CI/CT Operations

there was nothing wrong in restarting the ceasefire .

ceasefire isnt the issue here . we already broken it several times for retaliation . we did massive shelling across IB last year after pak shot our soldier.

most likely we blew up 1 or 2 pak forward posts today itself .

problem is - we are not in a position to do more . reason for that isnt the ceasefire but something else - maybe china/lac or maybe we finally gone full vishwaguru and pakistan is exploiting that.
Pakistan will be emboldened by our collective cowardice .The next big terror attack may not happen in Kashmir. That day is not far when we'll think twice before going out & boarding public transport.
What else we can expect
We are increasing our threshold of tolerance
We didn't react when multiple ambushes happened
We didn't react when beheading happened we didn't react when a bus carry tirthyatris was attacked
We keep blushing and ignoring thus making our threats more powerful and courageous
Next what army camps or airforce stations or bomb blasts and terror attacks in cities
And I am sure if something of that level happens even then we won't react at that time we must ask mudiji does he have any shame to speak against MMS again
Don't wanna be rude but this is all just a big cope .
No , we are not killing them in their own territories , we might have killed off a few but most of them are just a victim of political war like in cartels .

this low intensity war has been going on for around 30 years and has already lead to a full war and thousands of casualties what makes you think that this will end ?? and not be used to setup another kargil like attempt ? I a war between countries , their will be no " last man standing win " pakistanis will not have a change in heart neither will they stop reproducing you either beat them down and set up defences capable to deter/stop another attempt (like Korea) or you keep repeating this same cycle and keep on stacking casualties .

bud we have digested beheadings , torture and forgotten POWs ...... aren't we digesting too much . Wars have been started on less .

Abhinandan's capture would have lead to a commotion ... your pilot got shot down and there are videos circulating of him getting abused on world wide media... what would you expect ??
Also the government had no options to begin with , what would have they done ? launch a flight of Garuds to rescue him from POK ??

emotional people don't loose war impotent leadership does . These same emotional people send off their other sons to fight when one dies .. they sell their gold for the war cause ...even when civil and military leadership launch 1(ONE) counter offensive in a whole war , they don't question them and just take the L quietly .
A bitter pill to swallow we don’t have capability to wage wars only after capability will we get intent and courage till then slow grinding it will be.
In India you can not reform anything , same generals after retirement become part time politician and spit bullshitand emotional fools electrol will award them .
worst serving generals doing Press conference and reiterating how they need shiny imported toys and goverment is stopping them.
it is genrals themself who need to improve themself and with it armed forces.
One thing is true every GOI seriously lacks intent or capability to punish sarkari babus.
They don’t fire them ,don’t punish them ,no legal action . Maybe be becoz investigation are done by department itself they are like tu meri peeth khujala main teri khujalaoonga .
We bit more than we can chew. It would have been wise to align with one superpower (either USA or China),
Both of whom are civilizational enemies and want to wipe out Sanatana Dharma - Kukiland, NE region xtian conversions, funding Dravidianism down south and Maoist/Naxal insurgencies being just some small examples.

Instead, we foolishly cozied up to a dying relic of past Russia, who have no real future.
True, but no other option, while allying with communist USSR was probably a mistake, today's Russia is probably not bent on subverting Bharatiya society to that extent (unlike chinka and US), so probably is the right thing to do, and add to that the lower priced oil deals.
We need to look out for alternative course of action to engage pakistan strategically if army is shortage of manpower or challenges in mobilizing. World's 4th largest military showing coward like restraint is a shame. We have to bring down the terrorist camps frequently through airstrikes.
The IB and LOC along south-west Kashmir and north-west of Jammu areas should be declared war zones.

This will not even cost 2 billion to sustain operations for the next 2-3 years. Modi has time now to fix it. The same model or security establishment's learning can be later implemented in Assam and WB.

Otherwise, the Jihadi enterprise will replicate what they are doing in Kashmir to Assam and WB especially if we let it get out of control after externalizing it. Heck, NE is already boiling after letting a hostile demography establish itself.

Now we have good reason to displace the whole population and later replace it with army infrastructure, fortified defence grid capable of IBGs ingress and later on favourable population.

The hinterland attacks within the state are conducted to confuse our policymakers who will not go for border operations till the hinterland is secured. The Same is done by Kuki terrorists in the area adjoining south-east Assam while their main theatre or objective is to establish a buffer zone in eastern Manipur/ bordering Burma.

Indian army is being gamed. If we can not read this then it will be safe to say Indian Army is incompetent or compromised.

The blueprint of the Pakistan Army operation in its NWFP should be implemented here.

