Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

Half of what you've said is produced in India itself by their Aman ka Tamasha bum-buddies.
It is no surprise then that they repeat those things everywhere.

Librandus and Pakis both say that Chorgress was better for India than Modi's BJP for e.g

It's like their Eastern brozzers getting all gassed up by Shukr Coupta hyping their GDP per capita, rest of the darbari media repeating it and the end result is "O Pojeet, hom jyoda omeer hobe!"
Yup, from same thread.
We had a pakistanisms thread on DFI discussing exactly that. All of them are pre-programmed with tropes and opinions which are commonly found in every single one of them. And that includes "Indians are badly obsessed with us", "paxtan is wealthier than India", "Indian girls are dying for inbredistanis" and "all of India's money is in Adani's bank account". I've never in my life seen such mass-scale brainwashing that happens there through media by individuals who are delusional and narcissist w.r.t other countries.

Some retired General yaps "India wasting money in space, ports and weapons creating arms race in region instead of eradicating poverty and feeding it's people especially when billionaires in India have all the wealth" and the inbred believes it easily and spams it everywhere.
That's the difference between Pakistanis and human beings. Human beings at the very least try to use logic to arrive at sound conclusions. Pakistanis are lower than animals since they don't use their brains.
Even their cope about "hum aage thay unse, SUPARCO pehle bani" is hugely misconstrued. ISRO was indeed created 8 years after SUPARCO, but ISRO is a successor organization or even can be said as a rebranding of an earlier organisation called INCOSPAR which was set up in 1962 (a year behind SUPARCO 1961) which is in itself a successor to a space research department with in the Department of Atomic Agency (dating to mid to late 1950s). We had research institutions and labs dating to 1947 that started work on astronomy and space studies (radiation etc) started by Sarabhai himself (in his own residence before moving to bigger facilities). The only area they claim "first" is launching a sounding rockets earlier than us but even that was a derivative of the amreeki Nike series of sounding rockets (dont know how much was built in porkiland - but from what I gathered it was either completely assembled in pakiland, or some bits were manufactured and most of it was imported before assebly). I don't know how much of India's first sounding rocket (launched a year after pakis "own sounding rocket") was our own design/manufactured and how much was imported.

All their cope of "hum aage thay, hum first thay" is built on the usual lies and half truths their awam is fed.
The very earliest sounding rockets India had were imported from the US but the pioneering scientists working for INCOSPAR put together an indigenous model within 3 years. In the '60s, scientists from ISRO and it's predecessor as well as Pakistan's space program were given almost the same training with respect to running a space agency as well as operating sounding rockets at NASA's Goddard Space Centre (IIRC) with some exclusive stuff reserved for the Pakistanis because at that point of time, the Pakistanis had openly opted to side with the US in the cold war while India despite being on friendly terms with the US was largely neutral and engaged with the Soviet Union with the same respect as they engaged with the US. This is all covered very nicely in R. Aravamudan's biography 'ISRO - A Personal History'.
It's not that the differences in prosperity are already not visible between the both. They very well are.

This one ranks between 1-10








This one ranks between 90-100


And that's literally how their entire shithole looks. I had made an entire playlist of their 60-70 cities whose videos were available online before youthoob banned me for my uncensored comments on mlechhas kek. I will post the link of new playlist here once it's complete, as it barely takes anytime to get it redone, just that I'm lazy.
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It's not that the differences in prosperity are already not visible between the both. They very well are.

This one ranks between 1-10




This one ranks between 90-100

And that's literally how their entire shithole looks. I had made an entire playlist of their 60-70 cities whose videos were available online before youthoob banned me for my uncensored comments on mlechhas kek. I will post the link of new playlist here once it's complete, as it barely takes anytime to get it redone, just that I'm lazy.

Now here's the Indian equivalents











And if anyone thinks I'm being selective, rather I'm not. None of them are some fancy planned cities in the richest states here, and I abuse all of them for being sheitholes. But the shitholery of pakstan makes even them look heavenly. You will almost never find any hospitals, hotels, shopping malls, offices, plazas, branded retail outlets etc in their cities outside a few which are common everywhere in India.

