Chit Chat

I should have been a bit more nuanced here. Being completely optimistic is the same as being completely pessimistic --- One drowns in delusion, and the other in despair.

I would love to live amongst optimistic people, it helps escape reality which is already shitty enough, but being a little bit pessimistic helps. Being realistic is always better than being delusional.
I should have been a bit more nuanced here. Being completely optimistic is the same as being completely pessimistic --- One drowns in delusion, and the other in despair.

I would love to live amongst optimistic people, it helps escape reality which is already shitty enough, but being a little bit pessimistic helps. Being realistic is always better than being delusional.
Man fuck these street dogs. I mean they look puppy eyed when they are alone or in twos but once they form a group, suddenly they are the alphas? Fuck these shitty four legged turds.

I got attacked by 10-15 dogs yesterday when I was returning from gym. Literally, no one was around for about a km. There was a open field where they little shits were probably having their gang meeting or something. I didn't want to attract attention and was low key focused on what I did in gym.

One of those little shits notices me and starts growling. I ignore that little fucker and I am walking and suddenly he starts closing distance and his barking gets fucking loud and annoying. Btw it's kinda dark. Aka about 8pm. Now suddenly all other dogs and lead aggressive dog start charging with the intention of probably biting me.

Unlucky for them, they messed with the wrong mf. Like they say, its not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. Nuh uh, bitch, it's always the size of the dawg. Against a 6ft 3 well built man, ya better have something up your sleeve. I went full ape. Full arms flailing, ape noise, baring teeth and grinding them. Full caveman shit. They did back off but were still agressive and were mock charging me. They tried to surround me but eventually they came in front of me.

I was now freaking pissed. I charged at those 10-15 barking dogs. Fuck them. It was fucking comedy to see a man running angrily after 10 barking dogs. Little shits and their little gang ran off and disappeared into dark alleys. Leaving me pissed. I have even picked up some stones to do my local Ghar me ghuske marunga type shit. But anyway, I was getting late, so I went home. I was lucky no one was there at that time cuz the caveman shit was embarrassing

But man, these street dogs are a fucking menace. And any bleeding heart liberal dog lover should be left with 50 of these fuckers and let's see how fast they love them.
I sympathise with you, bhai

in this society where i used to live in past, i used to beat the $h!t out of street dogs even for minute of offense, and people used to call me heartless ba$tard over that; it's not that i hated them, but seeing their 'groupism' i felt it was necessary 🤷‍♂️

still to this day whenever i pass by that road, street dogs keep a distance from me,'s a kind of 'generational trauma' for them :oops:
Namaste to everybody! :clap2::yo:
So today is my birthday, February 3rd.
I am turning 19!🎂🍰

:facepalm2:To be frank, I am actually a bit upset that I am 19. I mean 19 is my last year as a teenager, and I missed a lot in my former teenage years which I still lament over this day but, hey many have not lived to see this phase of life, so I am grateful for everything I am blessed with!
Hope to make the absolute best of my last year as a teenager, gonna miss these years a lot.
Happy Belated Birthday,
so you're finally an adult now, hhmm 😏 i remember pulling your leg on certain discord platform about getting laid and you cried 'abhi toh me bachcha hu ji' you don't have that excuse anymore 😏 do keep us updated about your *ahem* affairs and all
Man fuck these street dogs. I mean they look puppy eyed when they are alone or in twos but once they form a group, suddenly they are the alphas? Fuck these shitty four legged turds.

I got attacked by 10-15 dogs yesterday when I was returning from gym. Literally, no one was around for about a km. There was a open field where they little shits were probably having their gang meeting or something. I didn't want to attract attention and was low key focused on what I did in gym.

One of those little shits notices me and starts growling. I ignore that little fucker and I am walking and suddenly he starts closing distance and his barking gets fucking loud and annoying. Btw it's kinda dark. Aka about 8pm. Now suddenly all other dogs and lead aggressive dog start charging with the intention of probably biting me.

Unlucky for them, they messed with the wrong mf. Like they say, its not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. Nuh uh, bitch, it's always the size of the dawg. Against a 6ft 3 well built man, ya better have something up your sleeve. I went full ape. Full arms flailing, ape noise, baring teeth and grinding them. Full caveman shit. They did back off but were still agressive and were mock charging me. They tried to surround me but eventually they came in front of me.

I was now freaking pissed. I charged at those 10-15 barking dogs. Fuck them. It was fucking comedy to see a man running angrily after 10 barking dogs. Little shits and their little gang ran off and disappeared into dark alleys. Leaving me pissed. I have even picked up some stones to do my local Ghar me ghuske marunga type shit. But anyway, I was getting late, so I went home. I was lucky no one was there at that time cuz the caveman shit was embarrassing

But man, these street dogs are a fucking menace. And any bleeding heart liberal dog lover should be left with 50 of these fuckers and let's see how fast they love them.
Carry a small can of strong pepper spray. They don't like the smell.
Man fuck these street dogs. I mean they look puppy eyed when they are alone or in twos but once they form a group, suddenly they are the alphas? Fuck these shitty four legged turds.

