Idiotic Musings from the West

Most likely they are trying to cash in on the controversy but we can't ignore the fact that the gooks have some ill faith insecurities towards us.
Maybe it's a desire to paint themselves as the better immigrants (honorary white).
Based on what I know, featured gook is a failed actor who d*ckrides MAGAtards for some quick elonbucks on xitter. Tried to wade in on the H1B thingy but got harassed and doxxed by our e-lashkars. Did a little 'chud-cast' to take out his impotent rage on a channel few would even bother to check out (because he is not important enough to be featured on bigger channels).

My personal reading is that a lot of memberans are probably taking this thing way too seriously. These 4cuck pigskins do not matter in real life. It is pointless to get enraged by their takes.
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Both seem like mentally retarded and perhaps represent the bottom of Korean society IQwise

I'd say they most likely represent the average Gorean. But this amount of bootlicking is to be expected anyways since its one of the few countries that owe their identity and existence to the gora.

They simply wouldn't even exist if the Yankee didn't give #Phulsapport during the Korean war.
I'd say they most likely represent the average Gorean. But this amount of bootlicking is to be expected anyways since its one of the few countries that owe their identity and existence to the gora.

They simply wouldn't even exist if the Yankee didn't give #Phulsapport during the Korean war.

Gorean President -

Are Elon & Trump planning something globally? Or just a coincidence that Elon has publicly supported right wing governments in Canada, Germany, UK?
Are Elon & Trump planning something globally? Or just a coincidence that Elon has publicly supported right wing governments in Canada, Germany, UK?
Elmo has fallen out with Nigel Farage, no?

Nigel Farage said something against Elon,

He cannot help it now, can he? Reform UK is a registered ltd company and Farage owns over 50% of it (not kidding; check it out). Elmo is a mere outsider for him.
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Mate, I see you making similar posts time and time again so I am repeating what I told to @/bong. These chuds do not have access to political or socio-economic power centres and are too few to matter. Them yapping means fuck all. So laugh on these pigs and move on; taking them this seriously is pointless.

Quoted 'podcast' has less than 5k likes; random vlogs made by Sunderban fishermen recieve more likes.
Their opinion won't change anything on the ground for sure but it makes us understand who our enemies are. Lets not keep our eyes blind just because it doesn't matter. Also Japanese, South Koreans, Americans, in fact the whole Western socity keep the same twisted opinion on us. We need to let our unpaddd clueless population be aware about world perception so that they stop cock sucking & get out of their delusional spectrum. Learn from Chinese. The majority of their population don't understand English & still they've been able to put their country mainstream amid all negative things. Perception matters when you want to put yourself as a civilizational power & play your influence, else get shitted on for life.
Other option to increase your economy & improve your hygiene sense to a point that people start to respect you again which isn't happening soon.
Are Elon & Trump planning something globally? Or just a coincidence that Elon has publicly supported right wing governments in Canada, Germany, UK?

musk did say after their voting day, when republicans were feeding him "george soros of the right" chooran for a few days, that he would back conservative political movements in other countries(presumably gora countries). can't recall whether it was a tweet or speech.
Their opinion won't change anything on the ground for sure but it makes us understand who our enemies are. Lets not keep our eyes blind just because it doesn't matter. Also Japanese, South Koreans, Americans, in fact the whole Western socity keep the same twisted opinion on us. We need to let our unpaddd clueless population be aware about world perception so that they stop cock sucking & get out of their delusional spectrum. Learn from Chinese. The majority of their population don't understand English & still they've been able to put their country mainstream amid all negative things. Perception matters when you want to put yourself as a civilizational power & play your influence, else get shitted on for life.
Other option to increase your economy & improve your hygiene sense to a point that people start to respect you again which isn't happening soon.

Based on the perception surveys conducted globally (by PEW etc) most outsiders seem to have a (somewhat) positive or neutral opinion on us. Russia and china are some of the nations who do poorly on these surveys but I doubt they care.

