Chit Chat

Democratic? It's a chaebols playground.
Pretty sure the president had talk with those Rich fuckers before enacting martial law.
I believe he’s been pressured to do it to start something with NK by biden so that they can't support Russia any longer, if true it means world war 3 already started a while ago it just hasn’t gone bang just yet,
They only go to murrica for cutting edge experimental treatments.
The only one not intelligent enough is you, since that is why you cannot refute points and go into personal attacks each and every time you get proven wrong.
You are literally just gungadeen gora joota-chaatu.
Go back to India.

I was told to stop by an administrator and had the courtesy to listen. You want to continue this discussion? Leave Canada and go back to India.
Careers Built on the High School Exam Merit List

In the 1950s, finishing high school in Shimla with good grades and making it to the merit list was essential for pursuing a career as a doctor, lawyer, or engineer—highly coveted professions of the time. Those who didn’t make the cut often found success in business, proving that alternative paths could also lead to great achievements as time and luck unfolded.

The matriculation final exam was a significant event, eagerly anticipated by both students and parents. During my time, Punjab University conducted the exams with a common syllabus and standardized process. I worked hard to prepare, supported by my parents, who ensured everything went smoothly.

Exams were held over 5-7 days in school halls assigned by the University. Invigilators guided students to their seats, checked roll numbers, and distributed question papers. We began writing answers immediately, mindful of the importance of legibility for the examiners.

Our school had trained us to carefully read the question paper, select questions (e.g., 5 out of 7), and allocate time wisely. Starting with the easiest question, the invigilator paced while also announcing time left. By the final hour, most of us aimed to have completed the majority of the paper—a strategy drilled into us during school.

After each exam, my classmates and I compared notes, quickly gauging how we had performed. By the end of the week-long exam period, we all had a fair sense of our results and awaited the official announcement with both hope and trepidation.

The Announcement of Results

The examining body took two months to send our answer sheets to anonymous examiners, often schoolteachers, who graded them against standard guidelines. Once grading was complete, the University announced the date for publishing the gazette—a comprehensive booklet listing the examination results for the entire province.

The Gazette was a thick volume of about 500 pages, organized by district, school, and student outcomes. It was divided into three sections: the merit list, pass list, and failures. Every student, parent, and school anxiously hoped for a place in the merit list, or at least a pass result.

In Shimla, a local businessman would collect a copy of the Gazette from the University and read the results aloud from his upper-floor office at 9 PM. He started by each school and then with the merit list, followed by the pass list. Students whose names were not announced joined the ranks of the unsuccessful. Cheers erupted for merit-listed students, while others faced tears and disappointment.

At my home, my family waited anxiously for news. My father, hearing my name among the merit list, rushed back to share the joyous news with my mother. However, I was busy celebrating with friends, visiting their homes to share our success. Since, I lived a bit farther from the place where the Gazette was read out, I didn’t return home until after 11 PM, leaving my worried parents—and a house full of relatives—waiting.

When I finally arrived, the celebration turned into a religious puja to mark the milestone. It was 1957, and while this was a major success, it was just the beginning of a decade-long academic journey, culminating in higher studies in the USA.
South Korean martial law is triggered by population implosion. For people complaining about India having too many people. The next several decades, India will be envy of every country
South Korean martial law is triggered by population implosion. For people complaining about India having too many people. The next several decades, India will be envy of every country
You are damn right.
Utter absurdity going on here..

The main reason for lack of cleanliness in India is awareness. Awareness mostly comes with proper education (not to confuse with literacy), lack of which we've been witnessing on this thread.

With a huge population and most people barely earning enough to survive, keeping things clean takes a backseat when even basic needs like food are a daily struggle.

Also, unfair and illogical to compare any country with ours, a billion and half population with nearly a billion getting subsidised food, extreme congested areas and overcrowding, outdated colonial laws, inherited systemic corruption.

Both sides in this discussion are behaving poorly. One side, calling filthy in a way that feels more like prejudice and racism(esp those iq jibes, you all are smart here, do not stoop to that level) than constructive criticism, while the other overreacting to the comments instead of accepting valid points.
Indians behave differently in private spaces and public spaces especially where littering, cleanliness and general discipline is concerned from what I've seen. Not sure why that is or what's responsible for it. I should even include public spaces abroad in this category.
Hello everyone,
So I want to learn CAD. I already have a basic level of knowledge and can draw some parts from drawings using Onshape.

