Chinese Air Force

076 is on launch today, since it has Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS), the SAC 6th Gen would be also take off from it. SAC made J15T and J35C for navy.








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This design reminds me of an F-117 style fighter bomber with greater range, speed and payload.
The speed would be Mach 2.5+ and have a payload of around 15000-20000 pounds.
Engine inlets are placed on the upper side of the fuselage this maximizing stealth.


Interestingly, the Northrop Grumman NGAD prototype also had a similar inlet and body design.



> But this jet has 2 primary intakes below wing which means it'll be a fighter-bomber like F-111 & Su-34, although not intending agile dogfight, obviously not gunfight & hence such a jet, be it of any country, can be easily defeated by 4gen in dogfight. Hence it needs to have very VLR-AAMs + DEW-CIWS + CCMs + VSR-AAMs like MSDM/CUDA/SACM + AI-UCAVs wingmen. Hence bigger IWB, perhaps double capacity. It simply cannot afford to venture near agile jets ALONE.
> The other jet might turn out to be agile fighter.
> The upper wing durface is very critical for lift, hence in my low IQ uderstanding creating a depression to hide rotating rudder.
> Americans have mastered confusing the world & keeping secrets which military is supposed to do. The real jet might be different in some aspects than what they're showing in their advertisements, that's what has happened with all jets since the era of advertisements in 1990s with Su-57, J-20, etc. The Tempest turned into GCAP. Let's see if FCAS sticks to its current depiction.
The next 40 years in all fighter jet maker countries are going to be very exciting.:bump2::flame::pop2::rockon:
These guys are just ruining his legacy. If he was alive, he would have smacked these people on their heads. Smh
Legacy of this Babasaheb is eating India from inside out. His legacy is reservation which promotes mediocrity and the result is in front of us. China doesn't have reservation so as result they are doing well in technology.
Legacy of this Babasaheb is eating India from inside out. His legacy is reservation which promotes mediocrity and the result is in front of us. China doesn't have reservation so as result they are doing well in technology.
Actually, reservation isn't technically upliftment. It's practically a punishment for the supposed "past crimes" for one community.

If, those who were underprivileged could get resources and help to compete on the same level as everyone, then it would have been upliftment, instead they lowered the bar, for a few people, and starting lowering the bars for few other communities due to demand.
It works more like a system for punishment, rather than upliftment, striffling meritocracy.

I guess Ambedkar knew that, and thus he wanted these provisions for reservations to be time limited.
Actually, reservation isn't technically upliftment. It's practically a punishment for the supposed "past crimes" for one community.

If, those who were underprivileged could get resources and help to compete on the same level as everyone, then it would have been upliftment, instead they lowered the bar, for a few people, and starting lowering the bars for few other communities due to demand.
It works more like a system for punishment, rather than upliftment, striffling meritocracy.

I guess Ambedkar knew that, and thus he wanted these provisions for reservations to be time limited.
We are deviating on a Chinese AF thread. But on a short note we should see difference b/w system & system breakers. Rule breaking tendency or corruption is there since childhood in many humans across the world, hence in school, college, office, society, male/female, across all age-groups. So a system might be based on merit & human capability but there are people everywhere trying to take advantage of system. So it is about human nature, not community. hence no community is 100% how it defines itself.
We are deviating on a Chinese AF thread. But on a short note we should see difference b/w system & system breakers. Rule breaking tendency or corruption is there since childhood in many humans across the world, hence in school, college, office, society, male/female, across all age-groups. So a system might be based on merit & human capability but there are people everywhere trying to take advantage of system. So it is about human nature, not community. hence no community is 100% how it defines itself.
That's true. Agreed.
This is a huge leap for China if all the claims are true. There maybe a lot of fear mongering but the real threat is for the US and its Allie’s . China has repeatedly defeated US in the tech race and now in military tech race . The shift in global power is slowly beginning to appear. Lot of credit goes to China for their commitment discipline and drive to achieve these things.
This is a huge leap for China if all the claims are true. There maybe a lot of fear mongering but the real threat is for the US and its Allie’s . China has repeatedly defeated US in the tech race and now in military tech race . The shift in global power is slowly beginning to appear. Lot of credit goes to China for their commitment discipline and drive to achieve these things.
I really feel the US mil complex is beaming with a smile right now. This could also trigger a fresh wave of immigration for the tech related fields US needs the most.
I really feel the US mil complex is beaming with a smile right now. This could also trigger a fresh wave of immigration for the tech related fields US needs the most.

US Stock markets for Boeing, Lockheed, as well as Chinese A-share stock market, all companies on 6th Gen fighters supply chains are raising now.

It's really bizarre world...


Actually US intelligent systen already knew it yrs ago, they might just didn't know the exact date.



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