Chit Chat

Can you show some data in regards to compare India's socio-economic metrics with Africa's?

India has lifted 426 million out of extreme poverty in the last 12 years, middle class grew to 34% upto 2022 & grew at the fastest pace in the world in the last 8 years before that. India's industrial output, manufacturing, FDI are almost all time high & are projected to be one of the largest hub in the world in the coming decades.
Extreme poverty has almost diminished at 1.9$ headcut.
Where do Africans stand?

World's largest slums are scattered across ASEAN contries, highest poverty RATE, displaced population, religious wars are scattered across SE Asia, Middle East & the whole African subcontinent beside the territory of India's.
I don't know what metrics is at the play here in your mind.
As you couldn't bring any data in your 100s of response you've always tried to divert to pollution & civic sense.

Do you even know that world's most polluted river is in Indonesia called Citarum?

Nevertheless, India is a rapidly growing economy. China went through it as well. When a fastly growing low income country couldn't happen to manage the unorganised growth there will always be mismanagement. Check China's data during 2000's. China led the world in pollution as well. There used to be smog throughout the year all over there big cities. The pace of industrialisation was impossible to be held by their infra back then but it saturated eventually.

So much unneeded criticism & whining. Trying to paint it like the last destination on earth.
Get a life hobbit. You're just yapping hollow essays & complaining like a diaper kid.


Watch above video. Yes it is progress. Progress made in 20 years if not 15 years!
Progress made in people’s mind and culture to keep streets clean, plan properly, follow rules and so on.

How about us?


Manila, yes there are many issues but
They do have better infra and planning than us.

India is rapidly growing economy. And what we are doing for our coming generations to make them good citizen to represent this growing economy which will be in a better position by then?
Dude u need to give them good education that can make them a better responsible citizen. Look around you and see how today’s young generations are growing.
China also addressed this issue at least a decade ago.
Look, you don’t know how many muslims r leaving islam worldwide, exception is south Asian countries where they try to be more muslims than even saudis.. Still it’s happening here. And they are becoming biggest criticisers of islam.
Islam by its design, is a violent intolerant political terrorist cult with a fake god tag by fraud muhammad.
When people realise it they literally come against this cult.

Do you think Hindus can act as a catalyst here? No.
Atheists can, ex muslims can.

That’s the only solution here to address islam which u r trying to say indirectly.
Not about religion vs religion per se.
You totally missed the point of the argument. Read your own comment again to grasp the context.
As for religion, I won't even be defending Hindus if there are no Islam or Christianity. I'm better off any of them. I'm also okay with someone having their ideology who can act decent & have integrity, be it religious. But Islam & Christianity have always planted anarchy throughout this subcontinent. At least Hindus attest to this land & have united a bunch of satellite states to put together & act as an umbrella. Other's have loyalty towards sucking balls of Arabs & Goras. They exist just for the sake of existing. Not beyond that. A bit of push & they will always expose themselves.
Islam is a cult, so is Christianity. Their religious conquest have dammed millions. Even tho Hinduism is dogmatic, it is no way closer to those two. Christianity & Hinduism have evolved a lot to coincide modernity but Islam is a destined cult.
Hard infrastructure and economic growth, where people behave like what?
I didn’t even start posting the associated videos here to support my claims and arguments.


Here people’s fragile ego gets bursted when issues are discussed.

are bhai tu north korea chale ja, vaha ke atheist bhaijaan tujhe bula rahe😝, ....hume humare haal me chhod de😂. abhi tak apna ghar nhi dikhaya tumne. hume to dikhawo ki hum hinduwo se kese different reh rahe tum india me. or kya contribute kr rahe tum atheist india me. afterall u guys r still in good number nd neobuddhist also claim themself atheist like u. sab rationality, logic, critical thinking, scientific temperament to tum log hi le ke ghoom rahe india me😂.
Hard infrastructure and economic growth, where people behave like what?
I didn’t even start posting the associated videos here to support my claims and arguments.


Here people’s fragile ego gets bursted when issues are discussed.

Entire page is devoted to how polluted was post WW-2 Japan . Pick your article of choice & peruse it & know that the Japan of today is coz of what they underwent in the second half of the 40s the 50s , 60s & the 70s when after achieving economic goals they started to focus on fixing the environment.