We must have an end game in mind before doing anything. The end game is to place our resources inwards and have a favourable population or a sanitized militarily active zone along IB and LOC. After this, we can externalize with the best possible intensity.
The troops of these two units are expected to be based in Samba and near the Jammu-Punjab border, the sources said.

bsf chief was saying last year that there were zero infiltration via jammu . reality it seems there were comming in undetected.
Good decision. Should've been made years earlier though. For the undetected part, these mkcs were told to sanitize areas with potential tunnels (the ones that they were destroying on tv last week) and conduct more Area dom patrols.
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The IB and LOC along south-west Kashmir and north-west of Jammu areas should be declared war zones.

This will not even cost 2 billion to sustain operations for the next 2-3 years. Modi has time now to fix it. The same model or security establishment's learning can be later implemented in Assam and WB.

Otherwise, the Jihadi enterprise will replicate what they are doing in Kashmir to Assam and WB especially if we let it get out of control after externalizing it. Heck, NE is already boiling after letting a hostile demography establish itself.

Now we have good reason to displace the whole population and later replace it with army infrastructure, fortified defence grid capable of IBGs ingress and later on favourable population.

The hinterland attacks within the state are conducted to confuse our policymakers who will not go for border operations till the hinterland is secured. The Same is done by Kuki terrorists in the area adjoining south-east Assam while their main theatre or objective is to establish a buffer zone in eastern Manipur/ bordering Burma.

Indian army is being gamed. If we can not read this then it will be safe to say Indian Army is incompetent or compromised.

The blueprint of the Pakistan Army operation in its NWFP should be implemented here.

We must have an end game in mind before doing anything. The end game is to place our resources inwards and have a favourable population or a sanitized militarily active zone along IB and LOC. After this, we can externalize with the best possible intensity.

Even including the shitshow in manipur, the overall deaths and violence in the northeast (including assam) is down by my estimate ~80% in the last decade, compared to the previous decade. They need to quickly fence up the unfenced burmese borders before it is undone.
there was nothing wrong in restarting the ceasefire .

ceasefire isnt the issue here . we already broken it several times for retaliation . we did massive shelling across IB last year after pak shot our soldier.

most likely we blew up 1 or 2 pak forward posts today itself .

problem is - we are not in a position to do more . reason for that isnt the ceasefire but something else - maybe china/lac or maybe we finally gone full vishwaguru and pakistan is exploiting that.

The IB and LOC along south-west Kashmir and north-west of Jammu areas should be declared war zones.

This will not even cost 2 billion to sustain operations for the next 2-3 years. Modi has time now to fix it. The same model or security establishment's learning can be later implemented in Assam and WB.

Otherwise, the Jihadi enterprise will replicate what they are doing in Kashmir to Assam and WB especially if we let it get out of control after externalizing it. Heck, NE is already boiling after letting a hostile demography establish itself.

Now we have good reason to displace the whole population and later replace it with army infrastructure, fortified defence grid capable of IBGs ingress and later on favourable population.

The hinterland attacks within the state are conducted to confuse our policymakers who will not go for border operations till the hinterland is secured. The Same is done by Kuki terrorists in the area adjoining south-east Assam while their main theatre or objective is to establish a buffer zone in eastern Manipur/ bordering Burma.

Indian army is being gamed. If we can not read this then it will be safe to say Indian Army is incompetent or compromised.

The blueprint of the Pakistan Army operation in its NWFP should be implemented here.

We must have an end game in mind before doing anything. The end game is to place our resources inwards and have a favourable population or a sanitized militarily active zone along IB and LOC. After this, we can externalize with the best possible intensity.
There's a reason Modi isn't retaliating & that reason is as simple as the depletion in the IA numbers . The only way he can undo this is by resuming induction in to the IA to pre COVID levels & improve upon the Agniveer program . He's going to do neither.

Which leaves us with little options but to rush in CAPFs which will be akin to the bloodbath we got to see in Central India in the early to mid 2000s right upto 2016 or thereabouts.

This mentality flows from I know all there's to know about best manifested in early 2021 when after the first phase of COVID we were literally distributing vaccines all-over the world where Leaderji was convinced the worst was past & either someone forgot to tell him pandemics strike in phases & it isn't just 2 or Leaderji thought he knows best .

Out here in Mumbai , Mumbaikars will agree with me when I state that Leaderji apni hoshiyari xhodne gaya tha aur phass gaya. We're left to pick up the pieces
Even including the shitshow in manipur, the overall deaths and violence in the northeast (including assam) is down by my estimate ~80% in the last decade, compared to the previous decade. They need to quickly fence up the unfenced burmese borders before it is undone.
Few points:

This can also be interpreted as the terror enterprise controlling the intensity.

