Chit Chat

Ajj sabki gand jali hai
Everyone is talking about it
As usual everybody will forget this in next 2 days but still today collectively discussed regarding iaf situation be it any sm
The country has so much money for freebies but no money for funding critical strategic projects. Ladli behna yojana of just 1 state costs 18000 crores while punjab spends 20,000 cr on free electricity. Union govts freebie budget stands at 4 Lkh cr and yet chindigiri for defence R&D. Maybe we are not destined for greatness..

assume if BJP do not offer freebies then congress would be in power distributing free money to 8 cr families - killing every good thing BJP done for this country - when people like circus show them circus , in democracy people get what they want
The country has so much money for freebies but no money for funding critical strategic projects. Ladli behna yojana of just 1 state costs 18000 crores while punjab spends 20,000 cr on free electricity. Union govts freebie budget stands at 4 Lkh cr and yet chindigiri for defence R&D. Maybe we are not destined for greatness..

People vote for freebies, they don't vote for an increase in Defense budget
The masses of this country also have no idea about defense, neither are they like the Turkish masses for e.g who will give vote for "stronk army"

This ladli behna rants are like blaming Nitish or Lalu for Bihar's state, not the Bihari voter.

In the choice between Ladli Behna vs Defense budget, you know which side the voters will go.

Haha bad example, you should know how that ended for the USSR.

Although we should worry about our own asses than america's tbh.

It's simple, if the burgers are no match, where do we stand? and like i said the Burger can just bug out of the fight, withdraw from East Asia utterly.
Where do we go? Chink is right on the other side of the Himalayas
Ajj sabki gand jali hai
Everyone is talking about it
As usual everybody will forget this in next 2 days but still today collectively discussed regarding iaf situation be it any sm

Kya sabki?

Air Marshlols?
MoD baboons?
HAL/DRDO engineers and scientists?
Ninda Turtle?
|| Todeh Ij Nawt Dee Aira Oph Waar || - Vishwaguruji?
Obviously nahi
Bas exfarts retd marshols and Jai Ho type people

Precisely, we here and other dephens fanboys in twitter can rant and shiver, patrakars will continue writing their articles on news website shilling for whoever's aircraft they have been paid for.
Nothing will change.

The way everyone in the chain behaves without any seriousness makes me believe even defeat will not change things for the better but for the worse instead
What was the point of spending 20 years for MRCA if we are still in the same position????

Here's my 2 cent

• First and foremost, no need to panic; China isn't going to attack anytime soon. History has been witness to it, whenever we panic we start wasting money. Ordering Victrix Scorpio, AK-203 instead of TAR, we were all set to order Sprut-SD.

Engines; doesn't matter China is flying 6th gen or 7th...our priority is just engines. Aircrafts are built around an engine, as soon as it's there everything else just falls into their places. So do whatever is necessary, buy EJ200/M88 IPR, hire their scientist for consultancy but get a PROPER Kaveri as soon as possible.
They keyword here is proper, full fledged 100kN engine; can't afford the usual dry, wet, Mk-1, Mk-1A shenanigans anymore. Sh*t has already hit the fan.

Work on AMCA without engines; not a big deal, in WW2 USA was assembling bombers without engines as there were issues with engines, but they didn't waste time waiting for engines to come. No need to proceed with the existing design of AMCA, no point in getting an assembly line that'll produce already obsolete fighters. Redesign it as soon as possible, if nothing else then just increase the magazine depth. Assembly jigs are yet to be made, it's the only window we've for modification. Once those are made you can't change the design.
The threat now requires an AHCA, AMCA with 4 BVR-AAMs won't cut through.

Force IAF and IN to ORCA , no need to waste money and time in Mk-1, Mk-1A, Mk-2, MMRCA...ORCA is a good design can be used by IAF without even a proper air-force version. Fast track is as soon as possible, get another production line. 6th gen doesn't mean 4th gen has become obsolete, from China to USA everyone has plans to induct a new 4th gen fighter to boost squadron number. We'll too need something to replace the mess of MiGs, Jags, Mirages.

