CI/CT Operations

Yeah I know. I am aghast at the news of above report. Do you think tangos are going to spare civvies/children - if repeat of such thing happens - now that its been outed Children alerted about tangos masquerading as army guys?
Well civilians have always been alerting both security forces and terrorists.
And they are already killing civilians (Tunnel incident).
Whoever did that! Next time Tangos are going to make sure that they cover this 'gap'. Idiots of higher order whoever published this information. School kids might have been eager to tell but circumspect should have been on the person who was eager to spread the news.

And what I said is not something out of ordinary. Press briefings sometime give too many juicy details - on how they got tangos dead. Why tell nitty gritty about how you got intel or what lead to catching of tango - by doing same you make sure enemy closes that gap.

Yeah I know. I am aghast at the news of above report. Do you think tangos are going to spare civvies/children - if repeat of such thing happens - now that its been outed Children alerted about tangos masquerading as army guys?

Your concern is valid but your blame point should be media, nor Armed Forces.

> School kids gets told encounter is gonna happen
> They run home and tell their parents, parents inform police / army
> Encounter do happen
> Kids & parents talk around how they informed the police.
> Local police thana tips off reporters for this "juicy information" for ₹100.
> Army is bad coz information god leaked.

Most of these tip-offs and insider sources reporters get are actually local police thana people wanting to make quick money or civilians working with army (porters/cooks/cleaners) who hear gossip within cantonment.


IMO main point of concern here shouldn't be that civilians tipped off army, but how terrorists managed to infiltrate into civilian areas unchallenged. If they wanted they could have easily attacked any civilian infra like school, temple or govt. office.
Well civilians have always been alerting both security forces and terrorists.
And they are already killing civilians (Tunnel incident).
Yes they have been but there is a marked difference. In this op target was not civvies but the tunnel incident - target were civvies.

Think from Tango retrospective - given IA's best had hard time hunting them last year - as they seemed to have learned Tactics and closed loopholes this time around. It seems they did extensive homework. What would they conclude why their tango dastardly act got thwarted?

Why help them in their homework? Why tell them what lead to they getting obliterated?
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Your concern is valid but your blame point should be media, nor Armed Forces.

> School kids gets told encounter is gonna happen
> They run home and tell their parents, parents inform police / army
> Encounter do happen
> Kids & parents talk around how they informed the police.
> Local police thana tips off reporters for this "juicy information" for ₹100.
> Army is bad coz information god leaked.

Most of these tip-offs and insider sources reporters get are actually local police thana people wanting to make quick money or civilians working with army (porters/cooks/cleaners) who hear gossip within cantonment.


IMO main point of concern here shouldn't be that civilians tipped off army, but how terrorists managed to infiltrate into civilian areas unchallenged. If they wanted they could have easily attacked any civilian infra like school, temple or govt. office.
Mist in this case Army might not be the one and some other agency or school kids eagerly telling media about it could be the cause. But we have seen so many press briefings where "details" are given that one wonders - whats the need of it? Have we forgotten how Marcos, NSG and Mumbai Police were 'fighting' for media credit during 26/11? Seems we have not learned

Indian Media is belagaam Ghodaa but collars should be pulled for loose lips among police/armed forces or even Media.

Here look how Media is on tight leash even in US.

Jihadi : These are some very rare AP rounds for AK we've managed hard to source, we'd fire these and it'll strike fear deep in the hearts of these security forces. We'll kill so many in this ambush that India would be forced to pull back it's forces and end this occupation

Le Army Jawan : Hehe...bag phaad diya M... 🙃

Jihadi : These are some very rare AP rounds for AK we've managed hard to source, we'd fire these and it'll strike fear deep in the hearts of these security forces. We'll kill so many in this ambush that India would be forced to pull back it's forces and end this occupation

Le Army Jawan : Hehe...bag phaad diya M... 🙃


Bichare ka khudke pese ka bag tha
Dukh toh hoga hi
Hope army compensates
It was not the army, it was the terrorists.
They asked those school going kids for mobile phones but they didn't have so they told them to get insides as an encounter was about to happen.
Must have been high on drugs or something:dance:
Not high on drugs
High on confidence due to the past encounters .

They no longer get caught in encounters they initiate the encounter. Just shows how confident they are
Unarmored AL Stallion. No way they will survive against that round. High time IA should switch to armored variants of Stallion to carry troops.

We are loosing Jawans along with lakhs of rupees investment on them. We are bleeding money and manpower. But high command lack of seriousness will bite them one day.

I'm dumbfounded, What prevents the ARMY from procuring APC at least for J&K?

Traveling on canvas top vehicles will not give you security against goons armed with knifes,let alone terrorists armed with AK-47

Can't these driver cabins & side walls of passenger compartment take add-on armour?

I think these attacks will mellow down when the trucks will be armored ensuring the safety of the crew members inside . Yes drones might help but picking the ambush point where drones becomes blind is not a big deal ..

An CIWS grenade launcher on top of driver cabin... Can't go in with '90s tech anymore in unrest areas.
It is deployed to provide cover for the soldiers or offensive strike. Hope forces utilizes the gunships as well for complete anhilation

More over the topography allowed it to be deployed where the gradient is not so steep. Which means it was CQB in civilians area.
why do i think there are more groups in the vicinity ......
maybe the 3 initiated the attack in a fucking obvious way ( why else will they just tell the kids and let them go , they wanted them to go and inform the army to initiate a response) the army will respond and the other groups will them initiate the bigger attack .

Else there is no reason to bring in BMPs to kill a holed up pig , maybe the BMPs are setup to hold ground to deter the other groups .

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