Idiotic Musings from the West


‘Censor speech, and we won’t fine you’: Elon Musk reveals ‘secret deal’ offered by EU as it accuses X of breaching DSA online content rules​

"The European Commission offered 𝕏 an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us. The other platforms accepted that deal. 𝕏 did not," Musk tweeted.


Diyanka Tripathi and her husband robbed in Europe
The actor reached out to the local police but found no help. They dismissed their case, saying that without CCTV cameras in that specific area, they can’t help them.
If this had happened to an European in india it would had turned into an international affair by now. With Indians blackpilling in mass
Diyanka Tripathi and her husband robbed in Europe
The actor reached out to the local police but found no help. They dismissed their case, saying that without CCTV cameras in that specific area, they can’t help them.
If this had happened to an European in india it would had turned into an international affair by now. With Indians blackpilling in mass
How can we get this mass reported?

That isnt why the Roman empire died.
Roman empire died due to a combination of factors, none of which is the new 'joo 2.0' religion.

Firstly, the biggest problem for Rome was the trade deficit they ran with India for close to 300 years of trade. Pliny the elder whines that the tastes of the Roman elites - from spices to cotton togas ( back then cotton only grew in India, a plant native to India), ultramarine ( which is ground up lapiz lazuli, found only in India-Afghanistan border regions ( badakhshan i believe) colours, etc- would bankrupt the roman empire ( they ran a trade deficit of something ridiculous, like 100 million sistercii per year, which converts to like 25 million denarius per year, aka 25 million gold coins of the highest denomination in the Roman empire/republic).
Pliny whined around 70 CE that this kind of deficit would bankrupt the empire and by 300s CE, Rome was flat broke, a big indication of which, is that unlike from late Republic and early Empire years, now the Roman soldiers were expected to provide their own weapons and armor, leading to vast drop in quality and consistency of the arms in the military, affecting roman army tactics, as Romans were formation fighters, not individual warriors.

Secondly, the biggest reason was the barbarian invasions. But not in the straightforward sense of 'rome got owned by germanic barbarians and they took over', since Rome was an expert in killing germanic tribes since the times of Julius Caesar.
What happened, due to the abovementioned reason #1, is that Rome was unable to continue its policy of dispersing germanic tribe influxes throughout the empire, due to lacking funds and by 300s CE, started granting status of Foedorati ( thats where the term federation comes from fyi) : where now, invading barbarians like Goths and Visigoths were given a contiguous chunk of land to settle in, inside the Roman empire, upon condition that they provide troops and supplies to the Roman empire.
By the 400s CE, Roman armies were mostly made up of the Foedorati contingents and once Western Rome entered a period of sustained decline due to poor rulership and succession disputes, the Foedorati just simply started to rebel and Rome didnt have the manpower to deal with them.

Finally, came Atilla the hun - he demonstrated to the Germanics that Rome is cannot defend its entire frontier with the germanics due to reason #1 and #2, where often a lot of the foedorati would refuse to fight their kin on the other side of the border.

These are the three main reasons for the collapse of the Roman empire. Christianity retarded their progress and scientific development pretty much came to a grinding halt in the western world between 300s CE and 1300s CE, thanks to idiot desert demon religion.
official account of a popular TV show in the US spreading hatred against Indians.

View attachment 2653

This is not some white incel stuff but a Warner Brothers TV series official page. I think a lawsuit should be filed against the company.
This is what I was talking about yesterday,on the paki thread. This tweet has got 26K likes as of now.
official account of a popular TV show in the US spreading hatred against Indians.

View attachment 2653

This is not some white incel stuff but a Warner Brothers TV series official page. I think a lawsuit should be filed against the company.
Not an official account. It's a fan page run by an individual.
Will JioCinema remove it now or still keep it?

Not many watch this show in India, so removing it from Jiocinema playlist will have no impact.

Rather India should tighten its grip on Twitter and Instagram.

They have zero, I mean absolute zero rights to even complain about immigration. That entire continent was almost empty a couple hundred years ago. These wignats then come in, bring in their slaves,
genocide the natives and now talk about it as if their ancestors had owned the place since 1000 BC. Our mass colonization project is in full swing and except for coping on the wignat platforms like 'X', there is nothing they can do about it.
They have zero, I mean absolute zero rights to even complain about immigration. That entire continent was almost empty a couple hundred years ago. These wignats then come in, bring in their slaves,
genocide the natives and now talk about it as if their ancestors had owned the place since 1000 BC. Our mass colonization project is in full swing and except for coping on the wignat platforms like 'X', there is nothing they can do about it.
They can't do anything but whine and cope about blacks and muslims on majority cases.
But,they can(and will) target the NRIs in the future,since they think that "pajeits will never fight back so we should target them"(they have already started it tbh). NRIs must return or if they live in those pigskin nations,they better arm themselves,learn fighting and most importantly,stick together as a community.
(If we want our colonization project to go on)
They can't do anything but whine and cope about blacks and muslims on majority cases.
But,they can(and will) target the NRIs in the future,since they think that "pajeits will never fight back so we should target them"(they have already started it tbh). NRIs must return or if they live in those pigskin nations,they better arm themselves,learn fighting and most importantly,stick together as a community.

Trust me they can't really do much. Indians are already close to 5M in the US alone, majority of them being Hindus and is increasing quite rapidly. We are one of the fastest growing demographic in NA.

They will cope and seethe about it online, but in the real world they can't to shit. Most of these wignats have always been like that- they try to act like aryan chads online, but pussies in the real world.

But you're right about the NRI's though, in general they're scared of retaliation. They have to stick together and act as if they own the f'ing place .i.e not behaving like they're some guests in this country. They need to cultivate the same mindset at Nijjers and muzzies.
They can't do anything but whine and cope about blacks and muslims on majority cases.
But,they can(and will) target the NRIs in the future,since they think that "pajeits will never fight back so we should target them"(they have already started it tbh). NRIs must return or if they live in those pigskin nations,they better arm themselves,learn fighting and most importantly,stick together as a community.
(If we want our colonization project to go on)
indian origin people need to fight back in foreign land also...we saw them run away from Uganda, fiji etc.. when native people attack them. but they show resistance in south africa recently, which is good thing👍. they need to little bit aggressive in foreign land, timid people cant survive in kalyug.


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