If not for 5 video limits I could've posted dozens. Like here.

Not even surprising, their GDP per capita in reality is 4-5x less than India. Hence only a tiny portion of few of their cities looks presentable. India in front of them has a relatively larger portion of much higher number of cities presentable. And why China has far more cities than India with even higher portion of their area being very well presentable. The wealthier you are, the more cities you have and much larger portion of them are urban, otherwise majority of your cities remain like villages and those who are not will have most of it's area resembling villages.

Pretty much why pakis have nothing to show outside islamabad and lahore-karachi cantts and housing societies as everything outside it is an urban village and their economy is too shallow to create new greenfield and brownfield cities. While chinese have all their cities and very large portion of those cities resembling like proper cities and not small towns/villages. Hope ya'll understand what I'm trying to say.
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These are their karachi "suburbs" (equivalents of Borivali, Kandivali etc in Mumbai)

What makes it even worse is the fact that these were "planned" areas that today are slums. Orangi is infact worlds largest slum even though it was also built as a planned subcity like how DDA built Dwarka, Rohini etc in Delhi as planned subcities.

95% of the country resembles Somalia but delusion nahi rukni chahiye :lol:
Leave their other cities, even their "financial capital" has the above as it's suburbs, as I mentioned before.

Meanwhile these are Mumbai suburbs.



Now again, these aren't some posh downtown areas of Mumbai or "slums" of Karachi as pakis pretend them to be whenever you point this out to them. They'll call you selective whenever you point the actual difference out but this is actually true. Like that's obvious with 4-5x difference in GDP per capita. These inbreds don't realise when we abuse Mumbai and other Indian cities of being shitholes, we do so while comparing it with other major cities of the world, especially Chinese not paki or kanglu. That certainly doesn't make it equal to Karachi or sem2sem as other paki shitholes. Abdul reads on reddit seeing Indians blackpilling over India and the low IQ inbred brain thinks "ahh sem2sem here as well in paxtan".
Cuck has probably copied the entire paragraph wholesale & replaced Paxtan with India. Haven't seen such cucks even on PDF and there were a few there most notably Joe Shearer.
I asked a few weeks back if it's ok to name a certain pee dee eff indian mod in the brown coolie thread or if it was haram. No body replied, looks like I am not the only one here who sees what dum dum Joe really is. Honestly the pandering to every other nationality on that form, the a$$ kissing, all that India bashing he does, its like he is a softer version of Jayant Bhandari. Maybe they are related.
I asked a few weeks back if it's ok to name a certain pee dee eff indian mod in the brown coolie thread or if it was haram. No body replied, looks like I am not the only one here who sees what dum dum Joe really is. Honestly the pandering to every other nationality on that form, the a$$ kissing, all that India bashing he does, its like he is a softer version of Jayant Bhandari. Maybe they are related.
No clue how many years you've spent in forums . I've been seeing his shenanigans off & on since 2010 at least if not earlier.

There are others here who've been seeing it continuously though since around the same time .
No clue how many years you've spent in forums . I've been seeing his shenanigans off & on since 2010 at least if not earlier.

There are others here who've been seeing it continuously though since around the same time .
I have been visiting forums on and off for nearly 16 years, only been more active last 2 3 years. I had a more positive opinion of Joe untill he became a mod and it almost looks like he sold his soul to the devil for this position. He's become a lot more cucky since he became mod.
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I have been visiting forums on and off for nearly 16 years, only been more active last 2 3 years. I had a more positive opinion of Joe untill he became a mod and it almost looks like he sold his soul to the devil for this position. He's become a lot more cucky since he became mod.
No clue what your impressions of him were earlier & on what basis or even what he's upto now since I haven't visited PDF since ages but he's always kissed arse there .

That's the reason he was made Professional in the old PDF on account of working in some DPSU or some associated lab of DRDO whereas the right definition of it is an ex serviceman.

If he's been made moderator his kissing arse would only have gone up a few notches.

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