Rwanda is a police state ruled by a man who's a warlord - Paul Kagame , responsible for multiple wars in his part of the world & what's more he's the kind of guy who's more dangerous than he's lucky & who's more of a survivor than he's lucky inspite of initiating many wars which is also a function of being fortunate or lucky .

You'd have to have a death wish to go against him .
Not about religion vs religion per se.
You totally missed the point of the argument. Read your own comment again to grasp the context.
As for religion, I won't even be defending Hindus if there are no Islam or Christianity. I'm better off any of them. I'm also okay with someone having their ideology who can act decent & have integrity, be it religious. But Islam & Christianity have always planted anarchy throughout this subcontinent. At least Hindus attest to this land & have united a bunch of satellite states to put together. Other's have loyalty towards sucking balls of Arabs & Goras. They exist just for the sake of existing. Not beyond that.
Islam is a cult, so is Christianity. They're religious conquest have dammed millions. Even tho Hinduism is dogmatic, it is no way closer to them. Christianity & Hinduism have evolved a lot to coincide modernity but Islam is a destined cult.

Also, as per the comment, Hindus are mostly in India, so the output of both are interrelated.
And it’s the output I talked about come time ago and many are triggered.

At least those people should work to improve themselves and then show to themselves and to the world how good they are.
are bhai tu north korea chale ja, vaha ke atheist bhaijaan tujhe bula rahe😝, ....hume humare haal me chhod de😂. abhi tak apna ghar nhi dikhaya tumne. hume to dikhawo ki hum hinduwo se kese different reh rahe tum india me. or kya contribute kr rahe tum atheist india me. afterall u guys r still in good number nd neobuddhist also claim themself atheist like u. sab rationality, logic, critical thinking, scientific temperament to tum log hi le ke ghoom rahe india me😂.
You are totally out of the context. Good luck with that
Also, as per the comment, Hindus are mostly in India, so the output of both are interrelated.
And it’s the output I talked about come time ago and many are triggered.

At least those people should work to improve themselves and then show to themselves and to the world how good they are.
we hv already last 2000 year history known...go nd read world history. now tell us indian atheist contribution nd improvement.
Entire page is devoted to how polluted was post WW-2 Japan . Pick your article of choice & peruse it & know that the Japan of today is coz of what they underwent in the second half of the 40s the 50s , 60s & the 70s when after achieving economic goals they started to focus on fixing the environment.

Rwanda is a police state ruled by a man who's a warlord - Paul Kagame , responsible for multiple wars in his part of the world & what's more he's the kind of guy who's more dangerous than he's lucky & who's more .

You'd have a death wish to go against him .
So we have worked examples to take, that too in this age. Still we are lagging!
That’s the problem.

Yes Paul kagame, look what’s happening there now.
They formed even a ministry for harmony among the tribes which killed each other that caused 1.5 million deaths 20 years ago.
Take that examples, not excuses to stay unhygienic and unclean here.
we hv already last 2000 year history known...go nd read world history. now tell us indian atheist contribution nd improvement.
Oh no pls.
With 2000 years of history! now tell me how people behave here with this 2000 years of history!
How people behave on roads and traffics with this history?

Why do you want to live in past? Why not try to change the situation here now to add the glory?



Watch above video. Yes it is progress. Progress made in 20 years if not 15 years!
Progress made in people’s mind and culture to keep streets clean, plan properly, follow rules and so on.

How about us?


Manila, yes there are many issues but
They do have better infra and planning than us.

India is rapidly growing economy. And what we are doing for our coming generations to make them good citizen to represent this growing economy which will be in a better position by then?
Dude u need to give them good education that can make them a better responsible citizen. Look around you and see how today’s young generations are growing.
China also addressed this issue at least a decade ago.

Bhai ye Video wala game matt khelo...
I can also post some Mumbai Bangalore Gujarat videos from some concentrated areas taken during night & make panties drop. You're the one who started the nitpicking. I never said whether they're better or not.
That's not how you argue.
Go through my comments. I never said anything about civic sense either because we don't have any. It's a generational thing. Will sort out with time & management.
You can live in shit, you can eat shit, you can live in pollution that's your choice but that doesn't mean you're poor or rich.
I talked about socio-economy.
FDI, industrialisation, export, market capitalisation, digitisation, industrial output, production, pace of growth, poverty reduction, future outlook, middle class, sanitation, electricity accessibility.

