Chit Chat

visit sowcarpet next time you are in madras.
Hm SahukarPeth
and oh, marwari pawn brokers are as old as madras itself.
A pretty Big retail store near Okkyampet is owned by Marwadi. could speak fluent Tamil. And a Bihari ran small restaurant nearby.
LoL found this randomly in canadog republic, they're getting desperate :lol:.
It was me, you're welcome
Earlier I used to through his blog posts, I've outgrown him
Man weren't you trying the SSB examinations repeatedly without any success ? Ever wondered why ?
LoL found this randomly in canadog republic, they're getting desperate :lol:.
View attachment 23448
Why these retards coined 'jeet' as a derogatory slur to stereotype and generalize Indians is something I would never understand. Out of all they could pick they chose to settle on this one? Do you know what is worse? These chuds actually think they are being edgy. Would you even mind if I call you a 'jeet'?
Why these retards coined 'jeet' as a derogatory slur to stereotype and generalize Indians is something I would never understand. Out of all they could pick they chose to settle on this one? Do you know what is worse? These chuds actually think they are being edgy. Would you even mind if I call you a 'jeet'?

Saar, which kind of Indian is very conspicuous by appearance and usually has names containing "jeet"?


That's why saar.

It is also very ironic, even more ironic than some pignat when Empty Placers call other Indians "pajeet" :bplease:
@Noob @SKC @johny_baba anyone here who knows adobe photoshop kindly let me know where do I learn I have illegal 2023 version of Adobe old tutorials on yt doesn't work well with the version I am having any guide to new tutorials even if it's paid 2023 onwards
@Noob @SKC @johny_baba anyone here who knows adobe photoshop kindly let me know where do I learn I have illegal 2023 version of Adobe old tutorials on yt doesn't work well with the version I am having any guide to new tutorials even if it's paid 2023 onwards
you can get free 'courses' (means tutorials for most part, quality and quantity of stuffs may vary, but for starters it's good enough) through udemy

just make a free account and follow these channels on teligram, watch over free coupons everyday, check at least twice a day as lots of good stuff gets looted fast

if it shows for free, then enroll and it'll be saved in your name that you can always watch at your leisure

if you're a book-guy then go to, search 'photoshop for dummies' or 'photoshop (your version)' - these are easy materials for starters there

and don't worry about muh illegal photoshop lol,
pirating anything adobe is always justified

@Noob @SKC @johny_baba anyone here who knows adobe photoshop kindly let me know where do I learn I have illegal 2023 version of Adobe old tutorials on yt doesn't work well with the version I am having any guide to new tutorials even if it's paid 2023 onwards
It's morally justifiable to pirate every single one of Adobe's products.
Say what you will, I have yet to find something that's been disproven. He says things that are "schizo conspiracy" and then they play out just as he says they will. There's an angloid who was either banned on twitter or deleted his account that was saying very similar things as him, but giving everything a pro white twist. I was shocked.

Edit: I read his blog almost every day. There's a trove of information.

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