CI/CT Operations

What arms do Pakistan acquire from Turkey ?
Have they not acquired Bayraktar UCAVs and Anka drone for surveillance. Turkish YIHA UCAVs are assembled in pakistan, warheads are exported to pak assembly line. Drone upgrade program done by Turkish Aerospace. They also provide modernisation package for some of the inventory in PAF
Have they not acquired Bayraktar UCAVs and Anka drone for surveillance. Turkish YIHA UCAVs are assembled in pakistan, warheads are exported to pak assembly line. Drone upgrade program done by Turkish Aerospace. They also provide modernisation package for some of the inventory in PAF

If they really plan to fight us with turkish UAVs then I pity them.
Mixed opinions. You are absolutely right about RR operation methods. However that is usually if the search party gets fired on, but several times search party is able to neutralize terrorists even without casualties. Room intervention drills need to be much better as IA doesn’t have a cohesive drill culture in this regard- vast majority of COIN drills are SADO or jungle/mountain warfare but not urban warfare.


It doesn't matter how good you are in room intervention drills, cause the houses in kashmir are very different from the regular House in middle East or west, here the house have attics & various storage space, you will never know where the enemy is
It doesn't matter how good you are in room intervention drills, cause the houses in kashmir are very different from the regular House in middle East or west, here the house have attics & various storage space, you will never know where the enemy is

Army has advanced training courses for RR/CI-CT deployed units at multiple CBS. I request everyone to please watch this video.
Kinda surreal how Pakistans best of the best have been relegated to conducting cross border terrorism so that Pakistan can stay relevant.
And they are still failing. Their ssg is being fought to a standstill with our troops and they arguably gave everything in their favour (Intel, Equipment, Point of ambush, etc).
It doesn't matter how good you are in room intervention drills, cause the houses in kashmir are very different from the regular House in middle East or west, here the house have attics & various storage space, you will never know where the enemy is
The Iraqis used to have lots of hiding places, the farm houses of Northern Ireland during troubles have more in common as with those in Kashmir, read Mark Urban's Big Boy Rules and Task Force Black.
Also take a look at this:
What an Ex MARCO has to say about Kashmir being an easier territory than a complete Urban Landscape like Taj was in 26/11. I have specifically made an attempt to highlight some things in the photo editor so as to bring the important things to your attention. (I dont like using highlighters on books)



So if anything, Kashmir is easier than Fallujah let's say. The problem in Kashmir is the same as the problem in Northern Ireland in the 1970s and I would like to quote former SAS operative Pete Winner (vetran of Battle of Mirbat, Iranian Embessy Seige and Falklands, Spent 4 years in Northern Ireland)
"Belfast. The home of barricades, bombs and marching bands. The graveyard ofthe professional soldier's ambitions, the career charnel house of the military intelligence officer. We were heading into the gutters and backstreets, bowedunder the weight of bergens loaded to overflowing with Whitehall edicts andRules of Engagement to be obeyed like the Ten Commandments. We were to face an opposition unfettered by constitutional laws and diplomatic niceties. Itseemed we were completely pinioned, like men buried to the neck in sand,watching the rising tide of political confusion, intelligence confusion, military confusion and legal confusion. Belfast! A nervous breakdown just waiting to happen.
"To most of us mere soldiers the answer was simple. All you had to do was takeout the ringleaders and the rest would fold like a pack of cards, putting the'revolution' back twenty or thirty years. The Head Shed could not see this, and kept banging on about the democratic society and working within the law of the land. I began to have a sneaky suspicion they could smell easy medals, but I couldn't prove it. One thing I did know: with its sinister streets and alienated population, Belfast was no place for highly trained special forces. This was a job for armed police – switched-on operators who knew the law and could pick theirway through the minefield of rules and regulations."

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