I can agree that perception matters (to an extent) but is the avg goroid active on xitter or 4cuck? Are your sample spaces fairly distributed?
Their opinion won't change anything on the ground for sure but it makes us understand who our enemies are. Lets not keep our eyes blind just because it doesn't matter. Also Japanese, South Koreans, Americans, in fact the whole Western socity keep the same twisted opinion on us. We need to let our unpaddd clueless population be aware about world perception so that they stop cock sucking & get out of their delusional spectrum. Learn from Chinese. The majority of their population don't understand English & still they've been able to put their country mainstream amid all negative things. Perception matters when you want to put yourself as a civilizational power & play your influence, else get shitted on for life.
Other option to increase your economy & improve your hygiene sense to a point that people start to respect you again which isn't happening soon.
I know why this is an issue—the majority are fed the kool-aid of "Vasudaiva Kutumbakam," believing that if you're a nice guy, you'll be left alone and no one will bother you. There's also this notion, another kool-aid spread post-WW2, that governments are only evil while people are not—this is the biggest lie. After all, "Democracies" caused most of the misery post-WW2, like the Great Satan and its allies, but do plastic dolls crap on them? No. It's like a randi fawning over a misogynistic rich person and shitting on a nice guy who did no harm to others.

The default notion is that people are, in fact, more brainwashed and evil than governments. These people only fear one thing—strength. A Viswacoolie-like meek mentality only attracts mockery.
Based on the perception surveys conducted globally (by PEW etc) most outsiders seem to have a (somewhat) positive or neutral opinion on us. Russia and china are some of the nations who do poorly on these surveys but I doubt they care.

I can agree that perception matters (to an extent) but is the avg goroid active on xitter or 4cuck? Are your sample spaces fairly distributed?
PEWs are surveyed on a small number of people as well. PEW's sample size is way smaller than even 5% of Twitter users Lol Go to Instagram once. World's 25% population use it. Majority may not comment but they engage on it regularly. Now it's escalating to the ground level.
That's not that point though. Their hate against Russia, China based is based on economic rivalry, espionage, influence, military power. Hate against us is based on hygiene, caste system, migration, so called crime rate. Facts or not, doesn't matter. This preception has been set through social media only. Deliberately or not doesn't matter.
They also know that we are dominating them. They just don't want to agree with it. We have failed to capitalise our population & counter their narrative.
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I think this was bound to happen. It sucks that we were the receipients of it, but it would have happened to other races or groups (illegal Mexicans) if the shots weren't fired at us.
The world is moving towards conservatism due to fear of native culture being lost due to migration. I knew that this day was coming.

My prediction is that, it would happen in Europe and Australia too, if immigration there doesn't slow down remarkably. It just needs someone to start the flames. Afterall they are grappling with the Islamists, but who knows they might suddenly change directions and come at us with pitchforks.

Many people(including westerners) don't realize, that the west is an ideological empire.

Their success has always ridden on how much individual prosperity they can provide/promise vs your indigenous culture(with varying levels of success ofc) and proclaim their "virtues" while they're preaching. They have used this ideological-credo offensively even - the Brits didn't care about the atrocities in the Congo when they made a fuss about "muh Belgium is big meanies & we are anti-slavery", they just didn't want European competitors(France and Belgium) to grow economically or gain a foothold in Central Africa.

Many also don't recognize how dependent the West is on the rest of the Global South believing that the West is equitable and accepting, and this "branding" filters down to the success of their markets, their pop-culture exports, their companies, their militaries, etc.

When this mirage disappears, they'll soon realize how dependent their economies have been on regurgitating the sham of, "muh liberal-world supapawaah will lead us all to Star Trek utopia......but us will remain at the top still, and you keep slogging for us".

The western conservatives/dissident-right otoh, have never lived in a world where they faced true competition/relative-competition. They think, things were always meant to be great for them and if they vie for traditionalism, and urge their politicians to go back to how things were, the good ol days will magically reappear. The truth is, the normie westerner, in recent history at least, has thrived because its leaders impoverished the Global-South and by technocratic and bureaucratic finagalling eg. Bretton-Woods, etc.

What happened with Pax-Romana, with Pax-Britanica is happening with Pax-Americana and these are just the initial rumblings.
Back in 1800s, even racist, proto-reactionaries like Thomas Carlyle were beginning to see the writings on the wall and were coping way, way before the US even began angling for Britain to resign from empire around the world wars.

What happened with Indians dominating the tech sector was always going to happen, because for all their talk of "individualism", American tech workers are simply not as efficient collectively.

And when the truth is out on the plate, and they can't digest it, that's when people become angsty and reactionary, especially when their over-indulgent lifestyles, seemingly can't persist while ACTUALLY competing.

What do they say? "There's levels to this thing".

No amount of reactionary thought/philosophies or reactionary violence will change what's coming for Pax-Americana.

