CI/CT Operations

You show up with a BMP, they show up with an RPG.

This is what I exactly said 4 months ago on SF thread, that forces will bring the Armour tangos will increase the caliber. So enemy detection is very important by any any and any means. This is commonsense. Yes armor helps but detection capability is very important.
abey tyre hi uda diya aur aag laga di gadi mein to armour ka kya karega? You need to detect enemy fire.
What's so special about RPGs when they're such widely proliferated platform?
Have you all forgotten 2022 Mohali?
Using RPG is not weird...what's weird is that we've still not seen widespread use of RPGs

Heck if they really want then they can bring in Iglas too
What's so special about RPGs when they're such widely proliferated platform?
Have you all forgotten 2022 Mohali?
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Using RPG is not weird...what's weird is that we've still not seen widespread use of RPGs

Heck if they really want then they can bring in Iglas too
Only reason they do not bring iglas is that they know in response we will arm anyone who has paki hate with manpads and then we can see PIA getting shot down.
You show up with a BMP, they show up with an RPG.
This is what I exactly said 4 months ago on SF thread, that forces will bring the Armour tangos will increase the caliber. So enemy detection is very important by any any and any means. This is commonsense. Yes armor helps but detection capability is very important.

Reminds of the scene in one of those Christian Bale batman movies where Gordon is bitching about escalation with "we get bullet proof vests they get armor piercing bullets"
so yet another op with ~4 KIA while terrorists escape again? And these are our so called special forces

Our "special" forces are equipped like ragtag Contractor mercenaries, train similarly & like then see lotsa low intensity skirmish combat ... Thus perform comparably.
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Our "special" forces are equipped like ragtag Contractor mercenaries, train similarly & like then see lotsa low intensity skirmish combat ... Thus perform comparably.
well "Ragtag Contractor Mercenaries" can bring down unimaginable amounts of firepower and violence if properly used and managed.
Blackwater were far more feared in the initial days in Fallujah before the Marines went berserk.
so yet another op with ~4 KIA while terrorists escape again? And these are our so called special forces
#RRMB - neither GoI not IA have any final solution or willingness to end this once and for all i.e salami slice into PoK and take over strategic land and permanently end infiltration, as also disproportionate response for every own KIA .
Our "special" forces are equipped like ragtag Contractor mercenaries, train similarly & like then see lotsa low intensity skirmish combat ... Thus perform comparably.

This is the apt description for how the "special forces" boys look like.

Whenever i see those pics i always look for Tavor to be able to distinguish whether the dude in question is "special" or normal.

Genrols have absolutely no shame
Well that's exactly the point...the helicopter was evacuating casualties and was completely unprepared to get shot by at.

And in this case the helicopter is going after them anticipating all the possible ways in which they can be engaged.
And for Mi-17s you already have the option to put an impressive amount of applique armour
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As for terrain and maneuvering, this is what humans look like on any decent FLIR from even kilometres away
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You can engage them from quite a distance
What about increasing the threshold of violence with the tangos
Do it enough times, eventually what's not to say they show up with a stinger
only SF in the world that is content getting ambushed in every ops. Do the top commanders genuinely feel no shame? After the 5th ambush, surely you will want to try out something new. And why is the SF even being called for such ops in the first place.
well "Ragtag Contractor Mercenaries" can bring down unimaginable amounts of firepower and violence if properly used and managed.
Blackwater were far more feared in the initial days in Fallujah before the Marines went berserk.

My point is we shouldn't ten them as SF is this is what were using them for... Maybe create an RR Commando force & depute all SF members there for temporary experience gaining. They can then assault hooked up militants or hunt then in the hills.

But this is not what 9Para should be permanently & full-time
My question is why isn't goi escalating?

Investor pigeons flying away.
Uncle Sam will be upset( Granpa Budhen still on chair ).
Domestic dhandhos becoming upset.
No electoral pressure since this is not like Pulwama's count of 40 dead.

Escalate and than what?

We have been escalating from 2014 till 2021 did it earn us anything better than what we have here?

They didn't escalate enough.

At the end of the day dhandho and (((development))) ties the hands of the current incumbents
Unlike the previous ones who didn't give a shit either way

Greens whether individual or whole country need beatings at regular intervals to maintain discipline
Otherwise they will continue to get even worse high on nasha of 1 green === 10 oranges
Is it the right time to bring up what some people say about our military?

"Indian strategy of Dealing with terrorist is deploying over half a million troops in their own territory. Surrounding terrorists with 100s of troops and military vehicles with several units hunting 1 ro 2 tangos at a time. The said tango barley have any gear to speak off and less than desirable training. After all of this they barely manage to get a kill ratio of 1:3"

I hope hellfire saab won't have me hung by the noose.
Is it the right time to bring up what some people say about our military?

"Indian strategy of Dealing wity terrorist is deploying over half a million troops in their own territory. Surrounding terrorists with 100s of troops and military vehicles with several units hunting 1 ro 2 tangos at a time. The said tango barley have any gear to speak off and less than desirable training. After all of this they barely manage to get a kill ratio of 1:3"

I hope hellfire saab won't have me hung by the noose.

Is there really that many troops necessary?.. Again you can use locally stationed Police/Paramilitary to setup cordons, keep only a company or 3 of these RR Commandos per district to be heliborne to encounter location quickly to get the kill done.
Use the helis too... A few side mounted grenade-launchers instead of miniguns & IR-Guided rockets can do wonders in search & halal (can even thermal scan at night from air).
My point is we shouldn't ten them as SF is this is what were using them for... Maybe create an RR Commando force & depute all SF members there for temporary experience gaining. They can then assault hooked up militants or hunt then in the hills.

But this is not what 9Para should be permanently & full-time

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