So what I got from saurav jha's recent past couple of episodes of IAH is
1) The only thing we lack compared to GE, Safran etc is DATA, which they aquire through years of iterative development, flying and productionizing. And no amount of TOT is going to help bridge this gap. THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS
2) GTRE has solved all the teething issue of kaveri and has been waiting for govt nod to integrate it to LCA
3) Kaveri has aachieved it's dry thrust goal of 50kn but missed it's wet thrust and currently stands at 76kn. It is also overweight by a couple of hundred kgs
4) GTRE and it's indutrial patners has the technological capability/capacity to achieve the 80kn wet thrust without changing kaveri's core. The end result will still be overweight compared to f404 but not by much
So what's the best way to move forward in our complex Indian scenario
To me the path with least resistance, least time, least capex expenditure or r&d cost in productionizing an Indian TF engine, is replacing f414 in TEDBF with kaveri
1) TEDBF with twin kaveri satisfy every parameter of IN carrier aircraft requirement
2) It will be safer to put kaveri in a twin engine aircraft rather than lca
3) IN is already hedging it's carrier aircraft bet by importing Rafales. So there should be no problem in backing TEDBF powered by kaveri
4) Iterative development won't work without productionizing an Indian TF engine first
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