I got attacked by 10-15 dogs yesterday when I was returning from gym. Literally, no one was around for about a km. There was a open field where they little shits were probably having their gang meeting or something. I didn't want to attract attention and was low key focused on what I did in gym.

One of those little shits notices me and starts growling. I ignore that little fucker and I am walking and suddenly he starts closing distance and his barking gets fucking loud and annoying. Btw it's kinda dark. Aka about 8pm. Now suddenly all other dogs and lead aggressive dog start charging with the intention of probably biting me.

Unlucky for them, they messed with the wrong mf. Like they say, its not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. Nuh uh, bitch, it's always the size of the dawg. Against a 6ft 3 well built man, ya better have something up your sleeve. I went full ape. Full arms flailing, ape noise, baring teeth and grinding them. Full caveman shit. They did back off but were still agressive and were mock charging me. They tried to surround me but eventually they came in front of me.

I was now freaking pissed. I charged at those 10-15 barking dogs. Fuck them. It was fucking comedy to see a man running angrily after 10 barking dogs. Little shits and their little gang ran off and disappeared into dark alleys. Leaving me pissed. I have even picked up some stones to do my local Ghar me ghuske marunga type shit. But anyway, I was getting late, so I went home. I was lucky no one was there at that time cuz the caveman shit was embarrassing

But man, these street dogs are a fucking menace. And any bleeding heart liberal dog lover should be left with 50 of these fuckers and let's see how fast they love them.

Whenever you encountered the group of doggies. Took some stone and go for the big shots. They will run away quickly.

Upcoming Summer season we will see the menace. Heat + water they started to behave very aggressively.
I should have been a bit more nuanced here. Being completely optimistic is the same as being completely pessimistic --- One drowns in delusion, and the other in despair.

I would love to live amongst optimistic people, it helps escape reality which is already shitty enough, but being a little bit pessimistic helps. Being realistic is always better than being delusional.

I think what he, and me also, are suggesting is that Indians live in pessism. Optimism comes once in a blue moon, but the general mentality is pessism. When it comes to gambling on yourself!
You know what's this @randombully ?
This is Gavrilo Princip killing Archduke Franz Ferdinand one fine day that started a domino of effects, ultimately resulting in the death of around 70 million people and the only use of atomic weapons...
Specimen 1:
Specimen 2:
Specimen 3:

So tell me Atheists, if God ain't there then how's this country surviving in 21st century?
It's improving. People don't really care to read annual reports and just base their opinion around some YouTube video based upon data from 2015. But things are definitely improving for River Ganga. Most of the projects under Namami Gange are on track. There are still some stretches where pollution is bad but many other stretches which used to be bad are good for human usage now.



What do people think of this video, I agree with alot of things said here. It's a huge industry what is just straight up missing in Indian economy .

well i haven't watched the vdo but i'll try to give my own perspective as an avid (now mostly retro because modern gayming sucks beyond all reasons) gamer - even risking anger of my parents over it 🤷‍♂️

but that'll be a separate retrospective post, first let me give my own experience with game development...

so when I used to work as an itkoolie, i got to know about Rockstar Games, that giant known for Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption etc games, was hiring "testers" for their upcoming project around covid times, and i too got opportunity to work with them - for a very brief period of two weeks 🤷‍♂️ then i give up...and you'll see why...

So, assuming it would be successor in Grand Theft Auto series, the so waited Grand Theft Auto VI, it rather turned out to be remake of GTA III, Vice City and San Andreas in a single package, that so named and shamed "Grand Theft Auto: The Triology - The Definitive Edition"; they were hiring lots of coders and testers from our IT hubs mainly Hyderabad, though for testers work-from-home option was also available and that's what i also applied for, and got a chance...

but the way things were progressing... 🤷‍♂️ for testers the task was mainly limited to 'just play the game, find and report any bugs' the hardcore programming like work was being done by others; and there was little to no communication between two parties as all the "tickets" were managed by your typical non-IT managers, who had a lot of say over things, and their aim seemed like getting over the job as soon as possible; one approach was to just upgrade graphics of the game for modern hardwares like PS4 and so, and be done with that 🤷‍♂️ - but doing so they rather butchered lots and lots of in-game things, for example...
there was this location of some 'donut store' in GTA SA named "Tuff Nut Donuts" with two hexagonal nut atop the store next to a big Donut, as store motif whatever in original was part of artistic joke or wordplay in those games...
our guys just well..."smoothened" that hexagon into almost circular thing...
🤷‍♂️ they at least made that donut appealing but applied similar low-polygons to high polygons thing on thing next to it and basically turned it into a meme

there were lots of other 'butchering' within that, and it got criticised en masse as a cheap money grabbing by Rockstar Games rather than a true remake of originals; but that's the kind of "opportunity" we get because of 'cheap it labour' thing and turn into some sloppy job thing 🤷‍♂️
well i haven't watched the vdo but i'll try to give my own perspective as an avid (now mostly retro because modern gayming sucks beyond all reasons) gamer - even risking anger of my parents over it 🤷‍♂️

but that'll be a separate retrospective post, first let me give my own experience with game development...

