CI/CT Operations

I think we already started normalising ties with china atleast in economic sphere. Direct flight to China started resuming slowly and Chinese direct investment on non critical sectors like solar energy and battery likely to be allowed. Coming months there may be a temporary reduction of troops at LAC. Once the negotiations with china progresses on positive note we may see a larger scale action LOC. Russia may play a greater role in influencing china

This is a big mistake ! You cannot trust China's word at all, only actions. They can be going all cozy and best friends, and then next day they will attack you. That's what happened in 2020, that's what will happen again.

A large-scale operation on LoC is exact thing China is looking forward to take advantage of. And coming to Russia, they are in no shape to play any role in anything, they are practially Chinese bitches now.

Pakistan and India were always lined up against each other at the LOC.. China joined in force in 2020.. So, they have been arrayed against us for 4 years now.. A situation like this in Jammu Kashmir is not surprising... So, what explains the slow Artilery orders ?

Def Min. - MoD - Army saboutaging each other, what else. BJP wants to make & buy in India. MoD babus don't move files without fat bribes. Army won't approve requirements unless they get bribe. Israel/America lobbying for their own artillery.

Its a shitshow.

Pathetic statement "unidentified personnel" are we expecting invincible predator style aliens to intrude from POK. Disgraceful attitude from army handles


"Unidentified personnel" because Army is trying to ascertain if they are PA regulars/SSGs, not because they have gone woke.
Back in the days losing 15 men in one month but we would eliminate over 100 terrorists in that very month. Now what have we become. The kill ratio is in their bloody favour.

I remember watching a story about a Naha Regiment commander who commanded 60 RR whose battalion killed 11 terrorists and one shaurya chakra and 2 sena medals in a single operation.

This was in 2011 when army was roaming around in BPJ and a hat. What has fuckinf changed to where 1 pig killed is seen tactical
This leadership has become so pathetic. We have no shame or balls left!
Hiding information and comments on twitter posts and hiring Pr agencies ......... our leadership are now effectively comparable to politicians .

Looking at the things happening around and the hopeless situation makes me wanna KMS.

most important thing i have learned from my time in defense space is

be loyal and respect that army or gov but never dickride them , too much dickriding always results in god complex that our gov and mil leadership has ......... koi question karega to use SSB fail , pakistani bol dete hain . Spread the word as much as possible among fellow dickriders .
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Morale will be severely impacted if such attacks keep happening daily. Modi & top army brass are clueless & high on ceasefire kool aid ! Coward baniyas don't understand the value of optics/morale & psychological warfare. He's not going to win 2029 for sure. Strategic restraint= cowardice.
If you read the article you would understand that evey arm of defence forces were not ready to attack Pakistan after 26/11 and a bureaucrat NSA was the one who wanted to punish Pakistan while others who were supposed to be aggressive gave excuses for not doing it.

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If you read the article you would understand that evey arm of defence forces were not ready to attack Pakistan after 26/11 and a bureaucrat NSA was the one who wanted to punish Pakistan while others who were supposed to be aggressive gave excuses for not doing it.

Mudi might have become a pu**y but it's rooted in reality. Fighting a war at this point will repeat the Balakot mistake, more cases like mig 21 and MI 17.
Bitter pill to swallow, but just might be the reality.

Generals after humiliation will be all like "If only we had star destroyers this wouldn't have happened".
Sending thousand of young men to death like in kargil vs losing a few that will eventually be forgotten as next big thing happens in the politico. Clearly the latter is more favorable.
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just putting it out there but The army has no taken as many causalties already this year as they did in 991.

Only difference is they killed over 400 terrroristsvalone


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Mudi might have become a pu**y but it's rooted in reality. Fighting a war at this point will repeat the Balakot mistake, more cases like mig 21 and MI 17.
Bitter pill to swallow, but just might he the reality.

Generals after humiliation will be all like "If only we had star destroyers this wouldn't have happened".
Sending thousand of young men to death like in kargil vs losing a few that will eventually be forgotten as next big thing happens in the politico. Clearly the latter is more favorable.
Bud was in power for 4 whole years since balakot still did jackshit .
If you see something is broken , you fix it not hide it and tell yourself to never use it .

Also we all know gov has enough power and influence to bring changes . he has been selected to do what needs to be done . Mfs don't even have the guts to call them terrorists , bitches are calling them "unidentified personnel " as if aliens attacked them .
Morale will be severely impacted if such attacks keep happening daily. Modi & top army brass are clueless & high on ceasefire kool aid ! Coward baniyas don't understand the value of optics/morale & psychological warfare. He's not going to win 2029 for sure. Strategic restraint= cowardice.

There is no strategic restraint, we are killing them in their own territory and they are trying to hit back with more-and-more desperation.

We have been fighting this low intensity war since the past several decades. Everybody in the defense establishment understands the rule of the game. This is a battle of patience, the last man standing wins it.

If a country cannot digest the losses, then that country is on the verge of getting road-rolled.

Remember the commotion after Abhinandan's capture? A single guy got captured, the media frenzy and the public drama that followed it severely restricted the government's options.

Emotional people loose war.
Bud was in power for 4 whole years since balakot still did jackshit .
If you see something is broken , you fix it not hide it and tell yourself to never use it .

Also we all know gov has enough power and influence to bring changes . he has been selected to do what needs to be done . Mfs don't even have the guts to call them terrorists , bitches are calling them "unidentified personnel " as if aliens attacked them .
Like I said India is like an elephant, every thing happens at elephants pace here.
As for why Mudi can't bring changes in the militray, I don't know.
No one has that answer, this forum does not have the answers.
There is no strategic restraint, we are killing them in their own territory and they are trying to hit back with more-and-more desperation.

We have been fighting this low intensity war since the past several decades. Everybody in the defense establishment understands the rule of the game. This is a battle of patience, the last man standing wins it.

If a country cannot digest the losses, then that country is on the verge of getting road-rolled.

Remember the commotion after Abhinandan's capture? A single guy got captured, the media frenzy and the public drama that followed it severely restricted the government's options.

Emotional people loose war.
Don't wanna be rude but this is all just a big cope .
No , we are not killing them in their own territories , we might have killed off a few but most of them are just a victim of political war like in cartels .

this low intensity war has been going on for around 30 years and has already lead to a full war and thousands of casualties what makes you think that this will end ?? and not be used to setup another kargil like attempt ? I a war between countries , their will be no " last man standing win " pakistanis will not have a change in heart neither will they stop reproducing you either beat them down and set up defences capable to deter/stop another attempt (like Korea) or you keep repeating this same cycle and keep on stacking casualties .

bud we have digested beheadings , torture and forgotten POWs ...... aren't we digesting too much . Wars have been started on less .

Abhinandan's capture would have lead to a commotion ... your pilot got shot down and there are videos circulating of him getting abused on world wide media... what would you expect ??
Also the government had no options to begin with , what would have they done ? launch a flight of Garuds to rescue him from POK ??

emotional people don't loose war impotent leadership does . These same emotional people send off their other sons to fight when one dies .. they sell their gold for the war cause ...even when civil and military leadership launch 1(ONE) counter offensive in a whole war , they don't question them and just take the L quietly .

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