Chit Chat

What kind of shallow take is this my Guy! Not expecting from you

No, but discourage "families" from having more than required cars. Start treating the third or fourth car as a luxurious want item instead of need and hike the taxes.

Cars are being taxed at 28% already. And more and more stringent emission norms are being forced up the asses of carmakers. Do you want to kill the industry next?
Start electric public transport to lower both the carbon emission and congestion from roads.

We should do both. Sell more cars. AND build more railways, procure more public buses etc.

We're blessed that we don't have stringent regulations in nuclear like some countries, so use that to have dedicated reactors for just railways. Make its carbon footprint as little as possible because in railways you dint need to bother about new vehicles or motors or batteries...just hook up the existing grid to nuclear power plants.

I support building more nuclear. But building one is no cakewalk. Not in India, anyway. Gormint's existing plans of building conventional and modular reactors already look too ambitious to me.
Tell me how many of the construction sites in India takes proper precautions while dealing with cement or dust? What kind of disposal is used for waste?

Again, how many factories use proper water treatment before dumping their waste in local water bodies? How many have a decent chimney system to deal with particulate matter instead of just a toob?

Excellent points. Except that the state has limited capacity to enforce its regulations. Pollution inspectors and tax officials are already harassing smaller bizmen - do you want more red tapes? Cannot comment on waterbodies but the state is doing a decent job cleaning up a number of major rivers and the process shd continue (it takes decades to 'clean up' rivers).

It is important to keep expectations realistic. We are not some uber rich paradise. Neither do we have the option of forcing tougher emission norms on our industries (and making our products uncompetitive) or shifting the polluting industries to ccpstan (like burgerland or some EU nations did).
What kind of shallow take is this my Guy! Not expecting from you

No, but discourage "families" from having more than required cars. Start treating the third or fourth car as a luxurious want item instead of need and hike the taxes. Start electric public transport to lower both the carbon emission and congestion from roads. We're blessed that we don't have stringent regulations in nuclear like some countries, so use that to have dedicated reactors for just railways. Make its carbon footprint as little as possible because in railways you dint need to bother about new vehicles or motors or batteries...just hook up the existing grid to nuclear power plants.

Tell me how many of the construction sites in India takes proper precautions while dealing with cement or dust? What kind of disposal is used for waste?

Again, how many factories use proper water treatment before dumping their waste in local water bodies? How many have a decent chimney system to deal with particulate matter instead of just a toob?

We are building a lot and this much construction means dust, no way of getting out of it.
Do you want
Statement : We should be somewhere at point N in the spectrum A-Z
Counter : So you want to be on point A/Z?
Reality : No, just point N. Not even M or O.

This is the standard template of argument. You can apply it to anything.

Statement : The divorce rate should increase in India
Incel counter : So you want to follow the West and let our culture, societies and family to just get destroyed?
Reality : No; I want it to be what it should be for a country like India so that people, irrespective of gender are not forced to continue an union just because of societal pressure.

Statement : This illogical claim of alimony by wives should stop
Feminist counter : So you want to just push a women into starvation by not sustaining her! She left her job and family for you!
Reality : No; I simply want this irrational claim of 50% and the negotiation to stop, and a comprehensive system be developed that compares everything from salary to age of children to "employability" to decide a monthly payment.

You can do this for Hindu, Muslim, Left, Right, Libs, Trads...

Similiar is your argument
• Do I want the industry to die?
Absolutely not; I want reasonable tax for first-second time buyers AND I also want high taxes for a Gram Pradhan who travels by a Fortuner, with two Scorpios following it and has three Thars at home for each of his sons.
• Do you want more red tapes?
Again, absolutely not. I want stricter enforcement of environmental guidelines AND I also want a system with strict vigilance on the guideline enforcers so that they don't make it a nice extortion scheme
• Cleaning rivers
It's commendable that government is cleaning up rivers. But my comments was not concerned with it, rather it was with further pollution of river. Are factories treating sewage? Fertilizer's running off from farms, is it safe? How's plastic getting disposed?
It is important to keep expectations realistic. We are not some uber rich paradise.
Which also means we'll have way less to do when the issue of pollution gets out of our hand.

Read up "Jaduguda" and you'll have an idea of what this chalta hai attitude can do

We are building a lot and this much construction means dust, no way of getting out of it.

Air across our major cities (barring the NCR cities) is not any more polluted than the major cities of other rapidly growing emerging economies in Asia. Jakarta has an avg annual AQI of 144, Hanoi is at 135.

NCR is just eternally fucked for reasons we have discussed on the economy thread time and time again. Still, AQI is on a downward trend there (the worst is behind us) but I do not expect NCR to average an AQI < 150 - not even in the distant future.
Statement : We should be somewhere at point N in the spectrum A-Z
Counter : So you want to be on point A/Z?
Reality : No, just point N. Not even M or O.

