Chit Chat

Reverse searches literally say these are mostly abandoned houses.
About one in five houses in Detroit are vacant. The city's residential vacancy rate has decreased by 11 percentage points since 2010, but it's still high

Have you seen india only in pictures?

I live this filthy reality.

What are you trying to prove.

You think anyone else is buying your bulllshit?
How is this different than Oakland CA?

1st photo is California and 2nd photo is India. I can’t tell the difference
Nicely ignored SriLanka.

SriLanka is an example that cleanliness is more a civic sense issue and not $$$$ related.
'Cleanliness' and upkeep of general infrastructure is a function of pci and population density. The so-called 'civic sense issue' is a cope the old socialist GoI came up with to hide their utter incompetence and garbage tier economy. The same gormint once flagged the 'high population growth' as a 'cultural' issue (and not a socio-economic policy failure) and started forcefully sterilizing every random Tom, Dick and Harry.

Although the incumbent PMs themselves viewed the general population with utter contempt so all this was to be expected ig.
Nah. 70% of India lives in rural India.
Which is a dark shithole in its own right.

Come thr Ground NRIjeet. I only seen two derivation of NRIjeets, one that believes India is absolute filth with no redeeming qualify or future and the other that say India is the best thing in the world and we are living better than west.
Which is a dark shithole in its own right.

Come thr Ground NRIjeet. I only seen two derivation of NRIjeets, one that believes India is absolute filth with no redeeming qualify or future and the other that say India is the best thing in the world and we are living better than west.
Nah. I grew up on a diary farm in India. Anything but a shit hole. Lots of my family members now have farm houses as well

We had a canal in front of our house and racing oxen.
I used to make carts with coconuts, carry a sickle and slingshot as a kid.

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