The Hoq cave inscriptions were recently discovered on Socotra, an island 325 km off African coast. The cave has 216 ancient inscriptions from 100 BC - 600 AD. From these, we can learn a bit about ancient Hindus & Hinduism.
Of the
216 inscriptions,
193 are
Indian inscriptions in
Sanskrit and
hybrid Sanskrit. By
117 different Indians. Many #Hindus, some Buddhists, some can be either.
The #Hoq cave also has 11 South Arabian inscriptions, 8 Aksumite (Ethiopian), 3 Greek and 1 Aramaic (Syria) inscription. A palmyrene tablet (Carbon-14 dated: 78-239 AD). Plus some
Vast majority are Indian inscriptions & drawings.
192 inscriptions are in western #Brahmi script. 1 Kharoshthi. Paleography: 100–500 AD. Five mention city of Bharukaccha (= Bharuch, Bhrigukaccha). One mentions Vidisha (Madhya Pradesh). So, these ancient Indians were from west India (Gujarat+nearby).
Of 117 ancient Indian names, majority Hindus, others: Buddhists, or can be either,
Hindu names linked to Shiva, Vishnu, Skanda/Kumara, Surya, etc. Drawings include Hindu Trishula.
#Hinduism thriving between 100 BC-600 AD, same deities back thenC-2: Hindu names similar in 100-600 AD (e.g. Ajit Varma, Rudra Datta, Surya Sinha, Vishnu Bhatti, etc)
Hoq inscriptions: 172 in
#Sanskrit, 21 in Hybrid Sanskrit. Some mention professions & titles: navik (sailor), vani (merchant), aramika (gardener), acharya (teacher), ksatrapa (noblemen?), yavana (?), etc.C-3: Hindus (+Buddhists) wrote in Sanskrit or Hybrid Sanskrit. Hindus from different backgrounds and professions could read and write. Hindu literacy was broad, Sanskrit education not denied to different classes.C-4: Why is a Hindu gardener or teacher (or teacher's son) on ship or visiting Socotra? Seems like Hindus were free to practice different professions in Kushana & Gupta era.
Some inscriptions include multiple Hindu names. One inscription includes Hindu and Buddhist names together. Near this inscription, amongst other things, is a Buddhist stupa drawing sketched by a Hindu.C-5: Ancient Hindus & Buddhists lived, worked together.