22 Thread

Correct me if I'm wrong but...I don't think there can be any dispute that SG is administratively very much a part of SFF. As in, they cut their cheques from the same bank account that cuts SFF's cheques.

And SFF is under DGS which means SG too reports to the office of DGS, not to Secy R.

However, DGS & Secy R are usually the same person holding both offices. So they have the power to deploy SG on, say, an operation that is intelligence-led by RAW. And that's usually what is done. But that is not the same as reporting to RAW. Nobody sitting in a RAW office is a military officer and cannot exercise operational command of SG. SG is operationally commanded by their Group Cdr who has to be an Army officer on deputation - who in turn reports to DGS.


Now, coming to covert ops - I don't think there's any merit to notions that 'unknown gunmen' are SG. It's not like there's a dearth of local talent in say, Karachi, who'd be willing to kill a mark for money - money that someone linked to RAW might transfer to them via hawala while sitting in Dubai or elsewhere.

That's not the kind of op you need SF-deputed personnel for. Now, if you want to run a LRP into PoK to report on fresh infiltration routes or maybe lay an ambush for a HVT travelling along a known route, that's something you might need SG for. Again, depending on whether we decide to label it as a Military Operation or not. If an SF op along the same lines has to be conducted in the same AO, but under command of DGMO instead, the boots on ground would be from Para SF.

Whether a target is hit by Para SF or SG is purely a result of which way the Cabinet/NSA/PMO decide to go. Not because one unit is better or worse than the other.


That whole "this SF better than that SF" notions or comparisons on who is more elite is stupid AF. I think mostly it was born as a coping tactic for people who were disappointed looking at state of equipment in ParaSF btns and sought refuge in the notion of "we have more elite units that have better equipment saar".

SG is broadly equal in terms of sophistication of equipment to the Para SF. But all procurement is ad-hoc so any differences are purely the result of the knowledge & resoursefulness of the individual personnel who happens to go on deputation. SG is not better-equipped as an institution...we've seen more than enough evidence to disprove that.

Having a bunch of fancy one-off SCARs in the armoury does not make them better equipped. In the field, they carry all the same Tavors & AKs/Vzs as Paras do.

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