Chit Chat

how dumb u rЁЯШВЁЯШВ u r showing me buddhist country japan nd comparing it to us?? dont tell me u r neobuddhist, who think buddhism is atheist religion ЁЯШВЁЯШВ. do hinduism told u to live in slum nd keep ur surroundings dirty?? why u r blaming this for hinduism. i can also show u mukesh Ambani place nd how luxurious they r living. is it anything to do with religion. i m just wasting my time to replying u. ur rationality nd critical thinking is flying above to skyЁЯШЭ

Lol. This is the average midtwit Indian. sad to say. Reactionary, lacks any foresight, lacks any capability of introspection, extremely easy to manipulate.
What is everybody's opinion of 75% attendence requirements at undergrad levels, feeling really exhausted , it's like 9-5 for me.

Govt probably keeps the requirement to prevent drop-out and failure rates from rising, but it feels like I am wasting like 2-4 hours doing nothing.
See, India definitely has bad urban planning, and major issues with waste management, but be honest where will you prefer living.

Ultra modern ultra rich Rwanda's top 5 village city


Failed state of India's city that isn't even in top 30


I mentioned this Indian vibeposting problem multiple times.

Moi Atheist Bhaia Will pack up for Rwanda now.
Endia izzz Bad...

He straight came & accused Hindus for India's problems, like he is born today. He missed what happened in the last 75 years.
He should check which community in India makes the highest breeding rate, have the highest poverty & illegal migration, have the lowest participation in the education despite of being the most subsidised one, have the highest jail inmates.
Laude ka atheist. These are also cults. No different than religious cults. Rogue from both sides.
Moi Atheist Bhaia Will pack up for Rwanda now.
Endia izzz Bad...

He straight came & accused Hindus for India's problems, like he is born today. He missed what happened in the last 75 years.
He should check which community in India makes the highest breeding rate, have the highest poverty & illegal migration, have the lowest participation in the education despite of being the most subsidised one, have the highest jail inmates.
Laude ka atheist. These are also cults. No different than religious cults. Rogue from both sides.
Most atheists are like that only, can't mind their own business and will impose their beliefs on you and will tell how all religious people are useless subhumans who can't match the intellectuality of the atheists. Funny enough, his fellow co-ideologists have been the number 1 reason of the prevalence of shitholery in India and how they destroyed one of the wealthiest regions in Asia to a bimaru craphole.
What is everybody's opinion of 75% attendence requirements at undergrad levels, feeling really exhausted , it's like 9-5 for me.

Govt probably keeps the requirement to prevent drop-out and failure rates from rising, but it feels like I am wasting like 2-4 hours doing nothing.
Garbage, I never felt the need of going to college a lot when it used to be largely useless. Travel for an hour only to have classes cancelled and friends absent. Profs teaching things that as per them would come in paper but at the end you have to self study enough to tackle the twisted questions. Unlike schools, colleges are much different and they shouldn't have any sort of attendance caps.
Garbage, I never felt the need of going to college a lot when it used to be largely useless. Travel for an hour only to have classes cancelled and friends absent. Profs teaching things that as per them would come in paper but at the end you have to self study enough to tackle the twisted questions. Unlike schools, colleges are much different and they shouldn't have any sort of attendance caps.
College exams themselves are a joke, I had to write code on paper during exams !, it frustrated me so much that I chooses cybersec domain when I got chance.
College exams themselves are a joke, I had to write code on paper during exams !, it frustrated me so much that I chooses cybersec domain when I got chance.
Haha happened with me a lot, especially during DSA external practicals with mind numbing algos to be written on paper.

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