AWACS fleet, still not interested? Yesterday only I mentioned how easy it is to make one and we're still doing a pinch of Netra, some Phalcon, few any plane, slap a radar and order atleast two squadrons of it. This might be the biggest defence we can create for an attacking PLA group.

• And as you said, try joining some international 6th gen program. Accept the fact that they're ahead of us in terms of technology and try collaborating with them. Even if we don't buy the actual plane we can get bits and pieces of different technologies to incorporate them into our next generations of planes.

Stop Super Sukhoi, enough of toying with Super Sukhoi since I don't know how many years so now stop that circus. Simply ask private industry to present their bids on how much advanced they can make Su-30MkIs. They do ScrewdriverGiri, ToT, comes up with in-house research doesn't matter, it's up to them. You just ensure you get maximum bang for your buck.
Start slapping the biggest possible Uttam configuration on Sukhois as soon as possible, we already have SDFR based Astra-3 just need a radar that'll complement it and you'll have a formidable defence.
Naah mate.

We will only be doing Kadi Ninda

derogatory tone.
Derogatory to whom? The autowalah?
if tomorrow in the name of 'meritocracy', our nation of people, its customs and culture are abolished, then i would oppose this so called drive for merit.

And many times the drive for merit is just an excuse for rootless cosmopolitans who don't have any affinity for the country to just impose a foreign population on your homeland for monetary or political gain. Dont be surprised that people will oppose it.
This is like a beggar afraid of getting too rich out of fear of getting mugged.

"If tomorrow"
Nonsense, nation has bare minimum merit at the moment and you are already fear mongering about its extreme.
Typical impulsive youngster phrases:facepalm2::facepalm4::ROFLMAO: due to lack of sufficient 1st hand industrial experience. I've always said that in our populous country, it is urgent to absorb army of college grads into industry, huge opportunities, othwise massive unemployment can lead to civil war. But these tycoons like Ambani, Adani, Tata, etc just wanted to bag deal to mae 4gen jets, not showing interest in engine R&D, etc. Some of them are politically inclined. There are social problems too. All these things leead to security issues. A Govt. facility is protected by Army, CISF, etc, but private firm security is not up to that mark. But if the private firms agree to work under constant vigilance of Army, Intelligence units, then bigger cunk of projects can be handed over. This is my personal opinion, others are free to disagree politely.
Did you think even once why I posted the pic of that specific gentleman, quoting only that part of your message that said government establishment are more secure than private ones?
Seee... again thinking others as fools. :facepalm4: :ROFLMAO: Suppose i didn't know this guy from news then i would try Google Image search. So I'm fully aware of espionage, but you are not aware of problems in our country & in private firms where even CEOs are expendable. I mentioned this before also.
You are ignoring the sentences where i said to absorb the population into industry. WHY?
So, me? Nobody will think after reading BLABBERING OF YOURS

By mentioning one specific Mod and asking for banning with indication that you two have already discussed this before. Not to mention the fact that I was banned for freaking two years by the said Mod, before getting unbanned
So it seems the gloves are finally off.
Isn't it dear Sir?
No, i & @Blademaster have not exchanged even an alphabet 1on1 ever. He warned you preiously hence i tagged him. You want me include all the mods & admins? After 2yrs ban also you didn't learn politeness??:oops::facepalm4::LOL:
IDK what you mean by gloves-off, today's youth are expert with all sorts of vocabulary, no strings attached. I had to google it which says ready for fight, but i already want to ignore you, but you keep coming back.

@SKC @Suryavanshi @haldilal @hit&run @Vinash @Indx TechStyle @LETHALFORCE
This guy is not just impulsive but reflexive. After requesting also he simply doesn't care. I'm trying to ignore his post yet he replies 1on1. Please councel him. Thanks & regards.
So DFI has finally shut down . Just went there for some information only to see it's inaccessible . Looks like Singh or whoever was running the show or what's left of it didn't bother to renew the lease of the server & just like that , the read only mode too no longer exists.

All that information compiled over the years gone .
@Bhartiya Sainik If you want to avoid a member, use the "Ignore" option.

Tagging mods and asking mods to take action against a particular user is useless.

Screenshot from 2024-12-27 21-31-10.webp

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