Chit Chat

OOOOOOOMMMMMMGGGGGGG :wtf::wtfcat::flame::thumb:(y)
We have something in common.
This is how my 2 decades of randomly downloaded pic & vids folders look:

Following is Air Force sub-folder, similar for Navy, Army, BMs, DEW, faciltities, etc.

I still have 6,643 uncategorized pics remaining to sort :fyeah::gtfo::hot:
Last edited:
I guess that's won't stop someone to reply or quote us.
Mods do give warning but if repeatedly misbehaving users are not banned then they may keep provocking others. It affects site's reputaion also when there are many forums like this.
Anyways, thanks.
Also, please work on formatting of your posts. It's a mismatch of different font sizes and large pics together.
breakdown in smaller posts or make it more readable.

If you don't agree with anyone then simply say- I disagree and move on.​
India is not that mature to take in the real big brained and specialist talent( not talking about coders etc here but proper engineers )
This is very much true , i'll tell you about electronics (as it is my branch) from what i have observed in my college in two years. Electronics is booming no doubt about it there are many more companies now recruiting than before , when i researched about this found that 20% of global IC design is done in india ,
listened to a podcast by cpu architect Jim Keller the entire zen architect for AMD is done in India and Taiwan , Also NVIDIA does in IC design in India apart from Taiwan and USA but simply all this never translated to IC Design companies or Semicon manufacturing mind you the first American company to start a branch in bangalore was not a tech giant but Texas instruments (for VLSI etc roles) . A reason for not opening of IC design companies may be due to after certain year of experience in India in this electronics field many just go to abroad for pHD and Masters for better prospects in research and to advance in this field (this is what i have heard from my seniors what they usually do after having good amount of experience ) and even salary is not much issue in electronics they pay more than enough (but ofc not at par with it). so if you are in tier 1 and tier 1ish college there will be opportunity in electronics and other college students usually do masters to get into VLSI etc roles
I read about the CHIPS act of usa and i think they will try to attract design engineers more and more it was mentioned in it. Also afaik there is a good startup something regarding drones they give to bsf etc my friend does internship there it was partly funded by gov scheme small steps but i think we have started slowly
Also a friend i know told me about that nuclear department is filled with incompetent babus who have done nothing in all these years but just stalemate the projects , along with this they discriminate against the lateral entry officials which i think everyone knows by now
Another caveat about nuclear weapons that's not discussed enough is the question; how many of our nuclear warhead are missile capable and how many are just dumb, gravity bombs?

USA can have nuclear bombs like B-61s as they've multiple stealth platforms (B-2, F-22, F-35) to deliver them deep inside enemy territory. But sadly we don't enjoy that amenity.
Another caveat about nuclear weapons that's not discussed enough is the question; how many of our nuclear warhead are missile capable and how many are just dumb, gravity bombs?

USA can have nuclear bombs like B-61s as they've multiple stealth platforms (B-2, F-22, F-35) to deliver them deep inside enemy territory. But sadly we don't enjoy that amenity.
i was talking about that department that manages the construction of nuclear plants
@Ayan Barat - same thing goes for you too. No need to go overboard with disagreeing with someone. Don't taunt or use troll pictures as replies every time.
You can conclude argument by simply saying - "I don't agree" and move on.​
Also, please work on formatting of your posts. It's a mismatch of different font sizes and large pics together.
breakdown in smaller posts or make it more readable.

If you don't agree with anyone then simply say- I disagree and move on.​
I appreciate your advice, i'll see what i can do. I keep rules in mind.
> Frankly, smaller post is not my style bcoz of 2 reasons:
- A post has to be convincing with sufficient data. But i use pics, diagrams to cut down monotonous text.
- Working family men have less time. If working from office, i can't reply obviously. If working from home then i can give small replies where needed, or update a bigger draft.​
> I already use indented/bulleted points & sub-points like you can see now also, rather than paragraphs.
> It is just like quickly readiing color newspaper. Anybody uses color, bold text, capitals, bigger font, when they want to critically highlight something as important, exceptional, contradiction, etc, espcially when using paragraphs which saves time. This is taught even in schools & colleges & students get good marks bcoz of this.
> I do move on & ignore lots of posts/people due to different reasons & i tell others also to move on. It is natural for people to have different opinions & disagree but IMO just saying "i disagree" w/o any base looks odd & wrong & creates confusion & misunderstanding.
@Ayan Barat - same thing goes for you too. No need to go overboard with disagreeing with someone. Don't taunt or use troll pictures as replies every time.
You can conclude argument by simply saying - "I don't agree" and move on.​
I've an even better strategy Sensei

As of now I've never had a beef on this forum with anyone except for that gentleman, so I'll just completely ignore whatever his opinions are and continue my usual brainrot shitposting with other members; they seem pretty chill about it.