so when I used to work as an itkoolie, i got to know about Rockstar Games, that giant known for Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption etc games, was hiring "testers" for their upcoming project around covid times, and i too got opportunity to work with them - for a very brief period of two weeks 🤷‍♂️ then i give up...and you'll see why...

So, assuming it would be successor in Grand Theft Auto series, the so waited Grand Theft Auto VI, it rather turned out to be remake of GTA III, Vice City and San Andreas in a single package, that so named and shamed "Grand Theft Auto: The Triology - The Definitive Edition"; they were hiring lots of coders and testers from our IT hubs mainly Hyderabad, though for testers work-from-home option was also available and that's what i also applied for, and got a chance...

but the way things were progressing... 🤷‍♂️ for testers the task was mainly limited to 'just play the game, find and report any bugs' the hardcore programming like work was being done by others; and there was little to no communication between two parties as all the "tickets" were managed by your typical non-IT managers, who had a lot of say over things, and their aim seemed like getting over the job as soon as possible; one approach was to just upgrade graphics of the game for modern hardwares like PS4 and so, and be done with that 🤷‍♂️ - but doing so they rather butchered lots and lots of in-game things, for example...
there was this location of some 'donut store' in GTA SA named "Tuff Nut Donuts" with two hexagonal nut atop the store next to a big Donut, as store motif whatever in original was part of artistic joke or wordplay in those games...
our guys just well..."smoothened" that hexagon into almost circular thing...
View attachment 24860
🤷‍♂️ they at least made that donut appealing but applied similar low-polygons to high polygons thing on thing next to it and basically turned it into a meme

there were lots of other 'butchering' within that, and it got criticised en masse as a cheap money grabbing by Rockstar Games rather than a true remake of originals; but that's the kind of "opportunity" we get because of 'cheap it labour' thing and turn into some sloppy job thing 🤷‍♂️
Didn't expect to meet a gta game tester in here. Didn't knew that's what was happening behind, gta definitive edition was awful I agree, cut radio cut audio, animation literally being worse than original. Unfortunately what you said is true we get these bottom of the barrel jobs due to cheap labour.

We can't hope western game dev to hire and increase quality of our gamedevs. Game developement is whole paradigm different than other tech related field cause it's more like art and design stuff made alive with code, without good storyline al, designers and management, we ain't going anywhere.
Specimen 1:
View attachment 24848
Specimen 2:
View attachment 24849
Specimen 3:
View attachment 24850

So tell me Atheists, if God ain't there then how's this country surviving in 21st century?
2021 was covid year. Crimes were supposed to rise in 2022 and that it did. Nothing unexpected.

Have not read Lancet's paper so won't comment on it (assuming they are not basing their 'papers' on the findings of the shitty NFHS framework, in which case it is not worth reading).


What do people think of this video, I agree with alot of things said here. It's a huge industry what is just straight up missing in Indian economy .

well i haven't watched the vdo but i'll try to give my own perspective as an avid (now mostly retro because modern gayming sucks beyond all reasons) gamer - even risking anger of my parents over it 🤷‍♂️

but that'll be a separate retrospective post, first let me give my own experience with game development...

so coming back, these are some pointers that come in my mind
-> video gaming as a hobby went parallel with TV ownership in rest of the world, and it's a DAMN OLD industry, at least good 50 past the western world enjoyed things like Commodore 64, an affordable "home computer" which had a dedicated cartridge slot for home gaming, to home video gaming like Atari 2600, to ever famous Nintendo NES, then Sega genesis and by 90s Playstation, Xbox and all, aside from that those who could own personal computers had DOS based games and all...
and likewise, those geeks and nerds there could also tinker around with their hardwares and softwares to create their own 'mods' to games on (some of) these hardwares, 'specially Commodore 64 came with a booklet on BASIC programming that many interested can get their hands on and write their own programs or games

compared to that, we had little to nothing as a 'base' for gaming here until late 90s, when "TV gaming" = chinese knock-off consoles of original japanese FamiCom came in market, that we all lavishly enjoyed

remember all that Mario, Contra, Road Fighter, Yie-Ar Kung Fu and all games from your childhood? that's what others enjoyed and moved on in their 80s, and by that time they already had Playstation there

and even in 90s to early 2000s, TVs were still a 'luxury' for many, video games...even bigger luxury...

