Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

I’m banned from porkshitstani forum for talking facts with references!!
I was sincerely pointing out their birth secrets like how invader barbarians followed quran 9.5 to their forefathers and then followed quran 4.24 and sahih muslim 1456a and sahih Bukhari 9.93.506 on their grand grand moms that produced offspring’s with half chopped 🐓 and became today’s Pakistani muzaleems.

I wanted to educate them about their birth secrets but they banned me. Now I’m depressed.
So sad that Pakistani islamic musaleems don’t want to learn how they became a half chopped barbarians there.


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Indeed, literally.

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It Looks Hindus don’t know anything about Islam.
It’s allowed in Islam and even with that, one muslim will get heaven and 72 tight hoories which even allah cannot open. Meanwhile Hindus will suffer in burning hell till the end of time.

قوله وتواري حشفة في قبل أو دبر عليهما التواري في فرج البهيمة لا يوجب الغسل إلا بالإنزال

البحر الرائق شرح كنز الدقائق لزيد الدين إبن نجيم كتاب الطهارة

Regarding his [Al-Nasafi’s] words “and the concealment of the head of a penis in the front part or the rear; both require”. Concealment in animals' vaginas does not necessitate washing except in the case of discharge.
Ibn Nujaim, Al-bahr Al-ra’iq Sharh Kanz Al-daqa'iq [The Tranquil Sea in Exposition of the Treasure of the Finer Points], The book of purity
what so breaking is here?? what can pakistan provide to indonesia, except umma ka chumma. if i m not wrong indonesia helped (dont know directly or indirectly) pakistan in 1965 war, coz they want Andaman nicobar islands in Indonesia. if anyone know about it properly, plz explain for knowledge.
They claimed ANC to appease the domestic populace during their islamic nationalsim days until indian navy sailed a battlecruiser near their capital.
Pakis have no clue what India is becoming, do they?
They are very aware, but just can't get themselves to accept the reality due to decades of sem-to-sem teachings. Accepting that itbis NOT sem-to-sem would be disproving the two nation theory. Doesn't matter if it has been disproved time and again.
what so breaking is here?? what can pakistan provide to indonesia, except umma ka chumma. if i m not wrong indonesia helped (dont know directly or indirectly) pakistan in 1965 war, coz they want Andaman nicobar islands in Indonesia. if anyone know about it properly, plz explain for knowledge.
Nothing but 2-bit countries thinking they can do monkey balancing with India and Pakistan sem2sem like how we does with America and Russia but they lack the aukaat.
These inbreds are so predictable, you call them a shithole and they start posting pics of PoJK and PoGB and places surrounding them on top of the same islamabad pics to prove how they are not. Literally majority of their shithole is a desert, and what wasn't a desert is being turned into one by them.

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To escape with this reality of being a deserthole they soothe themselves by kanging over northern areas which have some lush greenery. Which is why I say, nothing will crush the ego more of a paki except the snatching of PoJK/PoGB and surrounding areas, worse if all of northern areas are lost. Again this is fiction, but just to tell the few ego boosters they have apart from "we havv nyuclear weapunz".


Btw I'm writing a detailed article on their behaviour, but it's very very slow as I lose interest writing a few lines every day.

I was watching USBRL railway updates and suddenly YT recommended this video of POK other side of LoC. So I casually watched and came to know the other side of the LoC in Kargil sector. We snatched back 4 villages in 1971. Turtuk and Tang is the last village on our side. The entire valley is on shyok river road built on banks of the river with small villages falling both sides of the river in the valley. If war broke out and GoI makes it mind we can easily march till skardu along this valley. Only hindrance would be the Porki Air base in Skardu and how we tackle it and replenish our troops with logistics in wintertime.
Take a look at it. We have built better infrastructure on our side now NH1 is nearing all weather connectivity with rail road and tunnels finishing


TLDR is that this human rights activist thinks that

>It was not TTP that stole uranium from the mine that they attacked, but Napaki Fauj using this as cover to sell Uranium to Iranis
>It was not TTP that "kidnapped" the nooklear sayansdaans but the Napaki Fauj who has now sent them to help Iran with their nooklear program
I was watching USBRL railway updates and suddenly YT recommended this video of POK other side of LoC. So I casually watched and came to know the other side of the LoC in Kargil sector. We snatched back 4 villages in 1971. Turtuk and Tang is the last village on our side. The entire valley is on shyok river road built on banks of the river with small villages falling both sides of the river in the valley. If war broke out and GoI makes it mind we can easily march till skardu along this valley. Only hindrance would be the Porki Air base in Skardu and how we tackle it and replenish our troops with logistics in wintertime.
Take a look at it. We have built better infrastructure on our side now NH1 is nearing all weather connectivity with rail road and tunnels finishing


Capturing POK is not the big deal. Especially the Gilgit baltistan region. They have limited access to the region from Mainland compared to us. Eg. Karakorum Road. But Azad Kashmir is an nightmare and also how we manage POK people. Either gain support from various ethnic groups.

Required both Military and Intelligence support to capture back.

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