For example, Kashmir is relatively peaceful because the Jihadi enterprise has established its writ. They can make any of their candidates win the elections. (Later on can sustain a long separatist movement if you deny him any constitutional functioning or position).

These conflict zones are following a pattern (if you exclude their sync with foreign agenda, which they have made themselves very handy and can act on call). They scam the hell out of state and then before getting busted they activate the separatism.

The same is happening in Punjab.

Leave alone tools of social engineering to have a favourable population we are not even been able to control foreign interference.

I do not want to turn this thread political but our top leadership is rigidly following shortsighted rules to show themselves as true democrats.

You gave Punajb democracy after losing thousands of Hindus. The separatists came back. The point is they will find one excuse after the other.

Just today, I heard DG of Assam Rifles saying we are playing neutral in this conflict. A few weeks ago an Air Force leader spoke out of his turn on self-reliance. Who is the captain here? How come Assam Rifle play neutral or its DG disclose its intent to the government when he should be subservient to their orders?
There's a reason Modi isn't retaliating & that reason is as simple as the depletion in the IA numbers . The only way he can undo this is by resuming induction in to the IA to pre COVID levels & improve upon the Agniveer program . He's going to do neither.

Which leaves us with little options but to rush in CAPFs which will be akin to the bloodbath we got to see in Central India in the early to mid 2000s right upto 2016 or thereabouts.

This mentality flows from I know all there's to know about best manifested in early 2021 when after the first phase of COVID we were literally distributing vaccines all-over the world where Leaderji was convinced the worst was past & either someone forgot to tell him pandemics strike in phases & it isn't just 2 or Leaderji thought he knows best .

Out here in Mumbai , Mumbaikars will agree with me when I state that Leaderji apni hoshiyari xhodne gaya tha aur phass gaya. We're left to pick up the pieces
I am not able to understand your point.

Leave alone the word retaliation. It is a fanboy word and the government wants us to indulge in this cacophony.

Talk about the end game, military objective, demography change, and defence grid infrastructure. These are very easy or low-hanging fruits to pluck but it looks like we are strangely distracted.

I in the past suggested running a pilot project in a few bordering villages. Establish a favourable population make them part of your lowered strategic threshold and defend them with a sizeable force and resources.

I can go on and on about how It will disincentivise the terror enterprise and after early high hostility, the opted region will become stable.
I am not able to understand your point.

Leave alone the word retaliation. It is a fanboy word and the government wants us to indulge in this cacophony.

Retaliation as in saturating Jammu with CI / CT troops from the IA to stem what we're facing there. Retaliation as in opening up across the LoC / IB thru massive artillery barrages like what we did in the immediate aftermath of Pulwama 2019 & kept at it till the ceasefire. What's so difficult to understand in this ?

We could do that while maintaining troops across the LAC in full strength.
Talk about the end game, military objective, demography change, and defence grid infrastructure. These are very easy or low-hanging fruits to pluck but it looks like we are strangely distracted.

All these points you're referring to is fruitless to discuss as there's no way in hell we can undertake these in the world as it exists today. For us to even contemplate it we need a new world order & a leadership with a completely fresh perspective on how to handle things which the present leadership lacks even if they are in a new world order.
I in the past suggested running a pilot project in a few bordering villages. Establish a favourable population make them part of your lowered strategic threshold and defend them with a sizeable force and resources.

I can go on and on about how It will disincentivise the terror enterprise and after early high hostility, the opted region will become stable.
What you're suggesting isn't new by any means & has been part of our strategy in our border states with Paxtan . Of late we're attempting this in UK , AP etc
S Jaishanker must resign he is of no use.

Nachiketa was caught did India stop the war then why during Abhinandan?

US and China are anti to eachother but Pakistan has good relations with both when it comes to India.

PM sahab kabhi ajit doval ki sun lo why always listening to S Jaishanker.
Killed BAT Pig in Kupwara.
He was finished using Grenade Launchers.
View attachment 4503

The level of personal grooming gives it away. Religiously fanatical mujahids won't trim & shave their beard in a straight line. This person was paid well and lived a non-religious life.
"Unidentified personnel" because Army is trying to ascertain if they are PA regulars/SSGs, not because they have gone woke.
Still not the right choice of words could have mentioned pakistan intruder or gunmen when they not sure about identity. Terrorist & Pak soldier both grave enemy to this nation don't deserve esteemed representation

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