-> since our "experiences" with gaming mostly remained limited to kinds of games that you pick up randomly, blast the hell out of your 'enemies' on screen and be content with that...we missed out on 'story based' games a lot...though it's also a thing that language barrier also played a big role here, as most stuff available to us was either in english, or as cheap-chinese copies in mandarin (lol)...and the kind of "mental investment" one has to put through these games was itself a challenge for short it was mostly incomprehensive for most; and our most popular games are the kinds that require 'just run around and kill those ba$stards on screen'

-> then also, the production teams outside were comprised of lots of creative artistic folks apart from your regular programmers; from storytellers-scripters, visual artists, COMPOSERS and those typical 'nerd' types who can help them put all the things together to create a believable visual world on screen; programmers putting their skills to give a 'life' to those all abstract things and generate an output on screen and speakers and making man-operable 'characters'...and your typical business minded folks from marketing to sales were tasked with launching and selling it all in market

i have never seen much in these regards here except perhaps animation and movies fields

-> one big reason video gaming became a common thing in the west is because hardware that goes in making AS WELL AS implementing this all became readily available at quite affordable prices there, means computers that were used to program it all to 'gaming consoles' for gamers...and to be honest it didn't necessarily require most modern or latest kinds of hardware to amuse people...those Nintendo chinese copies we had as 'TV games' were at best 8-bit microcomputers then first Playstation was barely combination of 16-bit and 32-bit stuffs which for 90s should be considered a lot but compared to even modest of computer back then with 64 mb of RAM and so it was still massively underpowered...but yeah games were being made for those kinds of stuff and sold en masse

here? well...crickets 🦗

-> and since we didn't simply have a 'respectable start' like this, we missed that 'train' by good two decades at least before finally arriving on late-stage of playstation and playstation 2, PC games and all in early 2000s, even then it was all a 'luxury' for most folks, they remained confined within space of 'TV Gaming' on those chinese copies of 8-bit Nintendo or playing games like 'Snake' on their uncles' Nokia phones


I believe only by late 2000s our folks got on par with gamers around the world, and even then they were still massively lagging on lots of aspects, some which i've mentioned here

a minor point but since it's important,
-> if you look at games having historical-fantastical-adventurous elements like 'The Legend of Zelda' series, 'Castlevania' series and so, heck even "Assassin's Creed" would be a better example, you'd often find these games taking "creative liberties" at depicting things there, like how a theme in Assassin's Creed series games is to take digs at christianity and christians for the plot; the entire point of Rockstar Games' "Grand Theft Auto" is to take sarcastic jibes at american things in retrospective ways

now we too have our own rich cultural and historical elements on which games can be made, but our sensitivities are quite high with such things, and no one with right mind would dare to tinker around with those things

BUT BUT despite all this, we do have some success in local gaming industry though it mostly goes unnoticed or undervalued, that success of "Ludo King" by Gametion is a good example, then some Carrom games there; though limited to mobile gaming; but my belief is these games and game-makers here mostly hailed from era of Flash based browser games that they simply ported over to moblie platforms

in past when Flash based browser games used to reign over internet, there were other companies like Games2Win dot in, that made their own browser games, although content was, i mean look at it yourself, i happen to have some of those flash games saved on my PC out of nostalgia from past...

this game by Games2Win dot in, named "Kiss-Mat" :oops: - a 'parody' on that mika singh kissing rakhi sawant incident click on them to make mika steal a pappi from rakhi while paparazi cameraman moves around, your aim is to keep stealing pappis from her without getting photographed
then, this 'Bollywood Buckwas' - the plot is simple, hunt any animals except blackbuck or else get jailed lol
then, 'Bombay Taxi' - a parking game where you must move around carefully to park your taxi without touching anything
then, 'Munni matkewali', your classical three-card-monte game but with cups and a coin, and player's betting for successful outcome
then this...'Sugandhiben Paad''s throwing-duel type thing where a player plays as some 'Sugandhiben' an obese gujju-ish lady that attacks on goons by...launching'fart bombs' at them :oops::oops::oops:
then this...'Kaka Killer' where...some Swatchhataa Krantikaari Kaka is on mission to eradicate rail-side shitters by hurling stones at them :oops::oops::oops:

so yeah...we did have - we perhaps still do have some creative game creators and all...but their things are limited to browser-games to mobile games and such things over our...realities 🤷‍♂️

as our friend summarised here
We can't hope western game dev to hire and increase quality of our gamedevs. Game developement is whole paradigm different than other tech related field cause it's more like art and design stuff made alive with code, without good storyline al, designers and management, we ain't going anywhere.

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