Chit Chat

Experienced the full spectrum. Grew up as a kid on a farm. Now a seasoned entrepreneur in the valley with a couple exits
Does it mean SSB recommended candidates always have upper hand over Pahadi chuha in an argument? Drive my dong down his throat to make him shut up?
But but .. did you climb the hill with 25kg rucksack. Hmm
BTW, I'm heavily pro-India and West has plenty of drawbacks when it comes to their family values, general levels of accepted degeneracy etc

I also believe that the true, elite Hindu culture is much better than anything the West has. I'm surrounded by conservative, Brahminical Hindus who are high achievers and good people in general with little to no degeneracy.

India's issues are that 50% thinks this Brahminical high culture is bad and ooga booga, subhuman tier culture should be the norm.

The first culture produces ISRO Scientists who succeed in Mars missions while the second culture produces Street shitters. Sadly both get to share the same country.

This is also why I criticise BJP a lot. Instead of actively promoting Hindu high culture, they do Bhimta appeasement for votes.

My complaint would be that we are too fixated on names like MIT, Harvard etc. I know many of us are afraid of taking risks, particularly the ones that were raised here such as myself. Somehow first gen people become great entrepreneurs.
You can’t be ashamed by it. That shame is weaponized by the west. They have the same issues but they pretend that don’t exist and push the narrative where you self inflict doubt and low self esteem.

All countries have these sub sections they are embarrassed by. In the US, you have hicks; trailer trash, rednecks. In the cities you have the druggies, the homeless and the criminals who are far more gross and degenerate compared to anything in India. The problem is in how the narratives are spread. The news about India will be magnified and the news about the west will be suppressed.

Regarding the air being fresh. California is on fire half the year and has hazardous levels of air quality.

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More whataboutism. When I was in Delhi, AQI was 400. The issue is with India, California has nothing to do with it. Btw I believe this is due to temperature inversion
This is the fire frequency map of California

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These fires mean perpetual air quality issues and power outages. Last new year we lost power for 48 hours due to high winds. In the summer the power is shutoff during peak draw to avoid forest fires.

Yes. California is an overdeveloped state. Wildfires are a problem because that's where we have built into.
Another point on civic sense, during the pandemic people refusing to wear masks.


Masks don't work and wearing masks has nothing to do with standing in a line, not taking pictures of every single white girl you see, not urinating on the side of the road in open public when plenty of 10rs bathrooms that are actually clean are easily available, not throwing trash onto the street instead of the garbage bin that's 1 foot away from your hand. This is literally just whataboutism
@londonparistokyo answer the question.

Tiny home or penthouse? They both cost the same to book.

What is the question? Also why do you have to spam messages and cannot consolidate into one? Im just catching up. I won't reply to anymore I have enough messages in a row

Edit: Ishan Sharma is an idiot. He is just like you. A carpetbagger. Also, California is known to be the most heavily liberal state with extreme liberal policies. You posting that does nothing. Those problems are easily fixable with application of the law. Blacks commit 99% of the crimes, property and theft. The law was chagned so that they cannot be prosecuted for theft <$1000 and they also have no bail laws now. This is just distraction. If you really feel so strongly, leave.

SF (one city) poop map. Cool. Again, bad laws. Here's what India (a whole country) did to "fix" it's ODF problem: . Did it work? So 25% of villages still have OD? ???? None of these are relevant at all to INDIA. They are relevant to the USA, sure, but not to INDIA.

Your AQI comparison is again, like everything you've said, flawed. AQI during fire season. Natural pollution, due to overdevelopment. Have you mentioned that the firefighting system in the USA, particularly in California, Oregon, Washington is incredibly advanced and they try to stop fires before they start? Also, California is a state. Hyderabad is a... city?? Incredible. Also 2018 vs what year? The climate in California is not even close to comparable to Telangana either. You are comparing apples:oranges.

So once again, why should I put up with @londonparistokyo ’s narrative? - I think there's a lot to be said for somebody who refuses to leave the USA for India. He admits his lifestyle in the USA is better and that his business prospects are better, but he can't stop saying how much better India is. Weird.
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My complaint would be that we are too fixated on names like MIT, Harvard etc. I know many of us are afraid of taking risks, particularly the ones that were raised here such as myself. Somehow first gen people become great entrepreneurs.
First gen have the hunger. They left everything behind and moved to another country for more opportunities.

Desis who were born and brought up in USA will lack that level of hunger.
Typical Indian mentality. Can't actually make any intelligent point so starts making personal attacks.
Frankly, this sort of behavior comes from a section in all races.

You see the low IQ rednecks on Twitter raging about Poop in India?
What does home ownership % have to do with cleanliness issue?