Take my words, there won't be any more least from that gentleman.
@Ayan Barat - same thing goes for you too. No need to go overboard with disagreeing with someone. Don't taunt or use troll pictures as replies every time.
You can conclude argument by simply saying - "I don't agree" and move on.​
It seems the respectful taunting continues till last moment :LOL: with inappropriate words like BEEF 🚨⚠️
With time... life, industry, society straightens every youngster, no exceptions. 🤷‍♂️
Also a friend i know told me about that nuclear department is filled with incompetent babus who have done nothing in all these years but just stalemate the projects , along with this they discriminate against the lateral entry officials which i think everyone knows by now

I've an even better strategy Sensei

As of now I've never had a beef on this forum with anyone except for that gentleman, so I'll just completely ignore whatever his opinions are and continue my usual brainrot shitposting with other members; they seem pretty chill about it.

Take my words, there won't be any more least from that gentleman.
We are not asking anyone to not have any kind of disagreement with others. It is not jolly good world out there. You will like something and dislike another thing. but then you don't have to fight like school kids on every matter.​
I appreciate your advice, i'll see what i can do. I keep rules in mind.
> Frankly, smaller post is not my style bcoz of 2 reasons:
- A post has to be convincing with sufficient data. But i use pics, diagrams to cut down monotonous text.
- Working family men have less time. If working from office, i can't reply obviously. If working from home then i can give small replies where needed, or update a bigger draft.​
> I already use indented/bulleted points & sub-points like you can see now also, rather than paragraphs.
> It is just like quickly readiing color newspaper. Anybody uses color, bold text, capitals, bigger font, when they want to critically highlight something as important, exceptional, contradiction, etc, espcially when using paragraphs which saves time. This is taught even in schools & colleges & students get good marks bcoz of this.
> I do move on & ignore lots of posts/people due to different reasons & i tell others also to move on. It is natural for people to have different opinions & disagree but IMO just saying "i disagree" w/o any base looks odd & wrong & creates confusion & misunderstanding.
Your reply again has poor formatting! Let me try editing it better:

I appreciate your advice, I'll see what I can do. I keep rules in mind.

> Frankly, smaller post is not my style bcoz of 2 reasons:
  • A post has to be convincing with sufficient data. But I use pics, diagrams to cut down monotonous text.
  • Working family men have less time. If working from office, I can't reply obviously. If working from home then I can give small replies where needed or update a bigger draft.​

> I already use indented/bulleted points & sub-points like you can see now also, rather than paragraphs.

> It is just like quickly reading color newspaper. Anybody uses color, bold text, capitals, bigger font, when they want to critically highlight something as important, exceptional, contradiction, etc, especially when using paragraphs which saves time. This is taught even in schools & colleges & students get good marks bcoz of this.

> I do move on & ignore lots of posts/people due to different reasons & i tell others also to move on. It is natural for people to have different opinions & disagree but IMO just saying "I disagree" w/o any base looks odd & wrong & creates confusion & misunderstanding.

: avoid overuse of Highlights and Bold Text. Do grammar check whenever possible, use full word instead of shortened version.​
Also a friend i know told me about that nuclear department is filled with incompetent babus who have done nothing in all these years but just stalemate the projects , along with this they discriminate against the lateral entry officials which i think everyone knows by now
Well obviously Modi has to make L&T or Megha into Verticals like Westinghouse and Bechtel. Outsource everything so that DAE act's akin to Techno-Managerial agency.
Your reply again has poor formatting! Let me try editing it better:

I appreciate your advice, I'll see what I can do. I keep rules in mind.

> Frankly, smaller post is not my style bcoz of 2 reasons:
  • A post has to be convincing with sufficient data. But I use pics, diagrams to cut down monotonous text.
  • Working family men have less time. If working from office, I can't reply obviously. If working from home then I can give small replies where needed or update a bigger draft.​

> I already use indented/bulleted points & sub-points like you can see now also, rather than paragraphs.

> It is just like quickly reading color newspaper. Anybody uses color, bold text, capitals, bigger font, when they want to critically highlight something as important, exceptional, contradiction, etc, especially when using paragraphs which saves time. This is taught even in schools & colleges & students get good marks bcoz of this.

> I do move on & ignore lots of posts/people due to different reasons & i tell others also to move on. It is natural for people to have different opinions & disagree but IMO just saying "I disagree" w/o any base looks odd & wrong & creates confusion & misunderstanding.

: avoid overuse of Highlights and Bold Text. Do grammar check whenever possible, use full word instead of shortened version.​
> I again appreciate your I/p. But you doubled the size of reply, just replaced '-' with dot-bullet.
> I'm sorry, i can't discard highlighting & bold text. That would be like reading black & white novel actually. It looks too much suppressing & micro-management on a casual chat forum.
> However, XENFORO powers many websites like this, so you guys can tweak the GUI & disable these features. But if you give the features then please don't epect not to use them.
> I again appreciate your I/p. But you doubled the size of reply, just replaced '-' with dot-bullet.
> I'm sorry, i can't discard highlighting & bold text. That would be like reading black & white novel actually. It looks too much suppressing & micro-management on a casual chat forum.
> However, XENFORO powers many websites like this, so you guys can tweak the GUI & disable these features. But if you give the features then please don't epect not to use them.
Yes I did that!

Those small changes make the post more engaging and easy readable.

Have a balance in highlighting and bold text. If you have 50-50% in normal and bold text then it make is hard to read.

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