Rathee, Mangal jaise chapri ka video aur drone shot wala flex maar ke masturbate karna hai to tag matt karo. Ye baccho wali harhat hai.
I ain't a "Proud Saar", "Goosebump" wala guy.
I need numbers.
So we have worked examples to take, that too in this age. Still we are lagging!
That’s the problem.
What examples & by whom? If you're referring to the Japanese then by the 1980s they were where China's today in terms of tech & exports.

The day we reach that place & present civic issues persist we can have this argument.
Yes Paul kagame, look what’s happening there now.
They formed even a ministry for harmony among the tribes which killed each other that caused 1.5 million deaths 20 years ago.
Take that examples, not excuses to stay unhygienic and unclean here.
I don't think you've understood quite how bloody minded Kagame is or the reputation he enjoys in his region leave aside his country.

Try telling such a man you don't believe this cock & bull story of a ministry of harmony & where do you think such a person will end up?

This is like CCP claiming China's a democracy on Mondays & on Tuesday picks up examples you've cited here to tell their people why democracy is bad for them for look at India . What good has democracy ever done to them Indians ?
Also, as per the comment, Hindus are mostly in India, so the output of both are interrelated.
And it’s the output I talked about come time ago and many are triggered.

At least those people should work to improve themselves and then show to themselves and to the world how good they are.
Aren't you a dummy!?
You've started Hindu vs Hindu shit & responded with a "Islam is a cult" shit.
You've no coordination between words.
Then you've said that they don't associate with Indian Hindus. Pretty stupidly obvious brownie moment you tried to infuse ignoring all the factors in geopolitics.

Nobody is triggered beside you. People are just taking your class. You're not special brother. You're just being treated for your abnormalities & you're being corrected. Else you won't still be responding in this harsh environment.

Here people come to discuss geopolitics, defence & quality of life changes. Neither are all of them positive nor negative if you've actually followed the forum.
You tried to paint it otherwise to prove yourself special or something. Yes you're, special, from special forces...... :bplease:
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Oh no pls.
With 2000 years of history! now tell me how people behave here with this 2000 years of history!
How people behave on roads and traffics with this history?

Why do you want to live in past? Why not try to change the situation here now to add the glory?
we dont hv to life in past...but that history always remain with us. u like it or not. people behave "better than any other countries" during this 2000 year history. people dont hv traffics etc that time. british approx 200 years nd other invaders rules make our people, only think about their survival nd struggle. thats why their is discontinuation between different genrations. if i make ur family slave for 200 years like british did, they will definitely become worst in everything in future. we already changing things, but our own pace. if u dont see change, than its ur eyes fault😝. again u running away from indian atheist contribution question. u r blaming us for india's problem, but running away ur community role in it.
our glory already seen everywhere:-
1:- a country name itself on our name :- indonesia nd west indies.
2:- a ocean is on our name :- indian ocean.
3:- a foreign tribe is on our name - red indian.
4:- many foreigners r keeping their daughter name as jonty rodes nd Chris Hemsworth.
5:- a continental plate is on our name :- indian plate.
we hv many things to proud of. now tell me about ur atheist background nd community achievements. 😂😝
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Hard infrastructure and economic growth, where people behave like what?
I didn’t even start posting the associated videos here to support my claims and arguments.


Here people’s fragile ego gets bursted when issues are discussed.

So much progress yet the entire country the size of Delhi is rich enough to buy just 600 cars a year lol
No thanks, I don't care about some fancy remittances funded real estate.



Watch above video. Yes it is progress. Progress made in 20 years if not 15 years!
Progress made in people’s mind and culture to keep streets clean, plan properly, follow rules and so on.

Then why does the entire country have just 50 KWh of per capita electricity consumption after so much progress? It is equivalent to an individual running just a 20 Watt bulb for 7 hours a day annually :lol:.
How about us?


Manila, yes there are many issues but
They do have better infra and planning than us.

Manila is impressive, but since you're such an odd perfectionist, I hate to tell you they are routinely mocked by western media for being "poor, dirty slummy" like they do for us. They have one good thing that is non-dusty climate.
India is rapidly growing economy. And what we are doing for our coming generations to make them good citizen to represent this growing economy which will be in a better position by then?
Dude u need to give them good education that can make them a better responsible citizen. Look around you and see how today’s young generations are growing.
China also addressed this issue at least a decade ago.
Okay bhai thik hai, ab rona band kar.
So much progress yet the entire country the size of Delhi is rich enough to buy just 600 cars a year lol
No thanks, I don't care about some fancy remittances funded real estate.

