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Can’t help but notice eerie similarly between what is happening in Kangladosh and events happened in other Asian muslim contries when dictators seized the power like Gen Zia in pakistan and 1965 “coup attempt” in Indonesia. Following factor were involved in all of them-
1. US involvement
2. Massacre of Minorities for their alleged support to lesser islamist party
3. Communist at the receiving end
4. Role of so called student unions in all these events
And tendency of leaders of these societies to grab power and become authoritarian and Armed forces tendency to plot multiple brutal coup attempts.
Indonesia seems like a typical islamic state which has done what pakistan and bangladesh is doing now. Puppets like Zia, Suharto and Yunus incite the genocide backed by USA and UK
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Can’t help but notice eerie similarly between what is happening in Kangladosh and events happened in other Asian muslim contries when dictators seized the power like Gen Zia in pakistan and 1965 “coup attempt” in Indonesia. Following factor were involved in all of them-
1. US involvement
2. Massacre of Minorities for their alleged support to lesser islamist party
3. Communist at the receiving end
4. Role of so called student unions in all these events
And tendency of leaders of these societies to grab power and become authoritarian and Armed forces tendency to plot multiple brutal coup attempts.
Indonesia seems like a typical islamic state which has done what pakistan and bangladesh is doing now. Puppets like Zia, Suharto and Yunus incite the genocide backed by USA and UK
And we are too weak to twist their arms.. 5 Trillion economy is being carried by us people...
Revolution in KangluLand going as expected


New quota to replace old quota, this "revolution" is such a farce 🤣

Good. Keep it up. I want Bangladesh to implode in an orgy of violence and have Muslims kill each other so that certain areas will want to break away. India can step in and claim the Hindu areas along with Chittagong.
Good. Keep it up. I want Bangladesh to implode in an orgy of violence and have Muslims kill each other so that certain areas will want to break away. India can step in and claim the Hindu areas along with Chittagong.

You will possibly have a 3 way with Jamaat, BNP and "students" fighting each other if elections aren't held for this year.

>certain areas want to break away
This will not happen but it should be so chaotic, we must get an excuse to intervene to "save the persecuted Hindus"
Map based on their 2011 census, may have decreased by now, and the southern parts are shitty swamp and creek land so we take the people from there but Kanglu can keep the land


Our grabbing targets should be all of Chittagong till the Feni river and parts of northern and western Kangludesh in order to expand the Siliguri Corridor

The H high percentage districts close to Tripura in eastern Kangludesh should also be seized and so should the 2-3 districts that border Assam

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