Chit Chat

Some textbook espionage just happened.

Turns out Mossad had either intercepted some shipment for Hezbollah or they were actually the one who distributed them in the first place but the end result was that more than 1,000 pagers rigged with plastic explosives were being used by various Iranian proxies. An hour or so earlier all the pagers received message at the same time and then detonated. Initial reports suggest almost 1,200 casualties

This is huge


Inspires to make a halal certified smart phone. And :target:
How ??
If yes then debunk my big explanation with facts my previous 2 or 3 replies abt this.
I bet u can't.
I have put actual facts explained in so simple language. That mig 29 isnt a unstable design it is a neutral static stability design. Which isn't unstable design. You're explanation that's u stable design can sustain inverted flight or remain in the new attitude after external disturbance(induces instability)is a property of neutral static stable design and not of a unstable/RSS design.
Nearly all non fly by wore 4th gen(f15,mig29) have slight +ve or very close to neutral stability, by which induced instability is reduced enough.

Intentional instability has nothing to do with this.
It is overall different. I have explained in detailed in my previous responses just read it again. if u can prove me wrong do it.

Mig 29 is not a unstable design.
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Mig 29 is not a unstable design.

Nor it is a stable design as I already explained

Then what is it?? Maybe you are now Inching close to unstable or slightly unstable??

it is a neutral static stability design.

By definition, Neutral static stability is when jet's lift surface get disturb by the air cause deviation in a flight path which is neither can self correct ( No positive stability) nor deviate further and further ( No negative stability ). Means jets remain stable but flight path change.

A fifth class student now can tell us where this principle can be used??? In general, Ofcourse less maneuverable aircrafts, like trainers or Aircraft with less thrust to weight ratio.

Further I will explain you later but before that tell me about "relax static stability"???
Then what is it?? Maybe you are now Inching close to unstable or slightly unstable??

By definition, Neutral static stability is when jet's lift surface get disturb by the air cause deviation in a flight path which is neither can self correct ( No positive stability) nor deviate further and further ( No negative stability ). Means jets remain stable but flight path change.

A fifth class student now can tell us where this principle can be used??? In general, Ofcourse less maneuverable aircrafts, like trainers or Aircraft with less thrust to weight ratio.

Further I will explain you later but before that tell me about "relax static stability"???
Literally I said it clearly all non fbw 4th gen have slightly positive but close to neutral static stability.
And the reason they have slightly is because to counter the induced instability. What is that instability you said it well to remain in a new state after external disturbances and not returning to it.
Now here no fbw is needed as it is easily conrolled.

Induced instability is reduced if airframe has slight positive static stability. No mig29 or f15 is not truly an neutral static stability platform. Gone f4 days which had +ve static stability.

Now you don't even know properties of u stable design and how it is exploited.

A unstable design will have -ve static stability. Which if even little control surface is deviated it will keep muneuvering in the direction at a rate. It won't stop.
Which means with using very little control surfaces the aircraft will do muneuver. So here is the energy saved as no control surfaces were used to do long muneuvers. The aircraft itself has tendancy with very little input but it will keep on doing that muneuvers and which can't be stopped so here u need fbw. The aircraft keep deviating in the disturbance with a high rate. This is what is used & needed even 4th standard kid would tell were this can be used. You don't even unstable designs properties and just writing bs.

To limit instability for controlled flight. So aircraft doesn't need use its extra control surface which causes drag and drains out the energy during combat.

Now how does neutral static stability help in this equation??
It just remain in the new state of disturbance without any increase at a rate.
So how could they exploit this in real platform???
You will need to use full control surface for needed munuevers as aircraft is not intentionally unstable.
For same result unstable aircraft with just slight input can deliver without generating the control surfaces drag & stress on frame.
Fbw is there to use this in controlled manner.

Now u tell me why you call neutral design unstable. Do they add upto muneuverability. They just remain in the new state.
While -ve static stability means instability.
you're brains lacks the stability
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Further I will explain you later but before that tell me about "relax static stability"???
Relaxed static stability is nothing different than a unstable design. A design which has -ve static stability will be a unstable design. Or could also have instability in roll is a RSS design..

I have already told what I intentional instability how is it used. It is not neutral static stability.
It even induces slight dynamic instantly so jets have slight +ve static stability, very slight..
You don't know anything.

Dont call a neutral design unstable please.
Now just google it is relaxed static stability a neutral stability
Relaxed static stability is nothing different than a unstable design. A design which has -ve static stability will be a unstable design. Or could also have instability in roll is a RSS design..

I have already told what I intentional instability how is it used. It is not neutral static stability.
It even induces slight dynamic instantly so jets have slight +ve static stability, very slight..
You don't know anything.

Dont call a neutral design unstable please.
Now just google it is relaxed static stability a neutral stability
View attachment 9768

So aircraft which use relax static stability are inherently unstable??? Yes??

Now tell us the implications of the Relax static stability?? Tell us why and where this unique combination came into existence??
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Hey pussycat @haldilal

Why not organize a DFB Conclave somewhere (at a suitable location)?

Forum is so popular that we may even find few sponsors.

(Even enemy agencies will be on alert as many faces will be revealed)
Ya'll Nibbiars Yup.
Hey pussycat @haldilal

Why not organize a DFB Conclave somewhere (at a suitable location)?

Forum is so popular that we may even find few sponsors.

(Even enemy agencies will be on alert as many faces will be revealed)
@haldilal owns multiple tall buildings in Mumbai!
He can arrange a conclave in conference halls of one of those buildings. He is agreeing to sponsor Flight and Train tickets for DFI memberaans.
Living near airport dosent get annoying af?
Not for a guy who loves watching these big birds 😉
Also the sound is slim to none in my house it’s a decent distance from the runway I go there for running because it’s empty and good road to run.
Not for a guy who loves watching these big birds 😉
Also the sound is slim to none in my house it’s a decent distance from the runway I go there for running because it’s empty and good road to run.
How's traffic there now? When I was little it was one of my worst nightmares to go to airport there.
How's traffic there now? When I was little it was one of my worst nightmares to go to airport there.
Areee mt pucho bhai it’s still a nightmare anywhere you have to go just add 15mins of traffic time before leaving its so frustrating aswell
Did you like entirely shift to Delhi or you come back from time to time?

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