Then why does the entire country have just 50 KWh of per capita electricity consumption after so much progress? It is equivalent to an individual running just a 20 Watt bulb for 7 hours a day annually :lol:.

Manila is impressive, but since you're such an odd perfectionist, I hate to tell you they are routinely mocked by western media for being "poor, dirty slummy" like they do for us. They have one good thing that is non-dusty climate.

Okay bhai thik hai, ab rona band kar.
Ye Patli Gali le lete hai when you talk about numbers.
He wants to oppose everything but is very low on materials.
It's literally stupid to even compare a country that looks like a satellite state of India with like 3-4 big cities. Still unorganised asf. Japan or SK hota to fir bhi maan lete. Wo log har sense main agey hai puri dunia se basically in every segment.
These samples roam around Twitter as well. Says random stuffs to profile Indians just to make himself feel special & coincide with Goreys..



Watch above video. Yes it is progress. Progress made in 20 years if not 15 years!
Progress made in people’s mind and culture to keep streets clean, plan properly, follow rules and so on.

How about us?


Manila, yes there are many issues but
They do have better infra and planning than us.

India is rapidly growing economy. And what we are doing for our coming generations to make them good citizen to represent this growing economy which will be in a better position by then?
Dude u need to give them good education that can make them a better responsible citizen. Look around you and see how today’s young generations are growing.
China also addressed this issue at least a decade ago.

most of the places that looks like clean and good have one common thing , and that's true with 100pc of all other cities in world except India is just one small thing i noticed is - there is not a single patch of soil left on common roads , everywhere is concrete path , easier to clean and looks better than soil patches.

Just this one thing India copies we will look a lot better.

Watch places of dlf cyber city , golden temple corridor, gangtok main market area. everywhere is properly concreted and looks so much better.
See, India definitely has bad urban planning, and major issues with waste management, but be honest where will you prefer living.

Ultra modern ultra rich Rwanda's top 5 village city


Failed state of India's city that isn't even in top 30


Ye Patli Gali le lete hai when you talk about numbers.
He wants to oppose everything but is very low on materials.
It's literally stupid to even compare a country that looks like a satellite state of India with like 3-4 big cities. Still unorganised asf. Japan or SK hota to fir bhi maan lete. Wo log har sense main agey hai puri dunia se basically in every segment.
These samples roam around Twitter as well. Says random stuffs to profile Indians just to make himself feel special..
I mentioned this Indian vibeposting problem multiple times.
Karma, rebirth, third eye!
What’s the difference?
Hinduism teaches rivers are like goddess or mothers,
And let’s check rivers in India and other countries which treat rivers as rivers and precious natural resources?
If a baby born with 4 hands, do I need to explain how many will tag it to some goddess?

This is the case everywhere.

I criticise all religions, Hinduism also. Because all are man made and dividing people. People should think beyond religions. You can respect and care nature and natural resources and your surroundings much better way if you understand importance of it instead of labelling it as some goddess.
Yes , in Bharatiya culture rivers are considered not mere drops of water but rather Mothers & Goddesses , why ? Why our sacred texts purposefully assigned status of river to that of dieties and hence not to be defiled even in thoughts ? Because there is a simple yet compelling reason - water is life !! And so there has been code when interacting with them so that they remain clean & pristine for supporting life primarily as concieved by Divine . For eg. you can't even step in rivers with footwears , ideally . So can disposing filth like digestive waste , industrial poisons & plastic garbage (which din't even existed in ancient times) be an integral part of our ancient culture ?? So....then where did this came ? No rocket science , mlechha !


The Great Stink -

Yes , same devious mlechha are the progenitor of this filthy system whose unwanted progenies nowadays whine 'shitty Hindu river culture' 24/7 .

But yes , I don't deny we are not failing . There are bound to be failures too at every step at every level when there is a grand failure of us that goes at the root - electoral democracy ! We din't effectively disposed of this divide & rule legacy of the devious mlechha '47 onwards that have only cropped up a new breed of power lusty , greedy , corrupt & sold out scum to lead the nation . Result has been visible ever since .
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