Combat Air-Teaming System (CATS)


शौर्यम् दक्षम् युध्धेयः, बलिदान् परम् धर्मः
Jun 30, 2024

This thread is about India’s Combat Air Teaming System under development by HAL and Private entity New Space Research and Technologies. CATS is an umbrella term for a combination of manned and unmanned stealth infused assets to increase dominance and decrease human casualties in a highly contested air space where it can perform air to air and air to ground operations.


1. CATS-LCA MAX (Mothership for Air-Exploitation)

→ LCA MAX will be a twin sitter advanced version of LCA which will act as a mothership in CATS. there will be one pilot and one controller who will control and command all CATS UAV system.

2. CATS-Warrior

→ CATS Warrior is a stealth Loyal Wingman UCAV. it will have an internal weapon bay to carry Air-to-Air missiles, Air-to-Ground bombs, and also carry out anti-ship mission. it has a range up to 200KM.

"Warrior" is being built in 2 different sizes. The large one will have a length of 8.5 to 9 m and the smaller one will have a length of 3 to 4 meters. Warrior will be powered by 2 Indian made PTAE-7 engines which will give max speed upto 0.7 mach.

3. CATS-Hunter

→ Hunter is a UAV cum Cruise missile which able to carry a warhead up to 250kg and have two versions, one will have electro-optical sensors and the other will have AESA radar for target tracking. it will be powered by a small turbofan engine.

4. CATS-ALFA (Air Launched Flexible Assets)

→ Alpha is a drone swarm consisting of 5 fixed retractable wing drones in one carrier. this carrier will go up to 75km and the swarm drone gets separated and will go 150km further. each drone consists target acquisition system and warhead for penetration.


5. CATS-Infinity High Altitude Pseudo-Satellite (HAPS)

→ CATS Infinity is a High Altitude Pseudo-Satellite that will provide data link connectivity and surveillance in manned-unmanned formation in CATS. It can fly up to 70,000 Ft. and will be powered by solar panels. The CATS Infinity can remain in flight for upto 90 days.

Infinity is designed to be equipped with terrain mapping camera and will have the capability of producing airborne real time cueing hyperspectral enhanced reconnaissance for deep strike aerial missions inside enemy territory. With a wingspan of 50 meters, the drone uses multiple ultra-lightweight electric motors that generates a speed of 90 to 100 kilometer per hour. New Space is working on high-density rechargeable Lithium-Sulphur batteries that will help constantly power the system for longer duration.

It is also intended as a platform for real time communication and control of unmanned ground vehicles like Mobile Autonomous Stabilisation System (MASS), Mobile Autonomous Robot System (MARS) and Muntra developed by DRDO as well as in drone warfare under the CATS program.

6. CATS-HALE UCAV (High Altitute Long Endurance Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle)


→ CATS High Altitude Long Endurance UCAV will be similar to General Atomics MQ-20 Predator-C Avenger UCAV with a service ceiling of ~50,000 ft, an endurance of upto ~15 hours, a combat range of ~1500km.

It will be powered by an indigenous Turbofan engine

*Not much is revealed about this project so far, hence ~estimates.

Has 2 variants, TP (Turboprop) and TF (Turbofan)

7. SARPA (Swarm Adaptable Reconnaissance & Precision Attack)​


→Although not much is disclosed about this project, but it’s name may hint towards it being a loitering munition, also it is still not clear whether it’s a part of CATS program or not.

8. CATS-OMCA (Optionally Manned Combat Aircraft)​


→Retired MiG-21, MiG-27 and Kiran Jets will be converted to Optionally Manned Combat Aircrafts. The project aims to use these aircrafts as both manned and unmanned platforms depending on the risk factor of the operations they will be involved in.

9. TIA-AV (Tactical Interdiction and Attack Air Vehicle​


→ CATS TIA-AV is a low observable, multirole autonomous Hunter Killer Stealth UAV project. Can be used for deep air support missions and for ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition) roles including ELINT.

10. CATS-Abhimanyu​


→ For ISR, Kinetic Attack, Decoy and EW Mission. This Stealth UAV is based on TIA-AV Design philosophy, geared to be low cost, intelligent and expandable platform.

The promotional video of Abhimanyu UAS introduced four specialized configurations:

  • Abhimanyu EW, this variant is equipped to jam enemy fighters, providing essential protection for airbases. Its electronic warfare capabilities are designed to disrupt and neutralize potential threats, ensuring the safety of vital assets.
  • Abhimanyu Kamikaze is a potent kinetic attack drone, capable of precision strikes against hostile military aircraft.
  • Abhimanyu Decoy is a variant which plays a crucial role in diverting the attention of enemy air defences. By mimicking the behaviour of genuine aircraft, Abhimanyu Decoy disrupts the adversary’s ability to distinguish between real threats and decoys.
  • Abhimanyu ISR is the eyes and ears of the operation, providing invaluable intelligence and surveillance data. Abhimanyu ISR identifies and tracks potential threats, enhancing situational awareness for the entire team.

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Air Combat Intelligence Development (ACID)

→ACID stands for Air Combat Intelligence Development. this program will provide Artificial Intelligence and data link for Manned Unmanned teaming in CATS.
Be it any UCAV in the world, there are some points to ponder -

> I don't think a dedicated "mothership" is needed in era of advanced software & networking. Things are more S/w defined than H/w defined. UAVs are already remote operated literally from opposite side of planet via satellite N/w.
An AI-UCAV/drone should be controlable from any friendly jet fighter, AEW&C, C4I jet, ground HQ or even submarine. They should have inbuilt permanent guidelines like friendly/hostile area, forces, assets & commanders & some dynamic ones like IFF (Interogate Friend or Foe), unhackable security, action order authentication, etc. They should be able to accept instructions & tasks just likea real pilot.

> What if these UCAVs run into enemy's 4.5/5/5.5 gen jet fighters? Will they be able to dogfight?

> A UCAV in order to be a wingman should have same or similar profile & capabilities like stealth level, flight range, airframe performace, etc. They should be able to supercruise, intercept, escort, protect.
If their size is puny then so will be range, sortie time, payload, performance, etc.

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