Also, they can increase their introductory wages, they can force the TCS, the Cognizants, etc to give preference to Americans or kick these companies out entirely or any other artificial tactic to satiate the fuming mobs, it's not gonna change anything.
That is, either these tech jobs will be cut to the barest minimum and/or outsourced back to India:ROFLMAO:. At least with Indian companies insourcing Indians in the US, most of the money stayed in the US all the while sucking in wealth from the rest of the world into the US.
The trend towards outsourcing was more or less happening before the H1B boom because it was the natural progression of things.
NO COMPANY is going to eat the losses to subsidize American work culture.
Americans were never going to get those jobs, the cost and inefficiency was just too high with all locals.
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PEWs are surveyed on a small number of people as well. PEW's sample size is way smaller than even 5% of Twitter users Lol Go to Instagram once.

There is this thing called 'sampling'.

A tiny unbiased sample can predict the behavior of a large population. It is precisely why the discipline of statistics was invented.

Chuds are the most visible group on xitter right now. Hardly a fair sample.

You can look up other perception surveys too btw. PEW isn't the only org to conduct one.
World's 25% population use it. Majority may not comment but they engage on it regularly. Now it's escalating to the ground level.

Again. There is a reason why we do 'sampling'. Else, we would base our samplings on SM comments. It would be cheaper too because sampling is very costly.

That's not that point though. Their hate against Russia, China based is based on economic rivalry, espionage, influence, military power. Hate against us is based on hygiene, caste system, migration, so called crime rate. Facts or not, doesn't matter.

I am saying this for the last time (probably sounding like a broken record atp), the avg goroid does not care about India. They won't be able to locate India on the global map. Heck, some even think that India is in Africa (because Indians do not look like East Asians who they call 'Asians' - no, I am not kidding).

Memberans are wasting their energies by 'monitoring' random chuds.

This preception has been set through social media only. Deliberately or not doesn't matter.
They also know that we are dominating them. They just don't want to agree with it. We have failed to capitalise our population & counter their narrative.

Disagree. E-lashkars are way more active on FB and Insta. Even on xitter, Indians are the only non gora grp who fight back against pigskins (not always, but quite frequently) - despite Elmo boosting blue tick chud accounts and a rigged algorithm.

Either way, the most vocal anti-India accounts belong to any of the following 2 categories;

1. Islamists.
2. Rednecks.

The first grp would always hate you (irrespective of what you do) but gets e-lynched very nicely on every SM platform (plenty of anti islamist material floating around).

The 2nd grp is heavily heavily censored on every major SM platform (barring xitter, because it went full 4cuck long back). But this grp has zero purchasing/political/socio-economic power and will only yap on 4cuck, 9fag etc.
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Two South Korean Ling Lings say South Indians don't come to USA. They're poor. Only rich selected few Brahmins come.
Dude just collected a few terms from Google & had to use it within a limited span of time.

Yeah, saw their take on the recent South-Korean coup attempt, it was hillarious.
They have such cognitive dissonance - they know US was and has been interefering and probably was the cause but they have been so culturally-cucked that they still ended up simping for US.
Not idiotic musings from a right wing American journalists travel to India :

Probably the best take on India from a non-Indian, I've come across in ages.
Not idiotic musings from a right wing American journalists travel to India :

on the malaria bit in the blog, the sentiment he is expressing is the same sentiment that used to be expressed for hepatitus b and HIV in the 90's.

in the interview below, Varaprasad reddy the founder of shantha biotech which produced the first hep-b vaccine in India talks about his experience when he attended a biotech conference in the U.S/west. he says, the reason goras were so interested in vaccinating the "third world" in 80's and 90's, is because goras didn't want to catch hep-b and HIV during their sex trips to the "third world" and bring it back to their own countries.

and interestingly, it's these active malaria(communicable disease) and HIV public health programs that saved India during pandemic. it's this public health infrastructure that was adapted to handle chini virus, which "advanced economies" didn't have.

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you can thank ram madhav for this.

There is a lesson, the republicans and even the MAGA crowd can learn from BJP electoral success.

The recent diatribe from sections of MAGA against Indians vis a vis H1B visas and Vivek could have been avoided.
Here was a chance for them to do something that would pull Indians to Republicans from predominantly Democrats.
But, these idiots went the other way and took a piss on people who are perhaps the model citizens in US as a society. If you leave religion aside, there are common family values that are shared across both communities.

The lesson to Republicans here was that they were presented Indian support on a platter and they failed to grab it.
BJP hardly makes these mistakes.
In fact one of the BJP's biggest mistake as per their supporters is not reacting to everything and keeping mum.
All Republicans had to do was keep mum and that could have come across as better.

Having this guy go back to US and tell the MAGA clowns that there are many shared values between the Hindutva and them could be a positive.
They clearly need our support and we definitely need theirs.

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