General History Thread-World: News,Updates & Discussions

When it comes to the Mongols, I've always wondered why they didn't take out Mecca & Medina when they were razing Baghdad back to the stone ages. Apart from the Qarmatians, that was possibly one of the few chances the world ever had to completely erase this religion from the planet. Perhaps the Mongols were only interested in wealth & loot and not that much in religion. I don't really know. But a thought experiment in alternate history nevertheless.
An interesting case of ethnic Tibetan TFR. Despite all odds and all the social engineering/demographic changes being forced by the CCP, the Tibetan fertility rate is atleast double or triple that of the Han in many cases.

The Han for some reason is very intent on breeding themselves out of existence.

Al-Natah: 4,000-Year-Old Ancient Town Discovered In Saudi Arabian Oasis​

Archaeologists have uncovered a 4,000-year-old fortified town in Saudi Arabia, illustrating the gradual shift from nomadic to urban lifestyles.​


Funniest thing is,the mexicans themselves don't try to claim these heritages of theirs but gladly kang on "We wuzz descendants of spanish christian colonizers n sheet" to try to get along with the wignats,despite most of them having native dna with some european admixture.
Kinda like the porks.

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