Bangladesh Civil War & Coup 2024

That's probably post-partition population movement effect... In case of hostilities we should grab or salami-slice based on that. (The green is Sundarbans) take some Hindu majority areas, driving out some of three muzzies in process to make room for Hindu coming in from nearby. NO REFUGEES WITHOUT LAND ADDITION.

Forgot to add the maps... Share them online if you can.
Chakma land are last priority, they still hold majority.
Do you want another hostile border so badly?

It's already plenty hostile taking a lot of resources... & they are no threat militarily. A confrontation will actually show us to fence& seal the border properly, while shooting more freely.

Lastly whether we actually do it or not is less important than such maps circulating online. Bangladesh should feel a threat from India in the Hindu minority mistreatment grounds. They know us to be toothless pussies.
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Russian economy is less complex than that of India's - the reason why their economy has remained stangant for years; temporary boom and bust periods do not mean much. Do you know about the infamous 'middle income trap'? Russia will be a good example of that.

That is irrelevant to the point that Russian economy is more robust than India's at the present time.

Also, nobody 'defies' sanctions - bigger nations can stay afloat despite punitive sanctions but at great cost. Iran has weathered sanctions too.
False. Russia has defined sanctions. Their economy has not taken a hit. Iran has weathered sanctions, as Iran's economy has actually taken a serious hit. You defy an economic embargo if your economy is not affected by it negatively in the big picture of things.

A prolonged stalemate with tiny Ukraine is 100% Putin's fault; wasn't he aware of western aid/backing before plotting his invasion plans?

Thats like saying going up against a bigger enemy is always a fault.
A coup today, a terror attack tomorrow, serial bomb blasts the day after - if Russia is not an international joke who else is?
Coup ?
There are far more terror attacks bom-blasts and mass shootings in USA over the last 20 years than Russia. So try again.
And Xi seems to be too busy screwing his own economy atm. He is poking all his neighbors at the same time (who are gradually moving into the western camp, including famous fence-sitters like India) - what a way to prepare for an eventual face-off with the west!

Irrelevant. He still hasnt screwed the pooch nearly as much as Biden has in the US re: economy once inflation is taken into consideration and USA and the western world's far inferior response to covid than India or much fo the developing world.

We are not moving into the western camp. One does not move into the camp of its biggest genociders under similar terms of vassalage as initial colonisation. We are actually moving away from the western camp in the last 3 years since covid, as our politics and policy actions have had greater divergence than in the preceeding 20 years with the west. So try again with your gora-licking.
Lol go fight? 🤣 With what? I don't want those jihadi-lovers in here, but i wouldn't want to be in their place either.

It's the same as Kashmir thing in setting you Hindus do everytime, just let the muzzies butcher everyone despite having (ostensibly) pro-hindu govt. in centre this time.

Even now Bangladesh has 5 major hindu hotspots & majority areas. Arm them! Every household should get old guns or sone shitty mungeri firearm. Anything... Bengalis already have neighbourhood club culture, so there are rallying points. But vishyagorilla only ever did chest thumping.
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Of course arm them.. bloodshed will create the case for Indian intervention to carve out a piece of land along chicken neck.. which we can annex later..
Let's see how things go.. Although looting of hindu homes are rampant.. documented killings of hindus till now have been few.. Looks like Jihadis are yet to go all out against Hindus..
Of course arm them.. bloodshed will create the case for Indian intervention to carve out a piece of land along chicken neck.. which we can annex later..
Let's see how things go.. Although looting of hindu homes are rampant.. documented killings of hindus till now have been few.. Looks like Jihadis are yet to go all out against Hindus..

Can't arm them at borders tho... they'll just use it on BSF. We need proper network to smuggle arms caches to interiors of Bangladesh, or pull at Turkey at the borders to house refugees.
That is irrelevant to the point that Russian economy is more robust than India's at the present time.

False. Russia has defined sanctions. Their economy has not taken a hit. Iran has weathered sanctions, as Iran's economy has actually taken a serious hit. You defy an economic embargo if your economy is not affected by it negatively in the big picture of things.

Thats like saying going up against a bigger enemy is always a fault.

Coup ?
There are far more terror attacks bom-blasts and mass shootings in USA over the last 20 years than Russia. So try again.

Irrelevant. He still hasnt screwed the pooch nearly as much as Biden has in the US re: economy once inflation is taken into consideration and USA and the western world's far inferior response to covid than India or much fo the developing world.

We are not moving into the western camp. One does not move into the camp of its biggest genociders under similar terms of vassalage as initial colonisation. We are actually moving away from the western camp in the last 3 years since covid, as our politics and policy actions have had greater divergence than in the preceeding 20 years with the west. So try again with your gora-licking.
Gora-licking? Lmao? Where have I done gora licking? It is you who butted in on a response not even intended for you and have been lifting Putin's balls for reasons unknown to me.

Russia's economic complexity is shit (lower than India's despite higher pci); they cannot sustain their economic growth (even in the absence of sanctions). A nation perpetually dependent on commodities can never maintain stable economic growth. Similar fairy tale stories were framed on Brazil, Argentina and turkey when they enjoyed their goldilocks era for a brief period; where are they now? Why do you think they spend their resources to measure ECI?

Mass shooting is a national pastime in Murica; not so much in the rest of the world - how is that even relevant? Is Uncle Sam suffering from organized terrorism or serial blasts? Did they witness a freaking coup/uprising? Even UPA era India did not witness a rebellion/coup d'état.

