Electronics and Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry

Pls amend the title to include solar as well or better still create a thread on renewables or one exclusively on solar for this thread is getting cluttered
I think photovoltaics should be in electronics thread.

Members can create the thread if they wish to do so.
I'm not sure if making political/social comments on this this thread is correct but I have to point out that the worst detractors of Bihar are biharis themselves. About 30% of my college were biharis and all of them shat on their own state. There was one dude that hated blore and wanted to do something in his own state, he went back after graduation started some tuition classes for something .. I asked him about it and his response was .. yahaan ke chutiye kuch sikhne layak hote toh kuch banta ... he asked me for money to set up an immigration business and that's the last I heard of him.
Biharis individually are capable of great things but there is something in the water in Bihar that makes them all retarded if they stay there . It's not a govmint problem .. Its a tatha praja tatha raja situation .
I have no idea how to fix this beyond a pradhan mantri gulag yojna.

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