Bharat Rakshak Forum Issues

It is been a decade or more since they opened up a window for a few months to allow new members on any email. Most likely it was a reaction to DFI getting popular. Since then I have forgotten how to register and stayed on board with them.

TBH they were very kind to me and always got a response from their main members on various posts.

Probably I only have posts less than 30 in total. I was more of a lurker. The forum was elitist and boring like a hell on technical issues as many wanna-be IITians kept lingering on the topic just to show their prowesses in science and mathematics. Mostly picked for the internet.

Many were congress-I apologists like we too had many at DFI. But after Modi, there was a flair of new nationalism which was later contained by them for the same gora sahib mentality.
Now that I remember @hit&run
I have actually seen some of your post's there , a long long while ago.
The Chinese is where its becomes difficult. They seem to have an entire team wity TBs of data which they post and update regularly while mixing in some propaganda here and there. Makes them almost impossible to moderate.
Because these are state backed trolls - the old DFI was blocked in ccpland and I am pretty sure they will block its new avatar too; once it starts attracting enough traffic. No normie defence/geopol/economy enthusiast from cccpstan is going to join this forum. Worse, you will have impostors like we had back at the old DFI. Banning pakis cleaned up the Ind-pak threads at the old forum; banning chinkus will clean up this forum too.
BR sucks and BR moderators/admins suck balls and dicks. May they be shit upon constantly and forever and forever consigned into the lowest depths of sewers that not even rats would touch them.

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