Chinese Economy Watch

Mexico Also Wants To Decouple From China​

Milton Ezrati
Senior Contributor
Milton Ezrati writes on economics and finance.
As Mexico, Canada, and the United States prepare for the 2026 review of the successor to NAFTA, the U.S. Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA), China seems likely to assume a prominent place on the agenda, at least as far as the Mexicans are concerned. Mexico’s new President Claudia Sheinbaum has made it clear through her Deputy Trade Minister Luis Rosendo Gutierrez that her nation’s top priority is to reduce its dependence on Chinese imports and attend to Mexico’s need to support its “own domestic supply chains.” That sort of language sounds very similar to what Washington is saying to describe U.S. needs. With this, Mexico could not more clearly signal that it is ready to join the United States and Canada to limit Chinese trade access to North America.

Two issues dominate Mexico’s China problem. One is how the quantity and growing sophistication of Chinese imports has rendered Mexico increasingly dependent on China. The other is the appearance that Chinese business is avoiding U.S. tariffs on Chinese product by using Mexico as a conduit for its goods. Gutierrez has denied that Mexico is a “springboard from Asia to the U.S.,” but neither can he deny that his country hosts a great many Chinese operations or that the growth of Mexican sales in the United States includes a lot of product from Chinese owned and sometimes operated plants in Mexico and that also contains inputs from China. The government in Mexico City has made it clear that it would dearly love to replace these Chinese facilities with the operations of U.S.-based firms, though it has to date struggled to make good on this effort.

Even abstracting from the question of tariff avoidance, there is no denying the unsettling Mexican dependence on China trade. According to Mexican government statistics, Mexican imports from China have grown by the dollar equivalent $45 billion since 2015, while Mexican exports to China have increased a mere $5 billion. Mexico’s trade deficit with China has almost doubled during this time, expanding from the equivalent of $65 billion in 2015 to over $110 billion at the start of this year. Chinese product alone commands one fifth of all Mexican imports, and some 70 percent of those goods go to only 50 firms operating in Mexico, almost half China based.


Brazil imposes new tariffs on imports from China in bid to fight dumping​

Duties on a range of imports, including iron, steel and fibre optics, come less than a month before Xi Jinping is to visit Rio de Janeiro​

Brazil has​

Ranking of BEV sales under Chinese brands by nations, Jan - August 2024.

Germany is top1 by sales with 40824, Brazil with 93% share, Indonesia with 89.8%. Even during war time, Isreal sold 33635.

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Lmao no amount of propaganda can make people believe chinese are taller than Indians, all that propaganda falls apart on the border, majority Indians are taller than majority chinese, there is no need to be so insecure about height on a national level.

China celebrates growth in wealth, power – and height​

The Chinese the Asia Tallest: How and When?
Ranking of BEV sales under Chinese brands by nations, Jan - August 2024.

Germany is top1 by sales with 40824, Brazil with 93% share, Indonesia with 89.8%. Even during war time, Isreal sold 33635.

View attachment 13837
On behalf of all Indians or at any rate , all Indians on DFI , let me confess to being extremely pleased at this data point , much more pleased than the Han .

Germany the so called engine of Europe & the EU is literally sputtering . It's automobile industry is deeply troubled. Chinese EVs couldn't have come at a worse time.

I fully expect the Han to take complete advantage of the situation & pauperise ze German automobile industry . See to it that every German automobile company goes bankrupt within this decade.

That's how you take revenge for 100 out of the 175 years of humiliation plus you get even with them on behalf of the global south thereby precipitating a war with the west even if there's no Taiwan question.

May both of you cancel each other out . The world has more problems as it is without dealing with both these nuisances which is a milder way of characterizing malevolent forces.

Congratulations once more !
Ranking of BEV sales under Chinese brands by nations, Jan - August 2024.

Germany is top1 by sales with 40824, Brazil with 93% share, Indonesia with 89.8%. Even during war time, Isreal sold 33635.

View attachment 13837
Mexico's electric car market is about to face a significant change. Starting October 1, battery-powered vehicles imported from China could see a price increase.

However, this benefit was conditional on the current government being in office. As of October 1, 2024, the decree will expire, meaning that Chinese electric cars will once again be subject to tariffs ranging from 15% to 20%.

Chinese EV exports to Brazil plummet as tariffs rise

However, the Brazilian case suggests that similar tariffs may be enough to limit Chinese EV exports.Brasilia reintroduced 10% tariffs on EV imports (regardless of origin) from January 2024, for the first time since 2015.From July this was increased to 18% and is expected to almost double to 36% in July 2026.Chinese customs data show that EV exports plummeted from June onwards from levels seen since the third quarter of 2023.

Canada announces 100% tariffs on Chinese electric cars

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Mexico's electric car market is about to face a significant change. Starting October 1, battery-powered vehicles imported from China could see a price increase.

However, this benefit was conditional on the current government being in office. As of October 1, 2024, the decree will expire, meaning that Chinese electric cars will once again be subject to tariffs ranging from 15% to 20%.

Chinese EV exports to Brazil plummet as tariffs rise

However, the Brazilian case suggests that similar tariffs may be enough to limit Chinese EV exports.Brasilia reintroduced 10% tariffs on EV imports (regardless of origin) from January 2024, for the first time since 2015.From July this was increased to 18% and is expected to almost double to 36% in July 2026.Chinese customs data show that EV exports plummeted from June onwards from levels seen since the third quarter of 2023.
View attachment 13877

Canada announces 100% tariffs on Chinese electric cars
View attachment 13878


Spain Opens Its Doors to China as a European Trade War Looms


lol, Indians do more yoga than the Chinese. You can pick any random metric and claim a victory. Indians eat more dairy than Chinese.

You aren’t taking into account cultural norms.

Meat is not the healthiest diet. Countries with rich arable land have a vegetarian diet. Meat is typically consumed more where your farms cannot supply enough food to feed your population. Europe consumers more meat because they can’t grow anything in the winter.

India can grow crops year round. 2/3 of China is a desert. That is why you rely on meat protein. USA is decreasing meat and diversifying its food to include more vegetables, etc.

The richest cities all are diversifying await from meat into a more balanced diet.
Intermittent fasting with a balanced meat plus vegetarian diet is the healthiest. Indian and Mediterranean food falls into this category.

This chart shows you the distribution of diets. India is more plant + diary heavy.
Spain Opens Its Doors to China as a European Trade War Looms

Not related

One things says EV cars have tariffs in Mexico the other is Spain which is a very vague article mentioning at the most the Ebro car factory that will need to pay in Euros to their workers

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