Chit Chat

Since Childhood, I have always been fascinated by the world of Science, which is why I took up Science and now I am a STEM student, and since I am a fervent admirer of Science, I am an absolute diehard fan of Science Fiction (Sci-Fi for short). I grew up watching films from Sci-Fi franchises such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Alien, Transformers, Terminator etc.

Though I have watched a lot of movies from many Sci-Fi franchises, I think Star Wars & Star Trek have a special place in my heart because of the fact that they have some of the most iconic starship designs, which sometimes makes you wonder deep down inside:

"Could we build something like this in the real world?"
"Could we build something like this maybe in the near future?"

"Could it be possible many years from now?"

Yeah, this was me back then when I was a kid obsessed with seeing Giant Capital Starships cruising through the vastness of space, travelling several times the speed of light, hovering above an alien planet's surface with the use of anti-gravity, & so so much more, but ofcourse in movies, not in real life.

One of all-time favourite Star-Ship Designs is from Star Wars, & no it's not the Giant Imperial Star Destroyer, not the Imperial Tie Fighter, or the Rebel X-wing, but It's this one, and boy she is dead gorgeous, absolutely beautiful in my opinion.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet the Soulless One, aka Belbulab-22 Heavy Starfighter, aka General Grievous's Starfighter.

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Upon first glance, All I can is that she looks like the hot rod version of what a small starship would look like, with those beautiful curves that make up its design. I picture this to be what someone would design in the early 1960s, if he/she were asked to design a luxury Star-Ship. & Yes, I like this design a lot, it's one my most favourite Star-Ship Designs ever, even more than the X-Wing, Tie Fighter or any other Star Wars starship. It's just a real pity that it didn't get as much of a screentime as one would have hoped for. Right now I am planning on getting the 30th Anniversary Collection version of it, it was released way back in 2007-2008, it wouldn't be a bad thing having a model of this beauty as a display piece on my shelf.

On a minor note, this is just a request to the moderators.
Would it be fine opening a dedicated thread where we discuss the various fictional vehicle designs & concepts? such as the practicality of their design from a real life engineering PoV for e.g?🙏🏻 I know this is a defence forum but I think it would make for an interesting thread nonetheless for us who are interested in such a topic.
Quite an interesting read but to be true, reality is we humans don't even know weather faster than light traveling (FTL) spacecrafts are possible or not, biggest hiccup is the lack of a theory of quantum gravity, every proposed FTL methods including worm holes and alcubiere drive breaks known laws of physics most importantly causality violation, Stephen hawking said that laws of physics beyond those of standard general relativity prevent time travel—even when the latter theory states that it should be possible he called this hypothesis chronology protection hypothesis, where as this spacecrafts would be able to create close time like curves (CTCs) which would allows us to travel back in time which would cause many problems like grandfather paradox..etc it is speculated that the CTCs which appear in certain GR solutions might be ruled out by a future theory of quantum gravity which would replace GR if such a thing happens then these faster then light concepts would turn out to be dead horses hence we will only know Weather FTL is possible or not at first place only after Theory of quantum gravity comes out, research in physics is very slow nowadays we are still stuck on string theory which has turned out to be a total failure. people in this field says that a proper theory of quantum gravity could take even centuries to come.
Even if possible their construction require hypothetical materials for example to keep an worm hole open one will require exotic matter with negative energy density such matter may or may not exist in our universe similar material is also needed for alcubiere drive, constructing an alcubiere drive would also require insane level engineering the thin shell of the craft needs to be of the thickness of planks length.

If you talk about our current feets fastest man made object parker solar probe only has a speed of 0.0065% of light, a gigantic jump that will propel us beyond 100% speed at once is not possible it will take centuries of iterative development to even reach 50-70% speed of light.
OFFTOPIC but relevant

Should we ban cars? Construction? Factories?

What an overly reductionist attitude to have. Ground level pollution can easily be rectified by using trashbins and having cleaning programs. Is that also to be expected from a poor, developing country?

Citizens should be regularly complaining about the pollution and holding their politicians accountable. I cannot understand why the average Indian has such a complacency mentality. There are a few organizations that are trying to construct Miyawaki gardens with native plants, . Why are Indians just happy to settle for "Oh this is as good as it's going to be" instead of trying to innovate?

