Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

Despite what we say, mudizee's strategy to ignore pakistan has worked greatly, article 370 issue died down so quickly, it's pretty much unbelievable. I for once thought India will have to go through israel levels of libel on international stage after that, but it's surprising how easily world moved on.

Paxtan imploding from within, taliban's return working in our favour, it's upto see how things work out 5-10 from now, when economic gap will be wider between india and pak. This is one of most significant thing that most people completely missed, about how pakistan disappeared from indian policy discussion post 2019.
good...but kasmir should be last place to get any government benefit, budget, infrastructure etc...all other states nd UT should be given first priority. even before kashmir, we should develop jammu nd ladhakh first. ladhakh is far better than kashmir in tourism nd natural beauty. jammu is also beautiful, but its tourism not highlighted or popularized like kashmir. these traitors should be treated as worst citizen of india. same thing should be do with others traitors in india. we need to prioritise or gift nationalist people nd state first. kashmir is getting more priority than many other cities etc. in defense, these type of expenses is justified. but not in infrastructure nd facilities.
Despite what we say, mudizee's strategy to ignore pakistan has worked greatly, article 370 issue died down so quickly, it's pretty much unbelievable. I for once thought India will have to go through israel levels of libel on international stage after that, but it's surprising how easily world moved on.

Paxtan imploding from within, taliban's return working in our favour, it's upto see how things work out 5-10 from now, when economic gap will be wider between india and pak. This is one of most significant thing that most people completely missed, about how pakistan disappeared from indian policy discussion post 2019.

That's only because Israel's existence is an affront to the Oily Arab's honor, so he uses his oil bux to promote anti-Israel propaganda.

Meanwhile nobody outside of Packistan cares about Cashmere, even those that do it's way below on their priority list, and as for it's various patrons, they don't find it worthwhile to ungli today's India like they used to do with the bhookha, nanga, gareeb India of decades past.

It's a combination of us getting stronger and Mudi baba rightfully ignoring the little tinpot Jamhooriyat next door, so as to show that they are not equal-equal and sem2sem as us.
Math in Porkiland works differently? someone tell me how this works....

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