Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

"O Kuffar, Hamare paas Aatam Bumba hy, tumhay jala ke raakh kar dengay"

>Kuffar also has Atom Bomb and in equal-equal quantities

"O Kuffar, to kya hua ky tum $4 trillion ekanamy walay ho, hamara by $2 trillion undakumented hy!"

>TFW Kuffar also has "undocumented economy" in addition to "documented" economy :bplease:

All their copes and boasts make 0 sense
What an irony, Ahmadis were the ones who created Pakistan. Allama Iqbal was an Ahmadi, Zia-ul-Haq was an Ahmadi, and the term "Pakistan" was also coined by an Ahmadi.
Ahmadis were also considered to be the direct descendants of Allah in Pakistan.
What an irony, Ahmadis were the ones who created Pakistan. Allama Iqbal was an Ahmadi, Zia-ul-Haq was an Ahmadi, and the term "Pakistan" was also coined by an Ahmadi.
Ahmadis were also considered to be the direct descendants of Allah in Pakistan.

It's the same story with the Shias as well. Each of these minority sects desperately try to prove that they are more Islamic than the majority but still end up getting wiped out nevertheless. Once these minority sects are culled, they'll start fighting and killing within their own sect(Barelvi vs Deobandi). Story of Islam since 1400 years.
It's the same story with the Shias as well. Each of these minority sects desperately try to prove that they are more Islamic than the majority but still end up getting wiped out nevertheless. Once these minority sects are culled, they'll start fighting and killing within their own sect(Barelvi vs Deobandi). Story of Islam since 1400 years.
Darwinullah's Theory- Survival of the Purest
It's the same story with the Shias as well. Each of these minority sects desperately try to prove that they are more Islamic than the majority but still end up getting wiped out nevertheless. Once these minority sects are culled, they'll start fighting and killing within their own sect(Barelvi vs Deobandi). Story of Islam since 1400 years.
They are basically killing the descendants of Allah in the name of Allah. From an Islamic point of view, Ahmadis should be worshipped because they are Allah.
The descendants of Allah are also Allah, which is why Qadiani Muslims are Allah because they are His descendants, according to Punjabi Islam and not to mention The Qadiani Quran is the only authentic Quran with a true prophet, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani. There is no proof of Muhammad or Mecca either.
Is this levina a member of pakiland defence forum? I don’t know last 3-4 years status, but I used to see this name. Is it the same person?
Despite what we say, mudizee's strategy to ignore pakistan has worked greatly, article 370 issue died down so quickly, it's pretty much unbelievable. I for once thought India will have to go through israel levels of libel on international stage after that, but it's surprising how easily world moved on.

Paxtan imploding from within, taliban's return working in our favour, it's upto see how things work out 5-10 from now, when economic gap will be wider between india and pak. This is one of most significant thing that most people completely missed, about how pakistan disappeared from indian policy discussion post 2019.
Actually if underground considered then pakistan's economy is over 10 trillions as they have so many oil & gas reserves uNdErGroUnD
Add to that the new gold reserves that they find almost every year...
Actually if underground considered then pakistan's economy is over 10 trillions as they have so many oil & gas reserves uNdErGroUnD
Yes huge reserves of Snake Oil and PindiChana gas..

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