I say, rather than ban cars, construction, factories, ban low intelligence thinking. Shame yourself to think smarter.
Cars are being taxed at 28% already. And more and more stringent emission norms are being forced up the asses of carmakers. Do you want to kill the industry next?

We should do both. Sell more cars. AND build more railways, procure more public buses etc.

I support building more nuclear. But building one is no cakewalk. Not in India, anyway. Gormint's existing plans of building conventional and modular reactors already look too ambitious to me.

Excellent points. Except that the state has limited capacity to enforce its regulations. Pollution inspectors and tax officials are already harassing smaller bizmen - do you want more red tapes? Cannot comment on waterbodies but the state is doing a decent job cleaning up a number of major rivers and the process shd continue (it takes decades to 'clean up' rivers).

It is important to keep expectations realistic. We are not some uber rich paradise. Neither do we have the option of forcing tougher emission norms on our industries (and making our products uncompetitive) or shifting the polluting industries to ccpstan (like burgerland or some EU nations did).

Electric transport is more polluting than just using cleaner burning gas. WTI is a substantially better oil than any Urals grade crap you're going to get. Urals grade requires far more intensive refining than WTI (West Texas Intermediate).
I say, rather than ban cars, construction, factories, ban low intelligence thinking. Shame yourself to think smarter.
indians with intelligence have left (or) are leaving india, allowing india to be filled by the lower-intelligence indians from the lower levels. result - india is increasingly a difficult place to live in.
you are overdosed on black pill
iam saying this from my life daily experience of stepping outside the comforts of my home.
sheer lawlessness, callousness among the nouveau riche, corruption-as-a-way-of-life, piled up garbage&dirt, broken pavements, broken roads, broken governance, loot maar, open bribe giving/taking, mind numbing superstitions, vagera vagera.. i can go on.

i only see "quota" everywhere.
Man fuck these street dogs. I mean they look puppy eyed when they are alone or in twos but once they form a group, suddenly they are the alphas? Fuck these shitty four legged turds.

I got attacked by 10-15 dogs yesterday when I was returning from gym. Literally, no one was around for about a km. There was a open field where they little shits were probably having their gang meeting or something. I didn't want to attract attention and was low key focused on what I did in gym.

One of those little shits notices me and starts growling. I ignore that little fucker and I am walking and suddenly he starts closing distance and his barking gets fucking loud and annoying. Btw it's kinda dark. Aka about 8pm. Now suddenly all other dogs and lead aggressive dog start charging with the intention of probably biting me.

Unlucky for them, they messed with the wrong mf. Like they say, its not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. Nuh uh, bitch, it's always the size of the dawg. Against a 6ft 3 well built man, ya better have something up your sleeve. I went full ape. Full arms flailing, ape noise, baring teeth and grinding them. Full caveman shit. They did back off but were still agressive and were mock charging me. They tried to surround me but eventually they came in front of me.

I was now freaking pissed. I charged at those 10-15 barking dogs. Fuck them. It was fucking comedy to see a man running angrily after 10 barking dogs. Little shits and their little gang ran off and disappeared into dark alleys. Leaving me pissed. I have even picked up some stones to do my local Ghar me ghuske marunga type shit. But anyway, I was getting late, so I went home. I was lucky no one was there at that time cuz the caveman shit was embarrassing

But man, these street dogs are a fucking menace. And any bleeding heart liberal dog lover should be left with 50 of these fuckers and let's see how fast they love them.
I was now freaking pissed. I charged at those 10-15 barking dogs. Fuck them. It was fucking comedy to see a man running angrily after 10 barking dogs. Little shits and their little gang ran off and disappeared into dark alleys. Leaving me pissed. I have even picked up some stones to do my local Ghar me ghuske marunga type shit. But anyway, I was getting late, so I went home. I was lucky no one was there at that time cuz the caveman shit was embarrassing

Well, look at the positive side. You got a bit more cardio.
Our social structure itself doesn't support risk taking. If a young man does not have steady regular income he is a loser in marriage market and in society in general.
When the youth are avoiding risks what to expect of old shrewd businessman.
know a guy. only son. very cultured and hard working. inherited acres of fertile land and doing good in agriculture. plus owns a large ancestral house and a fleet of taxis. lost both parents recently due to old age. still unmarried at 48. no pg-degree holding, empawared waman wants a well to do hard working, cultured rich farmer when they can get a low paid gormint clerk with pension.
Man fuck these street dogs. I mean they look puppy eyed when they are alone or in twos but once they form a group, suddenly they are the alphas? Fuck these shitty four legged turds.

