result was that Clive’s, three thousand men surrounded the leftover camp of the King and forced the king to commit suicide and that lead to the victory…… Just to justify a military victory, Clive asked his artillery men hiding in the mango grove to fire over the holdover soldiers who refused to surrender.

Later, he recovered all the money transferred to the opposing generals by threatening them. It is well known although they kept no record that the British looted the Kings treasury and the booty exceeded more than a billion dollar in today’s money.

You can read all this in Clive’s biography and his presentation to the British government after he returned to England.


Incidentally the last King of Kandy who was the last king among the various kings in Sri Lanka to hold out against the British was also a descendant of the Madurai Nayaks themselves of mixed Tamil Telugu ethnicity & feudatories of the Vijayanagar Empire once upon a time whose rule spread all across South India right into Sri Lanka.

This last kingdom of Kandy managed to outlive all the successor kingdoms of the Vijayanagar Empire by a long shot .


To all those who think our borders end with Pakistan's border with Afghanistan & Iran . This is what loss actually means . Physical loss is but one aspect of it . True loss occurs when one loses civilizational memory.

I recall reading Nanasaheb Peshwa aka Balaji Bajirao son of Peshwa Bajirao I , receiving a letter from his brother Raghunathrao , who was on an unscheduled invasion of what's now Paxtani Punjab going on to establish a base in Attock (which incidentally gave rise to the Marathi phrase Atak te Cuttack ), of how unless we ( the Marathas ) conquered Kabul & Kandahar - lands of the Bharatas & expelled the mlecchas from these limits apart from Bharat , Swarajya ( Maratha Rule ) would be incomplete & more importantly wouldn't have achieved its goal .

Even as late as the second half of the 19th century , the townspeople in the bazaars of Kabul referred to the city as the gateway to Hind & saw it as part of Hind as per a British traveller .

Yet today not a single Hindu or Sikh lives there & soon will disappear from what's now Paxtan but what's even worse is we've lost our civilizational memories of what we lost as well.


Successful implementation of all plans by Pranami Gxndu & his principle pupil , something Begum , before her the leftists & the Congress has been implementing in Bengal all along by promoting Malaun lungi infiltration & regularisation of their citizenship & denying it to Sanatanis for which Baudhijibbi Bhadralok & Chottolok have been rewarding them amply.

Allah SWT banaye Jodi , ek andha dooja Kodi.

Alhamdulillah !


One has to wonder why a famous bollywood actresses picked this name for her child??

Sad thing is, as bad as Delhi was - which automatically puts him above anyone in desi Indian history for mass murdering civilians- it is nowhere close to the highlights of his resume for mass murder.

For starters, he utterly devastated Iraq region, where he single-handedly wiped out the Syriac-Assyrian church ( Nestorians too i believe) and made Iraq 100% muslim from being a Nigeria-like situation of near 50-50 isloo-christoo.

For two, he also utterly devastated the entire region of Pontic steppe, ie, the areas of soutehrn Russia & eastern ukraine, utterly destroying the Golden horde and weakening them from being absolute hegmon over Russia and the european east to steadily losing power and fragmenting.

IIRC i remember reading a scholarly article somewhere that Taimur himself is responsible for about 6% of the entire global population of his time being genocided - which is actually significantly higehr than Chinggis.


Incidentally the last King of Kandy who was the last king among the various kings in Sri Lanka to hold out against the British was also a descendant of the Madurai Nayaks themselves of mixed Tamil Telugu ethnicity & feudatories of the Vijayanagar Empire once upon a time whose rule spread all across South India right into Sri Lanka.

This last kingdom of Kandy managed to outlive all the successor kingdoms of the Vijayanagar Empire by a long shot .

It is well known that this last king of Kandy was popular with Buddhists and Hindus alike.
Wignats stole the concept of "Asgartha/Agartha" as well. That too from India. Like they stole and appropriated the word "Arya/Aryan".
"The first published mention of 'Agartha' appears to have been by Louis Jacolliot in his book Les Fils du Dieu (1873), in which he claimed that Brahmin friends of his in Chandernagore had told him the story of 'Asgartha', an ancient city that had been destroyed about 5,000 years ago, shortly before the beginning of the Kali Yuga."
Dr Koenrad Elst once declared that India's enmity with Paxtan isn't new , it's been on since the times of the Rg Veda with Dasarajna being the first such description of a major war between Sudas of the Bharatas whose kingdom extended from western UP , Delhi , NE Rajasthan & all of Haryana vs 10 other kings who were based in what's now Indian Punjab but mostly in what's now Paxtan.



These hostilities kept renewing themselves every few generations & a few hundred years later as captured in the Mahabharata.


And in events before it...

Posting Text from Tweets here:

The Hoq cave inscriptions were recently discovered on Socotra, an island 325 km off African coast. The cave has 216 ancient inscriptions from 100 BC - 600 AD. From these, we can learn a bit about ancient Hindus & Hinduism.

Of the 216 inscriptions, 193 are Indian inscriptions in Sanskrit and hybrid Sanskrit. By 117 different Indians. Many #Hindus, some Buddhists, some can be either.

The #Hoq cave also has 11 South Arabian inscriptions, 8 Aksumite (Ethiopian), 3 Greek and 1 Aramaic (Syria) inscription. A palmyrene tablet (Carbon-14 dated: 78-239 AD). Plus some drawings. Vast majority are Indian inscriptions & drawings.

192 inscriptions are in western #Brahmi script. 1 Kharoshthi. Paleography: 100–500 AD. Five mention city of Bharukaccha (= Bharuch, Bhrigukaccha). One mentions Vidisha (Madhya Pradesh). So, these ancient Indians were from west India (Gujarat+nearby).

Of 117 ancient Indian names, majority Hindus, others: Buddhists, or can be either,
Hindu names linked to Shiva, Vishnu, Skanda/Kumara, Surya, etc. Drawings include Hindu Trishula.

C-1: #Hinduism thriving between 100 BC-600 AD, same deities back thenC-2: Hindu names similar in 100-600 AD (e.g. Ajit Varma, Rudra Datta, Surya Sinha, Vishnu Bhatti, etc)

Hoq inscriptions: 172 in #Sanskrit, 21 in Hybrid Sanskrit. Some mention professions & titles: navik (sailor), vani (merchant), aramika (gardener), acharya (teacher), ksatrapa (noblemen?), yavana (?), etc.C-3: Hindus (+Buddhists) wrote in Sanskrit or Hybrid Sanskrit. Hindus from different backgrounds and professions could read and write. Hindu literacy was broad, Sanskrit education not denied to different classes.C-4: Why is a Hindu gardener or teacher (or teacher's son) on ship or visiting Socotra? Seems like Hindus were free to practice different professions in Kushana & Gupta era.

Some inscriptions include multiple Hindu names. One inscription includes Hindu and Buddhist names together. Near this inscription, amongst other things, is a Buddhist stupa drawing sketched by a Hindu.C-5: Ancient Hindus & Buddhists lived, worked together.​

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