This is the standard template of argument. You can apply it to anything.

Statement : The divorce rate should increase in India
Incel counter : So you want to follow the West and let our culture, societies and family to just get destroyed?
Reality : No; I want it to be what it should be for a country like India so that people, irrespective of gender are not forced to continue an union just because of societal pressure.

Statement : This illogical claim of alimony by wives should stop
Feminist counter : So you want to just push a women into starvation by not sustaining her! She left her job and family for you!
Reality : No; I simply want this irrational claim of 50% and the negotiation to stop, and a comprehensive system be developed that compares everything from salary to age of children to "employability" to decide a monthly payment.

You can do this for Hindu, Muslim, Left, Right, Libs, Trads...

Similiar is your argument
• Do I want the industry to die?
Absolutely not; I want reasonable tax for first-second time buyers AND I also want high taxes for a Gram Pradhan who travels by a Fortuner, with two Scorpios following it and has three Thars at home for each of his sons.
• Do you want more red tapes?
Again, absolutely not. I want stricter enforcement of environmental guidelines AND I also want a system with strict vigilance on the guideline enforcers so that they don't make it a nice extortion scheme
• Cleaning rivers
It's commendable that government is cleaning up rivers. But my comments was not concerned with it, rather it was with further pollution of river. Are factories treating sewage? Fertilizer's running off from farms, is it safe? How's plastic getting disposed?

Which also means we'll have way less to do when the issue of pollution gets out of our hand.

What I meant is that our carmakers are already battling heavy taxes and pretty stringent emission norms. Taxing even entry level cars @ 28% makes no sense. Heck, they have raised taxes on used cars too. There are talks of bringing BS VII next.

Anything more and the industry will die. Forcing 'stricter emission norms' adds to the cost of business and is incredibly difficult to enforce in India given the state's limited capacity to regulate industries. The larger companies will anyway escape by paying donations to the local politician but the MSMEs and newcomers will get fucked (as if fucking them over with an inconsistent GST were not enough) and eventually, the so-called 'tougher emission norms' will turn into yet another red tape. And I am not even getting into the bit that our products will find themselves uncompetitive in an open market. EU nations can afford costlier products, can the avg Indian?

Forcing Germany like emission standards in India does not work. Your word salad reminds me of old socialist era Indian laws. Or the catastrophic 'rights' acts of UPA. The state tried framing laws with zero regards to its execution capabilities and secondary/tertiary economic impact - all with good intention. We all know how they turned out.

I am pretty sure you are not aware how a sarkari pollution inspector does his job in India. Involving them any more will be calamitous.
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What I meant is that our carmakers are already battling heavy taxes and pretty stringent emission norms. Taxing even entry level cars @ 28% makes no sense. Heck, they have raised taxes on used cars too. There are talks of bringing BS VII next.

Anything more and the industry will die. Forcing 'stricter emission norms' adds to the cost of business and is incredibly difficult to enforce in India given the state's limited capacity to regulate industries. The larger companies will anyway escape by paying donations to the local politician but the MSMEs and newcomers will get fucked (as if fucking them over with an inconsistent GST were not enough) and eventually, the so-called 'tougher emission norms' will turn into yet another red tape. And I am not even getting into the bit that our products will find themselves uncompetitive in an open market. EU nations can afford costlier products, can the avg Indian?

Forcing Germany like emission standards in India does not work. Your word salad reminds me of old socialist era Indian laws. Or the catastrophic 'rights' acts of UPA. The state tried framing laws with zero regards to its execution capabilities and secondary/tertiary economic impact - all with good intention. We all know how they turned out.
I am pretty sure you are not aware how a sarkari pollution inspector does his job in India. Involving them any more will be calamitous.
Nuclear power plants are most effective way to deal with climate change, they make EVs more viable and produce clean energy themselves. Bringing these so called environmental taxes does nothing other than cripple heavy industries that employee millions of people by themselves or through thier dependent industries.

Krauts deindustrialised themselve by simultaneously having dumb-ass climate laws and hating NPPs.
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No, but discourage "families" from having more than required cars. Start treating the third or fourth car as a luxurious want item instead of need and hike the taxes. Start electric public transport to lower both the carbon emission and congestion from roads. We're blessed that we don't have stringent regulations in nuclear like some countries, so use that to have dedicated reactors for just railways. Make its carbon footprint as little as possible because in railways you dint need to bother about new vehicles or motors or batteries...just hook up the existing grid to nuclear power plants.