I wanted to improve my skills and be proficient at CAD before I start my undergrad in mech engineering, so I visited a centre near my house and they are offering a course for 30k to teach autocad + solidworks.

Could any of you having an idea give me some tips?

I feel it doesnt make sense to learn autocad and solidworks both. Like I dont know why I should learn both separately + the price seems to be a bit high too.

What would be the best way to go about it, should I just donwnload the cracked version of solidworks and use resources on the internet or would a guided course like I mentioned above be better?
Thank You
Hello everyone,
So I want to learn CAD. I already have a basic level of knowledge and can draw some parts from drawings using Onshape.

I wanted to improve my skills and be proficient at CAD before I start my undergrad in mech engineering, so I visited a centre near my house and they are offering a course for 30k to teach autocad + solidworks.

Could any of you having an idea give me some tips?

I feel it doesnt make sense to learn autocad and solidworks both. Like I dont know why I should learn both separately + the price seems to be a bit high too.

What would be the best way to go about it, should I just donwnload the cracked version of solidworks and use resources on the internet or would a guided course like I mentioned above be better?
Thank You

You are about to start undergrad and this motivated already? Damn! I wish I were just half as motivated.

On a more serious note, try YouTube/Udemy/NPTEL for the basics. Which college are you going to attend? Tier 1/2 colleges have decent profs - you can always approach them. Trust me, they will be happy to teach you, not many people approach them to learn softwares - not in the 1st year anyway. Your college will probably have robotics/mechatronics/motorsports clubs - attend their sessions (you will likely be taught by your seniors and sometimes, even industry veterans). Take part in their events, attend some hackathons, design/build stuff - all these are excellent CV boosts (especially if you are the more daring type, ie, folks who are looking to battle it out at some start-up etc). Learn to code; will come handy.

Not too sure about the private/not-so-reputed engg colleges tho (you will probably be on your own - outside your regular courses, that is). I would still advise you to reach out to the motorsports/robotics clubs of your nearby IIT/NIT/GFTI. Many of them offer workshops etc to outsiders (at zero or minimal cost).

Do not bother spending 30k on a course offered at some centre.

The more experienced civil/mech guys are welcome to add to this with more specified into (as to which softwares to learn in today's age etc) because I left core engg long back.
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You are about to start undergrad and this motivated already? Damn! I wish I were just half as motivated.

On a more serious note, try YouTube/Udemy/NPTEL for the basics. Which college are you going to attend? Tier 1/2 colleges have decent profs - you can always approach them. Trust me, they will be happy to teach you, not many people approach them to learn softwares - not in the 1st year anyway. Your college will probably have robotics/mechatronics/motorsports clubs - attend their sessions (you will likely be taught by your seniors and sometimes, even industry veterans). Take part in their events, attend some hackathons, design/build stuff - all these are excellent CV boosts (especially if you are the more daring type, ie, folks who are looking to battle it out at some start-up etc). Learn to code; will come handy.

Not too sure about the private/not-so-reputed engg colleges tho (you will probably be on your own - outside your regular courses, that is). I would still advise you to reach out to the motorsports/robotics clubs of your nearby IIT/NIT/GFTI. Many of them offer workshops etc to outsiders (at zero or minimal cost).

Do not bother spending 30k on a course offered at some centre.

The more experienced civil/mech guys are welcome to add to this with more specified into (as to which softwares to learn in today's age etc) because I left core engg long back.
Actually I am gonna be going abroad😅 and I want to secure a place in the formula student/ rocketry teams anyhow.I thought Ill be having an advantage if I know cad to a certain extent. Moreover, CAD is a full subject anyway so why waste time and money just to learn the theory for 2d design which I will have to do anyway. So ig I shud just use yt and drawings available on the internet.
Anyone who will dare to cross this👇 black line may find himself in immense trouble.

It now feels like a scam now that we know ,Brahmos aerospace was in talks for ToT transfer of this.
To create this.

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