Nothing. It's just another irrelevant point to distract from the underlying issue, which is India being dirty. I'll share another two anecdotes. At Yamunotri mandir, the Yamuna river at its source was littered with plastic bottles, cow dung, horse dung, donkey dung. It was disgusting. Later on, at Kedarnath, somebody asked me why I did not get any jal from Yamuna. I said because of the pollution and how it's unsafe to drink such unclean water. "Yes, but our belief says it's clean". "Didi, the water itself has dung in it, bottles in it, I saw men urinating in it. Is that clean?" - No respect whatsoever even for our own rivers which we are supposed to consider holy. Bring in random American rivers, it doesn't matter. Americans do not consider rivers holy the way Indians do.

At Kedarnath, the entire trek route was covered in shit. It was awful. I felt so bad for the pilgrims who were walking barefoot. It was awful. I saw people with cut up feet treading through literal shit.
Frankly, this sort of behavior comes from a section in all races.

You see the low IQ rednecks on Twitter raging about Poop in India?

All the time. It's actually all they have. I used to reply but it's pointless. Indian personal hygiene is first rate, but civic hygiene is worse than any other place I can think of. Westoid criticism means nothing to me but unless we clean up our act, they will continue to say nonsense.
Who's telling you not to?

Also, home ownership/rent is a stupid metric.

My village had 80 houses of UC's and 100 houses of Dalits. On paper, all 100 houses of those Dalits were owned by residents but not even half of them had Bathrooms in their houses and they used to defecate in fields even just 10 years ago.

Very similar to my village in Purvanchal region.

Have you seen india only in pictures?

I live this filthy reality.

What are you trying to prove.

You think anyone else is buying your bulllshit?

Man, this hurts my heart so much. I'm so serious. I'm thinking next time I come to India to purchase a shovel, huge trash bags, and shovel this in to trash bags. Maybe do something like this once per year. I hated seeing cows trying to eat from the garbage. This really hurts me.

Edit: Come thr Ground NRIjeet. I only seen two derivation of NRIjeets, one that believes India is absolute filth with no redeeming qualify or future and the other that say India is the best thing in the world and we are living better than west. -- Arrey Bhai. There's a third option. I said this in a prior post but I'll say it again. I'm super optimistic for the future of India but the average Indian needs to be more resilient. Less blame to others and more inner reliance. I was genuinely impressed by the kindness random strangers showed me. In fact I love Indian people more than nearly any other race I've encountered. BUT, I wish, I really wish, Indians were more introspective and self-reliant. None of these problems are impossible to fix

Have you seen india only in pictures?

I live this filthy reality.

What are you trying to prove.

You think anyone else is buying your bulllshit?

geolocate this location and let's see how it looks now, something must have changed in 15 years.
this one is originally a village which probably predates independence?
because of the curve in the road.

this one is a housing colony, which has been created after independence?
30/40 feet straight roads, socialist planning.

Must be horse shit from all those ponies ferrying people? Very upsetting if this is indeed true.
Kedarnath is one of the most beautiful and spiritual place in india I have visited. You really should visit it once.

It's true. Just did kedarnath Yatra this june. Entire trek is littered with horse feces, used bottle water and plastics. There are several people employed who clean the trek, they can swipe the feces down the slopes but were will they throw the plastic. It gets thrown in the pristine mandakini river originating from behind the kedarnath temple and on the slopes were it gets accumulated year on year. It's really depressing.

There is no space along the trek to store garbage bin and even if garbage bin is installed how many will you install it, how many people will be needed to ferry them up and down 21 km trek to dispose the garbage.The trek is very narrow, by narrow I mean you have to wait for horses to pass through otherwise you will be crushed in some bends. There are people walking up and down, palkies(palanquin)carrying people up and down and there are horses. All this stuff is happening between a 3-4 meter width trek.

Neither the people doing the yatra or people selling food and water and doing business care about the pristine environment. Oh and forgot one more thing there are lot of new hotels being constructed near the temple so all the construction materials also gets transported along with you on the trek.

Only good thing(if you can say that) is that when the temple is closed. The government cleans the trek, repair the roads damaged by rains and heavy construction equipment and that's it. As it starts to snow they have to do all this in short time. Meanwhile the garbage Along the slopes will stay there for centuries as it will be really difficult thing to clean slopes along a 21 km trek. Some slopes are extremely dangerous to tie yourself with a rope and clean. Professional and expert mountaineers will be needed to clean the slopes. Were in india you will find this kind of manpower and to do this stuff without casuality and mishaps will take years. So government ignores it out of majburi.
Literally same with yamunotri trek.

Kedarnath trek is ruined forever and will remain so without divine intervention. Sometimes I wish kedarnath should have been hidden from us. Sorry for long post.

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