I got attacked by 10-15 dogs yesterday when I was returning from gym. Literally, no one was around for about a km. There was a open field where they little shits were probably having their gang meeting or something. I didn't want to attract attention and was low key focused on what I did in gym.

One of those little shits notices me and starts growling. I ignore that little fucker and I am walking and suddenly he starts closing distance and his barking gets fucking loud and annoying. Btw it's kinda dark. Aka about 8pm. Now suddenly all other dogs and lead aggressive dog start charging with the intention of probably biting me.

Unlucky for them, they messed with the wrong mf. Like they say, its not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. Nuh uh, bitch, it's always the size of the dawg. Against a 6ft 3 well built man, ya better have something up your sleeve. I went full ape. Full arms flailing, ape noise, baring teeth and grinding them. Full caveman shit. They did back off but were still agressive and were mock charging me. They tried to surround me but eventually they came in front of me.

I was now freaking pissed. I charged at those 10-15 barking dogs. Fuck them. It was fucking comedy to see a man running angrily after 10 barking dogs. Little shits and their little gang ran off and disappeared into dark alleys. Leaving me pissed. I have even picked up some stones to do my local Ghar me ghuske marunga type shit. But anyway, I was getting late, so I went home. I was lucky no one was there at that time cuz the caveman shit was embarrassing

But man, these street dogs are a fucking menace. And any bleeding heart liberal dog lover should be left with 50 of these fuckers and let's see how fast they love them.
Carry an umbrella, the collapsible type with a steel rod. Next time you get surrounded, pull the handle down without fully opening it up and you have an improvised stick to whack some mutts!


Man fuck these street dogs. I mean they look puppy eyed when they are alone or in twos but once they form a group, suddenly they are the alphas? Fuck these shitty four legged turds.

I got attacked by 10-15 dogs yesterday when I was returning from gym. Literally, no one was around for about a km. There was a open field where they little shits were probably having their gang meeting or something. I didn't want to attract attention and was low key focused on what I did in gym.

One of those little shits notices me and starts growling. I ignore that little fucker and I am walking and suddenly he starts closing distance and his barking gets fucking loud and annoying. Btw it's kinda dark. Aka about 8pm. Now suddenly all other dogs and lead aggressive dog start charging with the intention of probably biting me.

Unlucky for them, they messed with the wrong mf. Like they say, its not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. Nuh uh, bitch, it's always the size of the dawg. Against a 6ft 3 well built man, ya better have something up your sleeve. I went full ape. Full arms flailing, ape noise, baring teeth and grinding them. Full caveman shit. They did back off but were still agressive and were mock charging me. They tried to surround me but eventually they came in front of me.

I was now freaking pissed. I charged at those 10-15 barking dogs. Fuck them. It was fucking comedy to see a man running angrily after 10 barking dogs. Little shits and their little gang ran off and disappeared into dark alleys. Leaving me pissed. I have even picked up some stones to do my local Ghar me ghuske marunga type shit. But anyway, I was getting late, so I went home. I was lucky no one was there at that time cuz the caveman shit was embarrassing

But man, these street dogs are a fucking menace. And any bleeding heart liberal dog lover should be left with 50 of these fuckers and let's see how fast they love them.

You did it right by reacting (some would have run away and be chased). Carry a stick from now on - a pack of 15 barking stray dogs seem a bit too much to handle.

Dealing with stray dogs is a responsibility of your city corporation/municipality. Unfortunately, not a lot of them have the capacity or manpower to take care of this menace (even tho my city admin does an okayish job and such incidents are rare).
You did it right by reacting (some would have run away and be chased). Carry a stick from now on - a pack of 15 barking stray dogs seem a bit too much to handle.

Dealing with stray dogs is a responsibility of your city corporation/municipality. Unfortunately, not a lot of them have the capacity or manpower to take care of this menace (even tho my city admin does an okayish job and such incidents are rare).
Nah, they get aggressive if they see sticks in my locality. They usually leave ya alone if ya don't bother them. Though I will use small stones as my concealed carry lmao.
don't kid yourself mate, you are just addicted to "moral high ground". :bplease:
highly unlikely that you will de-addict yourself on your own.

Bhai. I suffer from the same fate as you. It's not about moral high ground. It's about pushing yourself to break mental boundaries. I will not stop trying this

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