Chit Chat

Trivialization of faith is happening at rapid rate. People are going to temples and worshipping gods not out of pure devtotion but to absolve their Sins they committed. This is with Older folks while the younger folks started trivialization as if they were some fancy dress competitions. Most people whom I know go to temples as if its some sort of picnic. It doesn't matter if they are "Nastik" but these Surface Level Sin Absolution-esque faith is denigrating entire faith
Does it hurt anyone to mention context.
Okhotnik-70 . Russian stealth plane. Shot down by it's mothership(su57 probably) over Ukraine, because drone stopped reaponding to the commands due to communication sys failure.
Does it hurt anyone to mention context.
In last 2 hours it was some Ukranian jet, then an Ukranian F-16, then disappointingly a Su-25, then it became a Russian Su-30/35, then sadly it too became a Russian Su-25, only to absolute surprise it turned out to be a rare S-70, which was initially shot down by Ukranian F-16, but then turned out to be a blue-on-blue by a Su-57 but then again it turned out to be a regular Su-30/35 downing it after it lost control.

So now you tell me...which context you want?
Trivialization of faith is happening at rapid rate. People are going to temples and worshipping gods not out of pure devtotion but to absolve their Sins they committed. This is with Older folks while the younger folks started trivialization as if they were some fancy dress competitions. Most people whom I know go to temples as if its some sort of picnic. It doesn't matter if they are "Nastik" but these Surface Level Sin Absolution-esque faith is denigrating entire faith
Phones should be banned inside Temple Complex as a mandate.
These phones have ruined the mood of Mandirs, chapri couples, wannabe sanskaris, chapris dancers.
Its all hell.

Saw nibba nibbi carved names at the back structure of temples, absolutely subhuman behavior.
In last 2 hours it was some Ukranian jet, then an Ukranian F-16, then disappointingly a Su-25, then it became a Russian Su-30/35, then sadly it too became a Russian Su-25, only to absolute surprise it turned out to be a rare S-70, which was initially shot down by Ukranian F-16, but then turned out to be a blue-on-blue by a Su-57 but then again it turned out to be a regular Su-30/35 downing it after it lost control.

So now you tell me...which context you want?
i saw the wing and i can definitely recognize it that the part falling down is the okhotnik lambda shape wing, all are commenting that su-57 shot it down like some IR missile hanged externally malfunctioned. I don't know how its possible, but since its russian wundewaffe maal, everything is possible.

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