"Families from having more than 1 car"
Which state do you live in to have such a perception?
Car is a luxury item for most Indians and some buy it out of necessity. Maybe 1 in 1000 car owners have more than 1 car in India. Where is this "multiple car coming from"?
We are already a public transportation maxxing country that taxes the shit out of cars so why do you want to discourage car. I have a disabled person back home who would be stuck in home if not for my car, car is an absolute necessity for us. Indian gormint demonized car enough so you don't have to do it.
Car is not out problem.

Tell me how many of the construction sites in India takes proper precautions while dealing with cement or dust? What kind of disposal is used for waste?
Again Where do you live to have such views?
There is very little that can be done to curb construction dust, every country has been dusty in its nascent years london, New York, LA, Shanghai you name it.
We pajeets have an extra stick up our bums when we start screeching at our state.
You cannot grown without dust at this stage of development.

Again, how many factories use proper water treatment before dumping their waste in local water bodies? How many have a decent chimney system to deal with particulate matter instead of just a toob?
Large and mid size factories treat their affluent well, it's the small illegal shack factories that pollute the most.
Why do yoy think illegal tanneries are such a big issue in Allahabad?

Maybe we are 25% worse than what we should be at this point but it would not mean we can completely eliminate our ills and have our development too.

Trust the process we are on the right path.
My statement was...
No, but discourage "families" from having more than required cars. Start treating the third or fourth car as a luxurious want item
And the first thing you put in your reply, that too with apostrophe is...
"Families from having more than 1 car"
Haha...I told na, the standard template discourse in India. Shift to the extreme end of a spectrum to counter a point that's somewhere in between

Yes my Guy, you're absolutely right. Problem's not that worse and things would eventually get all sorted.

Peace out 🤞
Which state do you live in to have such a perception?
In a state of serenity after not engaging in this debate any further 😅
Perhaps the biggest "Okay, but what if...!?" moment in the history of mankind
Since Childhood, I have always been fascinated by the world of Science, which is why I took up Science and now I am a STEM student, and since I am a fervent admirer of Science, I am an absolute diehard fan of Science Fiction (Sci-Fi for short). I grew up watching films from Sci-Fi franchises such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Alien, Transformers, Terminator etc.

Though I have watched a lot of movies from many Sci-Fi franchises, I think Star Wars & Star Trek have a special place in my heart because of the fact that they have some of the most iconic starship designs, which sometimes makes you wonder deep down inside:

"Could we build something like this in the real world?"
"Could we build something like this maybe in the near future?"

"Could it be possible many years from now?"

Yeah, this was me back then when I was a kid obsessed with seeing Giant Capital Starships cruising through the vastness of space, travelling several times the speed of light, hovering above an alien planet's surface with the use of anti-gravity, & so so much more, but ofcourse in movies, not in real life.

One of all-time favourite Star-Ship Designs is from Star Wars, & no it's not the Giant Imperial Star Destroyer, not the Imperial Tie Fighter, or the Rebel X-wing, but It's this one, and boy she is dead gorgeous, absolutely beautiful in my opinion.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet the Soulless One, aka Belbulab-22 Heavy Starfighter, aka General Grievous's Starfighter.


Upon first glance, All I can is that she looks like the hot rod version of what a small starship would look like, with those beautiful curves that make up its design. I picture this to be what someone would design in the early 1960s, if he/she were asked to design a luxury Star-Ship. & Yes, I like this design a lot, it's one my most favourite Star-Ship Designs ever, even more than the X-Wing, Tie Fighter or any other Star Wars starship. It's just a real pity that it didn't get as much of a screentime as one would have hoped for. Right now I am planning on getting the 30th Anniversary Collection version of it, it was released way back in 2007-2008, it wouldn't be a bad thing having a model of this beauty as a display piece on my shelf.

On a minor note, this is just a request to the moderators.
Would it be fine opening a dedicated thread where we discuss the various fictional vehicle designs & concepts? such as the practicality of their design from a real life engineering PoV for e.g?🙏🏻 I know this is a defence forum but I think it would make for an interesting thread nonetheless for us who are interested in such a topic.
It's a good tool for you.
You were maintaining a list of all the armed forces procurement. You can do it there and you can keep track of all the changes you have made, revert to a previous date and keep track of changes. It allows collaboration so other can make changes that your will approve.

Not too steep of a learning curve either, give 2 to 3 hrs and you will lean its functionalities.
"Could we build something like this in the real world?"
"Could we build something like this maybe in the near future?"

"Could it be possible many years from now?"

The flip phones and tables (iPad) they were all inspired from the first gen of Star Trek.

Watch the series called The Expanse on Amazon Prime. I think a lot of things depicted in the series can become a reality within a 100 years from now.

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