India's incumbent PM leads the most openly pro US govt ever elected. Even MMS had his reservations on QUAD etc - Modi, not at all (claimed by late Shinzo Abe in his memoir). Are you aware that the US govt is directly incentivizing American/Indian companies to move/scale-up into India (to get back at cheap chinese exports)?

You can thank the Supreme Leader Xi for this. Our defense exports to ASEAN are booming too, need just a bit more help from Chairman ji!
Is Adopting the Westminster System Undermining India's Independence?

(Open Thuggery has unseated a duly elected Bangladesh Government; a great weakness of Parliamentary democracy)

I am writing this political essay by not being an expert but watching political deal making with substantial financial incentives in the country. This being the result of India’s democracy, modeled after the Westminster system (British) has notable flaws. Since Nehru’s time, angry and corrupt politicians and officials can destabilize the government, a phenomenon captured by the phrase "Aaya Ram, Gaya Ram." This issue, initially prominent in Haryana, highlights the risk of adopting a system without fully understanding its nuances.

India’s political parties often fracture along caste, creed, and ethnicity lines, leading to demands that disrupt governance. This results in horse trading and frequent government collapses, as seen recently in Maharashtra. In contrast, the British system evolved over centuries with well-established rules and a history of effective leadership keeps it stable. Transition is not by flip-flop by greedy politicians but by the people thru vote.

The reorganization of Indian states in the 1950s based on language and culture exacerbated divisions. This led to the creation of numerous smaller, often economically unviable, states. These states, burdened with heavy administrative costs and corruption, struggle to function efficiently.

Today we are back to small provinces, like the way we were in the 18th century when the British came and conquered one by one by deceit or by unequal battles. It is just a matter of time that an outside power will try and split India apart. Already seeds of an outside power support are visible to create a Christian state in the east.

Nehru’s adoption of the Westminster model didn't account for India's eight hundred years history of autocratic Muslim & British rule and vast diversity. The reorganization in 1950s based on linguistic and cultural lines further complicated governance. As a result, many states struggle to complete full terms without financial incentives to corrupt politicians.

Also current prevalent practice of promoting their children for political jobs is re-creating the dynastic rule of Middle Ages. All political parties in India are victims of this practice starting with the Congress Party down to all other governing parties in states. It is a malaise, which is of recent origin but is beginning to undermine the unity of the country.

In contrast when US opted for presidential form of governance with three equal balancing heavy weights of Executive, Legislature and Supreme Court as power centres they eliminated ‘Aaya Ram and Gaya Ram’. Moreover a head of the government both in the provinces and the country serves his full term. This maintains continuity in governances. All other form of governance by people’s representatives is performed in the Congress (Parliament).

Many other countries have presidential form of government a bit different from US where president is directly elected by the people. They probably have other political problems but none of the type which India has.

Under the current circumstances where the political leaders at the highest level or at the entry level are so comfortable with the current system that they will refuse to change it. Moreover with the political power and financial incentives which they have, they will refuse to consider a change. Hence, no matter how honest is the top executive, the door is open for corrupt politicians to retain power elsewhere.

It's already plenty hostile taking a lot of resources... & they are no threat militarily. A confrontation will actually show us to fence& seal the border properly, while shooting more freely.

Lastly whether we actually do it or not is less important than such maps circulating online. Bangladesh should feel a threat from India in the Hindu minority mistreatment grounds. They know us to be toothless pussies.
Bangladesh turmoil: Karnataka Congress MLA urges PM not to hesitate to take action like Indira Gandhi did in 1971

I don't understand. Will these Indian American lawmakers question Donald Lu on why the US administration (Democrats) were involved in regime change which led to the systematic persecution of Hindus? If proven true will these US lawmakers resign from Democratic Party? Will they challenge the US deep state?

Such things don't happen in a vacuum, we first need to build a persecution/victim ecosystem and create the narrative.

>Plant the seed: First, you document and compile the atrocities committed against your faith, i.e generate the atrocity literature, write books and research papers about it.

>The seed grows into a tree: Then you need to spread and mainstream the above literature, i.e having them taught at universities and discussed at various literary and other festivals.

>The tree starts giving fruits: The last step being the lobbying and political part where you create think tanks and various political lobbying groups with the help of billionaires/other funders and use the generated literature to push your agenda, challenge the deep state etc.

All three Abrahamic religions are extremely good at selling their persecution literature(esp Jews). Muslims have been getting better at this too with lot of the Qatar money being invested in this kind of stuff.

A lot of our history and what is being taught to students is controlled by hardcore anti hindu jnu types like Romila Thapar, Irfan Habib, arundhati roy etc. Needs to be fixed first.
Bangladesh turmoil: Karnataka Congress MLA urges PM not to hesitate to take action like Indira Gandhi did in 1971


Every such post is full of Bangladeshi Hindus calling the "news of atrocities" out to be false. As far as we are concerned, the threat need to exist on that ground.

That's a pissmulla. Check his post history before making such claim.

That's an example... Having been interacting with Bengalis from there online. Anyways my point stands.

Bengalis of this side have no love for them & vice versa, Hindu or muzzie. But situation may benefit India. Already we have already failed to capitalise on a war torn Myanmar. Couple taken the Rohingya homeland in ruse of returning them& connected NE India to sea.


Weimerican white house generally holds general discussions on some college/playground fight in India but has no comments on the crimes done on Hindus by their closest geopolitical tool - the Islamists

This is in addition to the news that they have denied visa to the sculptor or Shri Ram statue at Ayodhya. (claimed on SM)
Gora-licking? Lmao? Where have I done gora licking?
Peddle your shit somewhere else. Every post of yours is in that direction. Take your enemies of west agenda to some other forums. No one cares about it here.

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